{ "resourceType": "DiagnosticReport", "id": "102", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "


INDICATIONSEarly menopause on estrogen levels. No period for 18 months
PROCEDUREDual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)

Bone Mineral Density

Scan TypeRegionMeasuredAgeBMDT-ScoreZ-Score?BMD(g/cm2)?BMD(%)
AP SpineL1-L417/06/200834.41.148 g/cm²-0.4-0.5--
Left FemurNeck17/06/200834.40.891 g/cm²-1.0-0.9--
Left FemurTotal17/06/200834.40.887 g/cm²-1.2-1.3--
Right FemurNeck17/06/200834.40.885 g/cm²-1.0-1.0--
Right FemurTotal17/06/200834.40.867 g/cm²-1.4-1.4--





Osteopenia on measured BMD. The estimated 10-year probability of fracture based on present age, gender and measured BMD is less than 10%. This absolute fracture risk remains low. A follow-up assessment may be considered in 2 to 3 years to monitor the trend in BMD.


Thank you for your referral. Dr Henry Seven 17/06/2008

\nNote:\nWHO classification of osteoporosis (WHO Technical Report Series 1994: 843)\n- Normal: T-score equal to -1.0 s.d. or higher\n- Osteopenia: T-score  between -1.0 and -2.5 s.d.\n- Osteoporosis: T-score equal to -2.5 s.d. or lower\n- Severe/Established osteoporosis: Osteoporosis with one or more fragility fracture.\nT-score: The number of s.d. from the mean BMD for a gender-matched young adult population.\nZ-score: The number of s.d. from the mean BMD for an age-, weight- and gender-matched population.\nReference for 10-year probability of fracture risk: Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Dawson A,  De Laet C, Jonsson B. Ten year probabilities of osteoporotic fractures according to BMD and diagnostic thresholds. Osteoporos.Int. 2001;12(12):989-995.\nGE LUNAR PRODIGY DENSITOMETER\n
" }, "status": "final", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://loinc.org", "code": "38269-7" } ], "text": "DXA BONE DENSITOMETRY" }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/pat2" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-06-17", "issued": "2008-06-18T09:23:00+10:00", "performer": [ { "role": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "66862007", "display": "Radiologist" } ], "text": "Radiologist" }, "actor": { "reference": "Practitioner/3ad0687e-f477-468c-afd5-fcc2bf897809", "display": "Dr Henry Seven" } } ], "result": [ { "reference": "Observation/bmd" } ], "codedDiagnosis": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "391040000", "display": "At risk of osteoporotic fracture" } ] } ] }