#!/usr/bin/ruby ### Copyright 2019 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # == Synopsis # Add, remove, or change the Network Segments in the JSS based on data from an input file # in CSV, tab, or other delimited format. # # == Usage # subnet-update [-t | -d delimiter] [-h] file # # # == Author # Chris Lasell # # == Copyright # Copyright (c) 2014 Pixar Animation Studios ############################## # Libraries ############################## require 'ruby-jss' require 'getoptlong' require 'English' # The app object ############################## class App # Constants ############################## PROG_NAME = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) USAGE = "Usage: #{PROG_NAME} [options] [--help] /path/to/file".freeze POTENTIAL_COLUMNS = %i(name starting ending cidr mask).freeze DEFAULT_CACHE_FILE = Pathname.new('~/.last_subnet_update').expand_path DEFAULT_DELIMITER = "\t".freeze DEFAULT_COLUMNS = [:name, :starting, :ending].freeze DEFAULT_MANUAL_PREFIX = 'Manual-'.freeze # define the cli opts CLI_OPTS = GetoptLong.new( ['--help', '-H', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--delimiter', '--delim', '-d', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--header', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--columns', '-c', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--manual-prefix', '-m', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--cache', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--debug', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--server', '-S', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--port', '-P', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--user', '-U', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--no-verify-cert', '-V', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--timeout', '-T', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--no-op', '-N', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ) attr_reader :debug def initialize(_args) @getpass = $stdin.tty? ? :prompt : :stdin set_defaults parse_cli check_opts end # init def set_defaults @debug = false @delim = DEFAULT_DELIMITER @header = false @columns = DEFAULT_COLUMNS @cache_file = DEFAULT_CACHE_FILE @manual_prefix = DEFAULT_MANUAL_PREFIX @user = JSS::CONFIG.api_username @server = JSS::CONFIG.api_server_name end def parse_cli # parse the cli opts CLI_OPTS.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' then show_help when '--delimiter' then @delim = arg when '--header' then @header = true when '--columns' then @columns = arg.split(',').map(&:to_sym) when '--manual-prefix' then @manual_prefix = arg when '--cache' then @cache_file = Pathname.new arg when '--debug' then @debug = true when '--server' then @server = arg when '--port' then @port = arg when '--user'then @user = arg when '--no-verify-cert' then @verify_cert = false when '--timeout' then @timeout = arg when '--no-op' then @noop = true end # case end # each opt arg @columns = nil if @columns && @columns.empty? @file = Pathname.new ARGV.shift.to_s end # parse_cli def check_opts raise JSS::MissingDataError, 'No JSS Username provided or found in the JSS gem config.' unless @user raise JSS::MissingDataError, 'No JSS Server provided or found in the JSS gem config.' unless @server raise ArgumentError, "No input file specified.\n#{USAGE}" unless @file raise "Input file doesn't exist or is not readable: #{@file}" unless @file.readable? end # Go! def run unless data_file_changed? puts "File hasn't changed since last time, no changes to make!" return end connect_to_jss @parsed_data = parse_file update_network_segments cache_latest_data end # run def connect_to_jss JSS.api.connect( server: @server, port: @port, verify_cert: @verify_cert, user: @user, pw: @getpass, stdin_line: 1, timeout: @timeout ) end def show_help puts <<-FULLHELP Update the JSS Network Segments from a delimited file of subnet information. CAUTION: This script can delete Network Segments from your JSS. See the --no-op option #{USAGE} Options: -d, --delimiter - The field delimiter in the file, defaults to tab. -c, --columns [col1,col2,col3] - The column order in file, must include 'name', 'starting', and either 'ending', 'mask', or 'cidr' -h, --header - The first line of the file is a header line, defining the columns -m, --manual-prefix - Network Segment names in the file and the JSS with this prefix are ignored. Defaults to 'Manual-' --cache /path/.. - Where read/save the input data for comparison between runs. Defaults to ~/.last_subnet_update -S, --server srvr - specify the JSS API server name -P, --port portnum - specify the JSS API port -U, --user username - specify the JSS API user -V, --no-verify-cert - Allow self-signed, unverified SSL certificate -T, --timeout secs - specify the JSS API timeout -N, --no-op - Don't make any changes in the JSS, just report what would have be changed. -H, --help - show this help --debug - show the ruby backtrace when errors occur This program parses the input file line by line (possibly accounting for a header line). Each line defines the name and IP-range of a network segment. - If a segment in the file doesn't exist in the JSS, it is created in the JSS. - If a segment's range is different in the file, it is updated in the JSS. - If a segment in the JSS doesn't exist in the file, it is deleted from the JSS. Any network segments with names starting with the given --manual-prefix are ignored. The default manual-prefix is 'Manual-' so, e.g. segments named 'Manual-isolated' and 'Manual-special-servers' in the JSS won't be touched. Input File: - The file must contain three columns, separated by the --delimiter, with these names, in any order: - 'name' (the network segment name) - 'starting' (the starting IP address of the network segment) - ONE of: - 'ending' (the ending IP address of the network segment) - 'cidr' (the network range of the segment as a CIDR bitmask, e.g. '24') - 'mask' (the network range of the segment as an IP mask, e.g. '') Notes: - The --columns option is a comma-separted list of the three column names above indicating the column-order in the file. - If --columns are not provided, and --header is specified, the first line is assumed to contain the column names, separated by the delimiter - If --header is provided with --columns, the first line of the file is ignored. - The raw data from the file is cached and compared to the input file at the next run. If the data is identical, no changes are made. - If no API connection settings are provided, they will be read from /etc/ruby-jss.conf and ~/.ruby-jss.conf. See the ruby-jss docs for details. - The password for the connection will be read from STDIN or prompted if needed FULLHELP exit 0 end # parse the incoming data file into an Hash of Hashes, # Top level keys are the NetSeg names, # Subhashes have keys :starting, and :ending # Exclude any with names starting with @manual_prefix # # @return [Hash] The lines of the file, as hashes # def parse_file puts 'Parsing the data file' # split the data into an array by newline/return chars. # this means files saved by excel or windows will work. lines = @raw_data.split(/[\n\r]+/) # remove the first line if its a header, and parse it into the columns # if needed if @header header = lines.shift @columns ||= header.split(/\s*#{@delim}\s*/).map(&:to_sym) end check_columns parsed_data = {} lines.each do |line| parsed_line = parse_a_data_line line next unless parsed_line name = parsed_line.delete :name parsed_data[name] = parsed_line end parsed_names = parsed_data.keys jss_names = JSS::NetworkSegment.all_names.reject { |jss_name| jss_name.start_with? @manual_prefix } @segments_to_add = parsed_names - jss_names @segments_to_delete = jss_names - parsed_names @segments_to_check_for_changes = parsed_names - @segments_to_add - @segments_to_delete parsed_data end # parse_file def check_columns raise "Columns must include 'name' and 'starting'" unless \ @columns.include?(:name) && \ @columns.include?(:starting) raise "Columns must include either 'ending', 'cidr', or 'mask'" unless \ @columns.include?(:ending) || \ @columns.include?(:cidr) || \ @columns.include?(:mask) @use_cidr = (@columns.include?(:cidr) || @columns.include?(:mask)) end def parse_a_data_line(line) parts = line.split(@delim).map(&:strip) name = parts[@columns.index(:name)] starting = parts[@columns.index(:starting)] ending = parts[@columns.index(:ending)] unless name && starting && ending puts "Skipping invalid line: #{line}" return nil end if name.start_with? @manual_prefix puts "Ignoring line with manual_prefix: #{line}" return nil end { name: name, starting: starting, ending: ending } end def data_file_changed? # read in the file @raw_data = @file.read return true unless @cache_file.exist? @raw_data != @cache_file.read end def cache_latest_data return if @noop @cache_file.jss_save @raw_data end def update_network_segments puts 'Applying changes' add_segments delete_segments update_segments puts 'Done!' end # update_network_segments def add_segments @segments_to_add.each do |seg| seg_data = @parsed_data[seg] if @noop connector = @use_cidr ? '/' : '->' puts "Without --no-op this would: Add segment named '#{seg}', #{seg_data[:starting]}#{connector}#{seg_data[:ending]}" next end # if noop ender = @use_cidr ? :cidr : :ending_address new_seg = JSS::NetworkSegment.make( :name => seg, :starting_address => seg_data[:starting], ender => seg_data[:ending] ) new_seg.create puts "Added Network Segment '#{new_seg.name}' to the JSS" end # @segments_to_add.each do |seg| end # add_segments def delete_segments @segments_to_delete.each do |seg| if @noop puts "Without --no-op this would: Delete segment named '#{seg}'," next end # if noop JSS::NetworkSegment.fetch(name: seg).delete puts "Deleted Network Segment '#{seg}' from the JSS" end # @segments_to_delete.each do |seg| end # delete_segments def update_segments @segments_to_check_for_changes.each do |seg| seg_data = @parsed_data[seg] data_start = IPAddr.new(seg_data[:starting]) data_end = if @use_cidr IPAddr.new("#{seg_data[:starting]}/#{seg_data[:ending]}").to_range.end.mask 32 else IPAddr.new(seg_data[:ending]) end this_seg = JSS::NetworkSegment.fetch name: seg data_range = data_start..data_end next if this_seg.range == data_range if @noop connector = @use_cidr ? '/' : '->' puts "Without --no-op this would: Update segment named '#{seg}', #{seg_data[:starting]}#{connector}#{seg_data[:ending]}" next end # if noop this_seg.set_ip_range starting_address: data_start, ending_address: data_end this_seg.save puts "Updated Network Segment '#{seg}' to range #{data_start} - #{data_end}" end # @segments_to_check_for_changes.each do |seg| end # update segments end # app ############################## # create the app and go begin debug = ARGV.include? '--debug' app = App.new(ARGV) app.run rescue # handle exceptions not handled elsewhere puts "An error occurred: #{$ERROR_INFO}" puts 'Backtrace:' if debug puts $ERROR_POSITION if debug end