# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 The Rubyists, LLC (effortless systems) # Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. # See the LICENSE file that accompanied this software for the full MIT License text # #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require "seedling/extensions/inflector" ### This module offers the functionality to create. module Seedling module Bin class Cmd # This class contains the command methods {{{ #include Helpers attr_accessor :command def initialize(args = nil) args ||= ARGV raise "arguments must be an array!" unless args.respond_to?(:detect) @ourargs = args.dup @command = args.detect { |arg| arg.match(/^(?:--?)?(?:plant|create|h(?:elp)?|v(?:ersion)?|console)/) } if command.nil? @command = "" else args.delete(@command) end ARGV.replace(args) end # {{{ #run is called when we're interactive ($0 == __FILE__) def self.run(args = nil) cmd = new(args) case cmd.command when /^(?:--?)?(?:plant|create)$/ require "seedling/project_creator" cmd.plant(cmd.command) when /^(?:--?)?console$/ require "irb" require "irb/completion" cmd.include_seedling IRB.start puts "Seedling session has ended." when /^(?:--?)?h(elp)?$/ puts cmd.usage when /^(?:--?)?v(ersion)?$/ cmd.include_seedling puts Seedling::VERSION exit when /^$/ raise "Must supply a valid command\n\n" + cmd.usage else raise "invalid arguments #{args.join(" ")}\n\n" + cmd.usage end end # }}} def include_seedling # {{{ begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../lib') require 'seedling' rescue LoadError $LOAD_PATH.shift begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'seedling' end end # }}} def usage # {{{ txt = [ "\n Usage:", "seedling PROJECT [options]\n", "Commands:\n", " plant - Creates a new prototype Seedling application in a directory named PROJECT in", " the current directory. seedling create foo would make ./foo containing a", " seedling prototype.\n", " create - Synonymous with plant.\n", " console - Starts an irb console with seedling (and irb completion) loaded.", " ARGV is passed on to IRB.\n\n" ].join("\n\t") txt << "* All commands take PROJECT as the directory the seedling lives in.\n\n" txt << plant_options.to_s << "\n" #if is_windows? #txt << %x{ruby #{rackup_path} --help}.split("\n").reject { |line| line.match(/^Usage:/) }.join("\n\t") #else #txt << %x{#{rackup_path} --help}.split("\n").reject { |line| line.match(/^Usage:/) }.join("\n\t") #end end # }}} def al_root require "pathname" dir = nil if ARGV.size == 1 dir = Pathname.new(ARGV.shift) elsif ARGV.size > 1 $stderr.puts "Unknown options given #{ARGV.join(" ")}" puts usage exit 1 end if dir.nil? or not dir.directory? dir = Pathname.new(ENV["PWD"]).expand_path $stderr.puts "Path to seedling tree not given or invalid, using #{dir}" end Object.const_set("AL_ROOT", dir.expand_path.to_s) Dir.chdir(AL_ROOT) end ### Methods for commands {{{ def plant_options(opts = {}) @plant_opts ||= OptionParser.new do |o| o.banner = "Planting Options" o.on("-sSUMMARY", "--summary SUMMARY", "Short description of this project") { |yn| opts[:summary] = yn } o.on("-dDESCRIPTION", "--description DESCRIPTION", "Longer description (Default: summary)") { |des| opts[:description] = des } o.on("-lLIBNAME", "--libname LIBNAME", "Library name (Default: path specifcation)") { |libname| opts[:lib_name] = libname } o.on("-gDOCGENERATOR", "--doc-generator DOCGENERATOR", "Preferred documentation generator (Default: yard)") { |docgenerator| opts[:doc_generator] = docgenerator } o.on("-tTESTSUITE", "--test-suite TESTSUITE", "Preferred test suite (Default: bacon)") { |testsuite| opts[:test_suite] = testsuite } o.on("-vVER", "--version VER", "Initial version number (Default: 0.0.1)") { |ver| opts[:version] = ver } o.on("-rRUBYFORGE", "--rubyforge RUBYFORGE", "Rubyforge project name") { |rubyforge| opts[:rubyforge_project] = rubyforge } o.separator "" o.separator "Author Options" o.on("-aAUTHOR", "--author AUTHOR", "Author's Name") { |yn| opts[:author_name] = yn } o.on("-eEMAIL", "--email EMAIL", "Author's Email") { |yn| opts[:author_email] = yn } o.on("-uURL", "--url URL", "Project URL/homepage") { |url| opts[:project_url] = url } o.separator "" o.separator "Directory Creation Options" o.on("-f", "--force", "Force creation if dir already exists") { |yn| opts[:force] = true } o.on("-A", "--amend", "Update a tree") { |yn| opts[:amend] = true } o.on("-q", "--quiet", "Don't show output of tree creation") { |yn| opts[:interactive] = false } end end def plant(command) # {{{ plant_options(o = {}).parse!(ARGV) if ARGV.size > 1 raise "Invalid options given: #{ARGV.join(" ")}\n\n" + usage end project_root = ARGV.shift if project_root.nil? raise "Must supply a valid directory to install your project, you gave none.\n\n" + usage end o[:lib_name] ||= Pathname.new(project_root).basename.to_s.classify o[:lib_name_u] ||= o[:lib_name].underscore opts = plant_defaults(o) # need to titleize this include_seedling Seedling::ProjectCreator.new(project_root, opts).create end # }}} private # Sets all of our default settings to make a sane rakefile, pulling from everywhere that makes sense def plant_defaults(o = {:lib_name => "Seedling"}) # this shouldn't happen, but if so let's be descriptive raise "plant_defaults requires a :lib_name in the calling argument" unless o[:lib_name] o[:lib_name_u] = o[:lib_name].underscore [:author_name, :author_email].each do |opt| o[opt] ||= self.send(opt) end o[:summary] ||= "The #{o[:lib_name].classify.titleize} library, by #{o[:author_name]}" o[:description] ||= o[:summary] o[:version] ||= "0.0.1" o[:test_suite] ||= "bacon" o[:doc_generator] ||= "yard" o end def author_email gitted = %x{git config --global --get user.email} return gitted.to_s.strip if gitted.to_s.match(/\w/) return ENV["EMAIL"] if ENV["EMAIL"] return [ENV["LOGUSER"], ENV["HOSTNAME"]].join("@") if ENV["LOGUSER"] and ENV["HOSTNAME"] raise "Cannot find author email, please use --email \"you@your.domain.com\" or set the EMAIL environment variable" end def author_name gitted = %x{git config --global --get user.name} return gitted.to_s.strip if gitted.to_s.match(/\w/) return ENV["NAME"] if ENV["NAME"] return ENV["LOGUSER"] if ENV["LOGUSER"] return Pathname.new(ENV["HOME"]).expand_path.basename.to_s if ENV["HOME"] raise "Cannot find author name, please use --author \"Your Name\" or set the NAME or LOGUSER environment variables" end ### End of command methods }}} end # }}} end end if $0 == __FILE__ Seedling::Bin::Cmd.run(ARGV) end