# tangent.rb: code for drawing tangents # copyright (c) 2009 by Vincent Fourmond # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details (in the COPYING file). require 'ctioga2/graphics/elements/primitive' # This module contains all the classes used by ctioga module CTioga2 Version::register_svn_info('$Revision: 171 $', '$Date: 2010-10-22 17:07:52 +0200 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) $') module Graphics module Elements module Tangents TangentOptions = { 'xfrom' => 'float', 'xto' => 'float', 'yfrom' => 'float', 'yto' => 'float', 'xextent' => 'float', 'yextent' => 'float', 'nbavg' => 'integer' }.update(TiogaPrimitiveCall::ArrowOptions) TiogaPrimitiveCall. primitive("tangent", "tangent", [ 'data-point'], TangentOptions) do |t, point,options| options ||= {} nb = options['nbavg'] || 7 x = point.x_val(nb) y = point.y_val(nb) slope = point.slope(nb) # Now, we parse the head/tail spec. if d = options['xextent'] options['tail'] = [x, y] options['head'] = [x+d, y + d*slope] elsif d = options['yextent'] options['tail'] = [x, y] options['head'] = [x+d/slope, y + d] elsif options['xfrom'] || options['yfrom'] || options['xto'] || options['yto'] if xf = options['xfrom'] options['tail'] = [xf, y - (x - xf)*slope] elsif yf = options['yfrom'] options['tail'] = [x - (y-yf)/slope, yf] else options['tail'] = [x,y] end if xt = options['xto'] options['head'] = [xt, y - (x - xt)*slope] elsif yt = options['yto'] options['head'] = [x - (y-yt)/slope, yt] else options['head'] = [x,y] end else # We don't bother too much about the head/tail options['head'] = [x, y] dx = point.dx(nb) * 10 options['tail'] = [x-dx, y - dx*slope] options['line_width'] = 0 options['tail_marker'] = "None" end # We look for any color argument: if ! (options['color'] || options['tail_color'] || options['head_color']) options['color'] = $last_curve_style.line.color end # Now, we delete elements from the hash that don't have # anything to do there: for k in TangentOptions.keys - TiogaPrimitiveCall::ArrowOptions.keys options.delete k end t.show_arrow(options) end end end end end