module YARD module Parser::Ruby::Legacy class Statement attr_reader :tokens, :comments, :block attr_accessor :comments_range # @deprecated Groups are now defined by directives # @see Tags::GroupDirective attr_accessor :group attr_accessor :comments_hash_flag def initialize(tokens, block = nil, comments = nil) @tokens = tokens @block = block @comments = comments @comments_hash_flag = false end def first_line to_s.split(/\n/)[0] end def to_s(include_block = true) do |token| RubyToken::TkBlockContents === token ? (include_block ? block.to_s : '') : token.text end.join end alias source to_s def inspect l = line - 1 to_s(false).split(/\n/).map do |text| "\t#{l += 1}: #{text}" end.join("\n") end def show "\t#{line}: #{first_line}" end # @return [Fixnum] the first line of Ruby source def line tokens.first.line_no end # @return [Range] the first to last lines of Ruby source # @since 0.5.4 def line_range tokens.first.line_no..tokens.last.line_no end private def clean_tokens(tokens) last_tk = nil tokens.reject do |tk| tk.is_a?(RubyToken::TkNL) || (last_tk.is_a?(RubyToken::TkSPACE) && last_tk.class == tk.class) && last_tk = tk end end end end end