require "faraday" require "faraday/retry" require "octokit" module TerraspaceVcsGithub class Interface extend Memoist include Terraspace::Cloud::Vcs::Interface def comment(body) return unless github_token? logger.debug "Adding comment to full_repo #{full_repo} pr_number #{pr_number}" comments = client.issue_comments(full_repo, pr_number) found_comment = comments.find do |comment| comment.body.starts_with?(MARKER) end if found_comment client.update_comment(full_repo,, body) unless found_comment.body == body else client.add_comment(full_repo, pr_number, body) end rescue Octokit::Unauthorized => e # pretty long GitHub error message. so on separate line <<~EOL WARN: #{e.message} Unable to create pull request comment. Please double check your github token. EOL rescue Octokit::NotFound => e # from client.issue_comments(full_repo, pr_number) # can occur when user token does not have access to the repo <<~EOL WARN: #{e.message} Unable to list comments and create pull request comment. This can happen when user does not have access to the repo. Please double check your github token. EOL end def client ENV['GH_TOKEN']) end memoize :client def github_token? if ENV['GH_TOKEN'] true else puts "WARN: The env var GH_TOKEN is not configured. Will not post PR comment" false end end end end