require 'net/ftp' module Shenzhen::Plugins module FTP class Client def initialize(host, user, pass) @host, @user, @password = host, user, pass @connection = @connection.passive = true @connection.connect(@host) end def upload_build(ipa, options) path = expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa, options[:path]) begin @connection.login(@user, @password) rescue raise "Login authentication failed" if options[:mkdir] components, pwd = path.split(/\//), nil components.each do |component| pwd = File.join(*[pwd, component].compact) begin @connection.mkdir pwd rescue => exception raise exception unless /File exists/ === exception.message end end end @connection.chdir path unless path.empty? @connection.putbinaryfile ipa, File.basename(ipa) if dsym = options.delete(:dsym) @connection.putbinaryfile dsym, File.basename(dsym) end ensure @connection.close end end private def expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa, path) components = [] substitutions = path.scan(/\{CFBundle[^}]+\}/) return path if substitutions.empty? Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| system "unzip -q #{ipa} -d #{dir} 2> /dev/null" plist = Dir["#{dir}/**/Info.plist"].last substitutions.uniq.each do |substitution| key = substitution[1...-1] value = Shenzhen::PlistBuddy.print(plist, key) path.gsub!(, value) if value end end return path end end end end command :'distribute:ftp' do |c| c.syntax = "ipa distribute:ftp [options]" c.summary = "Distribute an .ipa file over FTP" c.description = "" c.example '', '$ ipa distribute:ftp --host -f ./file.ipa -u username --path "/path/to/folder/{CFBundleVersion}/" --mkdir' c.option '-f', '--file FILE', ".ipa file for the build" c.option '-d', '--dsym FILE', "zipped .dsym package for the build" c.option '-h', '--host HOST', "FTP host" c.option '-u', '--user USER', "FTP user" c.option '-p', '--password PASS', "FTP password" c.option '-P', '--path PATH', "FTP path. Values from Info.plist will be substituded for keys wrapped in {} \n\t\t eg. \"/path/to/folder/{CFBundleVersion}/\" could be evaluated as \"/path/to/folder/1.0.0/\"" c.option '--[no-]mkdir', "Create directories on FTP if they don't already exist" c.action do |args, options| determine_file! unless @file = options.file say_error "Missing or unspecified .ipa file" and abort unless @file and File.exist?(@file) determine_dsym! unless @dsym = options.dsym say_error "Specified file doesn't exist" unless @dsym and File.exist?(@dsym) determine_host! unless @host = say_error "Missing FTP host" and abort unless @host determine_user! unless @user = options.user say_error "Missing FTP user" and abort unless @user determine_password! unless @password = options.password say_error "Missing FTP password" and abort unless @password @path = options.path || "" client =, @user, @password) begin client.upload_build @file, {:path => @path, :dsym => @dsym, :mkdir => !!options.mkdir} say_ok "Build successfully uploaded to FTP" unless options.quiet rescue => exception say_error "Error while uploading to FTP: #{exception}" end end private def determine_host! @host ||= ask "FTP Host:" end def determine_user! @user ||= ask "Username:" end def determine_password! @password ||= password "Password:" end end