require File.expand_path('spec/spec_helper') describe Ruco::Editor do def write(content),'w'){|f| f.write(content) } end let(:editor){, :lines => 3, :columns => 5, :line_scrolling_offset => 5, :column_scrolling_offset => 5) } before do @file = 'spec/temp.txt' end it "reads tab as spaces" do write("\t\ta") editor.view.should == " a\n\n\n" end describe :move do before do write(" \n \n ") end it "starts at 0,0" do editor.cursor.should == [0,0] end it "can move" do editor.move(1,2) editor.cursor.should == [1,2] editor.move(1,1) editor.cursor.should == [2,3] end it "can move in empty file" do write("\n\n\n") editor.move(2,0) editor.cursor.should == [2,0] end it "cannot move left/top off screen" do editor.move(-1,-1) editor.cursor.should == [0,0] end it "cannot move right of characters" do editor.move(2,6) editor.cursor.should == [2,4] end it "gets reset to empty line when moving past lines" do write(" ") editor.move(6,3) editor.cursor.should == [1,0] end describe 'column scrolling' do it "can scroll columns" do write("123456789\n123") editor.move(0,4) editor.view.should == "12345\n123\n\n" editor.cursor_column.should == 4 editor.move(0,1) editor.view.should == "6789\n\n\n" editor.cursor_column.should == 0 end it "cannot scroll past the screen" do write('123456789') editor.move(0,4) 6.times{ editor.move(0,1) } editor.view.should == "6789\n\n\n" editor.cursor_column.should == 4 end it "can scroll columns backwards" do write('123456789') editor.move(0,5) editor.view.should == "6789\n\n\n" editor.move(0,-1) editor.view.should == "12345\n\n\n" editor.cursor_column.should == 4 end end describe 'line scrolling' do before do write("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9") end it "can scroll lines down (at maximum of screen size)" do editor.move(2,0) editor.view.should == "1\n2\n3\n" editor.move(1,0) editor.view.should == "4\n5\n6\n" editor.cursor_line.should == 0 end it "can scroll till end of file" do editor.move(15,0) editor.view.should == "\n\n\n" editor.cursor_line.should == 0 end end end describe :move_to_eol do before do write("\n aa \n ") end it 'stays at start when line is empty' do editor.move_to_eol editor.cursor.should == [0,0] end it 'moves after last word if cursor was before it' do editor.move(1,1) editor.move_to_eol editor.cursor.should == [1,3] end it 'moves after last whitespace if cursor was after last word' do editor.move(1,3) editor.move_to_eol editor.cursor.should == [1,4] end it 'moves after last work if cursor was after last whitespace' do editor.move(1,4) editor.move_to_eol editor.cursor.should == [1,3] end end describe :move_to_bol do before do write("\n aa \n ") end it 'stays at start when line is empty' do editor.move_to_bol editor.cursor.should == [0,0] end it 'moves before first work if at start of line' do editor.move(1,0) editor.move_to_bol editor.cursor.should == [1,2] end it 'moves to start of line if before first word' do editor.move(1,1) editor.move_to_bol editor.cursor.should == [1,0] editor.move(0,2) editor.move_to_bol editor.cursor.should == [1,0] end it 'moves before first word if inside line' do editor.move(1,5) editor.move_to_bol editor.cursor.should == [1,2] end end describe :find do before do write("\n ab\n ab") end it "moves to first occurrence" do editor.find('ab') editor.cursor.should == [1,1] end it "moves to next occurrence" do editor.move(1,1) editor.find('ab') editor.cursor.should == [2,1] end it "stays in place when nothing was found" do editor.move(2,1) editor.find('ab') editor.cursor.should == [2,1] end end describe :view do before do write('') end it "displays an empty screen" do editor.view.should == "\n\n\n" end it "displays short file content" do write('xxx') editor.view.should == "xxx\n\n\n" end it "displays long file content" do write('1234567') editor.view.should == "12345\n\n\n" end it "displays multiline-file content" do write("xxx\nyyy\nzzz\niii") editor.view.should == "xxx\nyyy\nzzz\n" end end describe :insert do before do write('') end it "can insert new chars" do write('123') editor.move(0,1) editor.insert('ab') editor.view.should == "1ab23\n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,3] end it "can insert new newlines" do editor.insert("ab\nc") editor.view.should == "ab\nc\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [1,1] end it "jumps to correct column when inserting newline" do write("abc\ndefg") editor.move(1,2) editor.insert("1\n23") editor.view.should == "abc\nde1\n23fg\n" editor.cursor.should == [2,2] end it "jumps to correct column when inserting 1 newline" do write("abc\ndefg") editor.move(1,2) editor.insert("\n") editor.view.should == "abc\nde\nfg\n" editor.cursor.should == [2,0] end it "can add newlines to the end" do write('') editor.insert("\n") editor.insert("\n") editor.cursor.should == [2,0] end it "can add newlines to the moveable end" do write('') editor.move(1,0) editor.insert("\n") editor.cursor.should == [2,0] end it "inserts tab as spaces" do editor.insert("\t") editor.view.should == " \n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,2] end end describe :save do it 'stores the file' do write('xxx') editor.insert('a') == 'axxx' end it 'creates the file' do `rm #{@file}` editor.insert('a') == 'a' end end describe :delete do it 'removes a char' do write('123') editor.delete(1) editor.view.should == "23\n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,0] end it 'removes a line' do write("123\n45") editor.move(0,3) editor.delete(1) editor.view.should == "12345\n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,3] end it "cannot backspace over 0,0" do write("aa") editor.move(0,1) editor.delete(-3) editor.view.should == "a\n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,0] end it 'backspaces a char' do write('123') editor.move(0,3) editor.delete(-1) editor.view.should == "12\n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,2] end it 'backspaces a newline' do write("1\n234") editor.move(1,0) editor.delete(-1) editor.view.should == "1234\n\n\n" editor.cursor.should == [0,1] end end describe :changes? do it "is unchanged by default" do editor.modified?.should == false end it "is changed after insert" do editor.insert('x') editor.modified?.should == true end it "is changed after delete" do editor.delete(1) editor.modified?.should == true end it "is not changed after move" do editor.move(1,1) editor.modified?.should == false end it "is unchanged after save" do editor.insert('x') editor.modified?.should == false end end end