module Roroacms module AdminRoroaHelper # returns wether it is numeric or not # Params: # +obj+:: either an int, float, decimal or string of a number or not depending on what you are looking for def is_numeric?(obj) obj.to_s.match(/\A[+-]?\d+?(\.\d+)?\Z/) == nil ? false : true end # returns a hash of the different themes as a hash with the details kept in the theme.yml file def get_theme_options hash = [] Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/*/") do |themes| opt = themes.split('/').last if File.exists?("#{themes}theme.yml") info = YAML.load("#{themes}theme.yml")) hash << info if !info['name'].blank? && !info['author'].blank? && !info['foldername'].blank? && !info['view_extension'].blank? end end hash end # destroys the theme from the file structure # Params: # +theme+:: the theme name which is set in the theme.yml file and should be the same as the folder name def destory_theme(theme) require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_rf("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{theme}") end # retuns a hash of the template files within the current theme def get_templates hash = [] current_theme = Setting.get('theme_folder') Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/template-*.html.erb") do |my_text_file| opt = my_text_file.split('/').last opt['template-'] = '' opt['.html.erb'] = '' # strips out the template- and .html.erb extention and returns the middle as the template name for the admin hash << opt.titleize end hash end # returns a html dropdown of the template options # Params: # +current+:: current post template, if it doesn't have one it will just return a standard dropdown def get_template_dropdown(current = '') templates = get_templates str = '' templates.each do |f| str += if f == current "" else "" end end str.html_safe end # returns boolean as to wether the logged in user is the complete overlord of the system def is_overlord? current_user.overlord == 'Y' ? true : false end # returns a table block of html that has nested ootions # Params: # +options+:: is a hash of all of the record that you want to display in a nested table def nested_table(options, row) do |opt, sub_messages| @content = opt # set the sub to be sub messages. The view checks its not blank and runs this function again @sub = sub_messages render(row) end.join.html_safe end # returns a html block of line indentation to show that it is underneath its parent # Params: # +cont+:: a hash of the record you are checking against def ancestory_indent(cont) html = '' cont.ancestor_ids.length i = 0 while i < cont.ancestor_ids.length do html += "" i += 1 end html += " " if !html.blank? render :inline => html.html_safe end # checks if the current theme being used actually exists. If not it will return an error message to the user def theme_exists if !Dir.exists?("app/views/themes/#{Setting.get('theme_folder')}/") html = "
" + I18n.t("helpers.admin_roroa_helper.theme_exists.warning") + "! " + I18n.t("helpers.admin_roroa_helper.theme_exists.message") + "!
" render :inline => html.html_safe end end # get the last (#{limit}) comments # Params: # +limit+:: count of how many comments you would like to return def latest_comments(limit = 5) if !limit.blank? Comment.where(:comment_approved => 'N').order("submitted_on DESC").first(limit) else Comment.where(:comment_approved => 'N').order("submitted_on DESC") end end # count how many records in given post type # Params: # +type+:: what type of post records you want to get the count for def get_count_post(type) Post.where(:post_type => type).count end # count all comments def get_count_comments Comment.all.size end # display errors inline to the input # Params: # +model+:: ActiveRecord model from form # +attribute+:: the attribute that you want to check errors for def errors_for(model, attribute) if model.errors[attribute].present? name = content_tag :span, :class => 'help-block error' do name.to_s.capitalize + ' ' + model.errors[attribute].join(", ") end end end # display errors inline to the input specifically for setting ares # Params: # +model+:: ActiveRecord model from form # +attribute+:: the attribute that you want to check errors for def setting_errors_for(model, attribute) if !model[:errors].blank? && model[:errors][attribute.to_sym].present? content_tag :span, :class => 'help-block error' do I18n.t("views.admin.settings.tab_content.#{attribute.to_s}").downcase.capitalize + ' ' + I18n.t("activerecord.errors.messages.empty") end end end # deals with the user images (profile/cover images) # Params: # +params+:: parameters # +attribute+:: admin ActiveRecord object def profile_images(params, admin) Admin.deal_with_profile_images(admin, upload_images(params[:admin][:avatar], admin.username), 'avatar') if !params[:admin][:avatar].blank? Admin.deal_with_profile_images(admin, upload_images(params[:admin][:cover_picture], admin.username), 'cover_picture') if !params[:admin][:cover_picture].blank? end # lists all the controllers in the admin area and returns a formatted hash. This is used for the user group administration # Params: # +dir+:: the directory that you want to list the controllers for def list_controllers(dir = 'admin') Setting.list_controllers(dir) end # get user group data and return the value for the given key # Params: # +key+:: user group name that is set in the admin panel def get_user_group(key) if !Setting.get('user_groups').blank? arr = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(Setting.get('user_groups').gsub("\\", '')) if arr.has_key? key arr[key] else end end end # is the user allowed access to the given controller - this function runs in the background. # Params: # +key+:: controller name def check_controller_against_user(key) get_user_group(current_user.access_level).include?(key) end # checks to see if the given path is the current page/link # Params: # +path+:: rake path of the link you want to check def cp(path, term_check = false) return "active" if term_check && request.url.include?('terms') return "active" if current_page?(path) end # .pluralize() but without the preceeding number # Params: # +count+:: how many # +noun+:: the word that you want to pluralize # +text+:: the text you want to append to the returning word def pluralize_without_count(count, noun, text = nil) if count != 0 count == 1 ? "#{noun}#{text}" : "#{noun.pluralize}#{text}" end end # displays the additional data on the page form # Params: # +data+:: data to loop through and display # +key_exists+:: this is used to define if the data is a hash or an array if it is an array this should be set to false # +key+:: if it is an array then it needs to use its parent key, this is provided via this vairable def addition_data_loop(data, keys_exist = true, key = nil) string = '' if keys_exist data.each do |key, value| string += if value.is_a?(Array) addition_data_loop(value, false, key) else (render :partial => 'roroacms/admin/partials/post_additional_data_view', :locals => { key: key, value: value }) end end else data.each do |value| string += (render :partial => 'roroacms/admin/partials/post_additional_data_view', :locals => { key: key, value: value }) end end string.html_safe end # decides the bootstrap column length depending on the records # Params: # +posts+:: first set of records # +pages+:: second set of records def respond_to_trash(posts, pages) !posts.blank? && !pages.blank? ? '6' : '12' end # clears the admin view cache. # This is used when logging out or changing user profile or settings def clear_cache expire_fragment('admin_header') expire_fragment('admin_quick_links') expire_fragment('admin_submit_bar_toggle') end # Returns generic notifications if the flash data exists def get_notifications html = '' if flash[:error] html += "
" + I18n.t("helpers.view_helper.generic.flash.error") + "! #{flash[:error]}
" end if flash[:notice] html += "
" + I18n.t("helpers.view_helper.generic.flash.success") + "! #{flash[:notice]}
" end render :inline => html.html_safe end def render_breadcrumb content_tag :ul, class: 'breadcrumb' do @breadcrumbs.each_with_index do |item, index| if @breadcrumbs.length == index +1 concat(content_tag(:li, item[:name], class: 'active')) else if item[:url].to_s.include?('admin') if item[:url].to_s.include?('/') concat(content_tag(:li, link_to(item[:name], item[:url].to_s) )) else concat(content_tag(:li, link_to(item[:name], item[:url].to_s.gsub('_path', '').to_sym) )) end else concat(content_tag(:li, link_to(item[:name], item[:url].to_s) + Setting.get('breadcrumb_seperator').html_safe )) end end end end end # appends any extra menu items that are set in the applications configurations def append_application_menu html = '' Roroacms.append_menu.each do |f| html += (render :partial => 'roroacms/admin/partials/append_sidebar_menu', :locals => { :menu_block => f }) end html.html_safe end # checks to see if the stylesheets/javascript override files exist in the application def application_admin_file_exists?(file, ext) folder = ext == 'js' ? 'javascripts' : 'stylesheets' script = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/#{folder}/roroacms/#{file}.#{ext}" File.exists?(script) end end end