$remify-baseline: 16 !default; $respond-device-medium-handheld: 350px; $respond-device-large-handheld: 450px; $respond-device-tablet: 650px; $respond-device-laptop: 960px; $respond-device-large-monitor: 1300px; $fix-mqs: false !default; @mixin scope-variation($sel) { @at-root #{selector-append($sel, &)} { @content; } } @mixin formatted-text( $tmp-size: 1, $tmp-margin-top: 1, $tmp-margin-bottom: 1, $tmp-line-height: 1.65 ) { font-size: $tmp-size * 1em; @if $tmp-line-height != false { line-height: ( 1 + ( ( $tmp-line-height - 1 ) / $tmp-size ) ) * 1em; } @if $tmp-margin-top != false { margin-top: ( $tmp-margin-top / $tmp-size ) * 1em; } @if $tmp-margin-bottom != false { margin-bottom: ( $tmp-margin-bottom / $tmp-size ) * 1em; } } // remify units @function strip-unit($num) { @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1); } @mixin remify($properties, $values...) { @each $property in $properties { $max: length($values); $pxValues: ''; $remValues: ''; @for $i from 1 through $max { $value: strip-unit(nth($values, $i)); $pxValues: #{$pxValues + round($value*$remify-baseline)}px; @if $i < $max { $pxValues: #{$pxValues + " "}; } } @for $i from 1 through $max { $value: strip-unit(nth($values, $i)); $remValues: #{$remValues + $value}rem; @if $i < $max { $remValues: #{$remValues + " "}; } } #{$property}: $pxValues; #{$property}: $remValues; } } // responsive breakpoints @mixin respond($type, $device: false) { // Determine device width $width: 1px; @if $device == medium-handheld { $width: $respond-device-medium-handheld; } @else if $device == large-handheld { $width: $respond-device-large-handheld; } @else if $device == tablet { $width: $respond-device-tablet; } @else if $device == laptop { $width: $respond-device-laptop; } @else if $device == large-monitor { $width: $respond-device-large-monitor; } // If we're outputting for a fixed media query set... @if $fix-mqs and $type == min { // ...and if we should apply these rules... @if $fix-mqs >= $width { // ...output the content the user gave us. @content; } } @else { // Otherwise, output it using a regular media query @if $type == min { @media screen and (min-width: $width) { @content; } } @else if $type == max { @media screen and (max-width: $width) { @content; } } @else if $type == retina { @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi) { @content; } } } } $old-ie: false !default; @mixin old-ie { // Only use this content if we're dealing with old IE @if $old-ie { @content; } } @mixin padding-vertical( $tmp-size, $tmp-second-size: false ) { padding-top: $tmp-size; @if $tmp-second-size == false { $tmp-second-size: $tmp-size; } padding-bottom: $tmp-second-size; } @mixin padding-horizontal( $tmp-size, $tmp-second-size: false ) { padding-left: $tmp-size; @if $tmp-second-size == false { $tmp-second-size: $tmp-size; } padding-right: $tmp-second-size; } @mixin margin-vertical( $tmp-size, $tmp-second-size: false ) { margin-top: $tmp-size; @if $tmp-second-size == false { $tmp-second-size: $tmp-size; } margin-bottom: $tmp-second-size; } @mixin margin-horizontal( $tmp-size, $tmp-second-size: false ) { margin-left: $tmp-size; @if $tmp-second-size == false { $tmp-second-size: $tmp-size; } margin-right: $tmp-second-size; }