module RenderHelper
# Public: Render the table wrapper.
# records - (Array) Records that are being represented in the table.
# model - (Class) The ActiveRecord model for this table.
# block - The rendered table. Should return a String.
# Examples
# <%= list_table @posts, Post do %>
# <% end %>
# Returns a String of the table, or a message if no records are present.
def list_table(records, model, &block)
render '/outpost/shared/list_table',
:model => model,
:records => records,
:table => capture(&block)
# Public: Render a fieldset.
# title - (String) The title of this fieldset. If +nil+ is passed
# in, then no legend will be rendered, and the fieldset block
# will not be added to the sidebar sections.
# block - The body of the fieldset. Should return a String.
# Examples
# <%= form_block "Publishing" do %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# Returns a String of the fieldset.
def form_block(title="", &block)
render "/outpost/shared/form_block",
:title => title,
:body => capture(&block)