require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb') describe "Prepared Statements and Bound Arguments" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id integer :numb end @c = @ds = @db[:items] @ds.insert(:numb=>10) @pr = @ds.requires_placeholder_type_specifiers? ? proc{|i| :"#{i}__integer"} : proc{|i| i} end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end it "should support bound variables when selecting" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:each, :n=>10){|h| h.must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10)} @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:select, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:all, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:first, :n=>10).must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10) @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call([:map, :numb], :n=>10).must_equal [10] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call([:to_hash, :id, :numb], :n=>10).must_equal(1=>10) @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call([:to_hash_groups, :id, :numb], :n=>10).must_equal(1=>[10]) end it "should support blocks for each, select, all, and map when using bound variables" do a = [] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:each, :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2; a << r}; a.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:select, :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:all, :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call([:map], :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] * 2}.must_equal [20] end it "should support binding variables before the call with #bind" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>10).call(:select).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>10).call(:all).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>10).call(:first).must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10) @ds.bind(:n=>10).filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:select).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.bind(:n=>10).filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:all).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.bind(:n=>10).filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:first).must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10) end it "should allow overriding variables specified with #bind" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>1).call(:select, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>1).call(:all, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>1).call(:first, :n=>10).must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10) @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>1).bind(:n=>10).call(:select).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>1).bind(:n=>10).call(:all).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).bind(:n=>1).bind(:n=>10).call(:first).must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10) end it "should support placeholder literal strings with call" do @ds.filter("numb = ?", :$n).call(:select, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support named placeholder literal strings and handle multiple named placeholders correctly with call" do @ds.filter("numb = :n", :n=>:$n).call(:select, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.insert(:numb=>20) @ds.insert(:numb=>30) @ds.filter("numb > :n1 AND numb < :n2 AND numb = :n3", :n3=>:$n3, :n2=>:$n2, :n1=>:$n1).call(:select, :n3=>20, :n2=>30, :n1=>10).must_equal [{:id=>2, :numb=>20}] end it "should support datasets with static sql and placeholders with call" do @db["SELECT * FROM items WHERE numb = ?", :$n].call(:select, :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with call" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i).filter(:numb=>>:$n)).filter(:id=>:$j).call(:select, :n=>10, :i=>1, :j=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with exists with call" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i).filter(>:$n).exists).filter(:id=>:$j).call(:select, :n=>10, :i=>1, :j=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with literal strings with call" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i, :numb=>"numb = ?", :$n)).call(:select, :n=>10, :i=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with static sql and placeholders with call" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i, :numb=>@db["SELECT numb FROM items WHERE numb = ?", :$n]).call(:select, :n=>10, :i=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects of subselects with call" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i).filter(:numb=>>>:$n))).filter(:id=>:$j).call(:select, :n=>10, :i=>1, :j=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end cspecify "should support using a bound variable for a limit and offset", [:jdbc, :db2] do @ds.insert(:numb=>20) ds = @ds.limit(:$n, :$n2).order(:id), :n=>1, :n2=>0).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}], :n=>1, :n2=>1).must_equal [{:id=>2, :numb=>20}], :n=>1, :n2=>2).must_equal [], :n=>2, :n2=>0).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}, {:id=>2, :numb=>20}], :n=>2, :n2=>1).must_equal [{:id=>2, :numb=>20}] end it "should support bound variables with insert" do, {:n=>20}, :numb=>:$n) @ds.count.must_equal 2 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [10, 20] end it "should support bound variables with NULL values" do @ds.delete, {:n=>nil}, :numb=>@pr[:$n]) @ds.count.must_equal 1 [nil] end it "should have insert return primary key value when using bound arguments" do, {:n=>20}, :numb=>:$n).must_equal 2 @ds.filter(:id=>2).first[:numb].must_equal 20 end it "should support bound variables with insert_select" do, {:n=>20}, :numb=>:$n).must_equal(:id=>2, :numb=>20) @ds.count.must_equal 2 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [10, 20] end if DB.dataset.supports_insert_select? it "should support bound variables with insert returning" do, {:n=>20}, :numb=>:$n).must_equal([{:id=>2, :numb=>20}]) @ds.count.must_equal 2 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [10, 20] end if DB.dataset.supports_returning?(:insert) it "should support bound variables with update returning" do, {:n=>20}, :numb=>:$n).must_equal([{:id=>1, :numb=>20}]) @ds.count.must_equal 1 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [20] end if DB.dataset.supports_returning?(:update) it "should support bound variables with delete returning" do @ds.where(:id=>:$id), :id=>1).must_equal([{:id=>1, :numb=>10}]) @ds.count.must_equal 0 end if DB.dataset.supports_returning?(:delete) it "should support bound variables with delete" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:delete, :n=>10).must_equal 1 @ds.count.must_equal 0 end it "should support bound variables with update" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:update, {:n=>10, :nn=>20}, :numb=>Sequel.+(:numb, :$nn)).must_equal 1 @ds.all.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>30}] end it "should support prepared statements when selecting" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:each, :select_n), :n=>10){|h| h.must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10)} @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:select, :select_n), :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:all, :select_n), :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:first, :select_n), :n=>10).must_equal(:id=>1, :numb=>10) @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare([:map, :numb], :select_n), :n=>10).must_equal [10] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare([:to_hash, :id, :numb], :select_n), :n=>10).must_equal(1=>10) end it "should support blocks for each, select, all, and map when using prepared statements" do a = [] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:each, :select_n).call(:n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2; a << r}; a.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] a = [], :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2; a << r}; a.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:select, :select_n).call(:n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}], :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:all, :select_n).call(:n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}], :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>20}] @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare([:map], :select_n).call(:n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [20], :n=>10){|r| r[:numb] *= 2}.must_equal [20] end it "should support prepared statements being called multiple times with different arguments" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:select, :select_n), :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}], :n=>0).must_equal [], :n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support placeholder literal strings with prepare" do @ds.filter("numb = ?", :$n).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support named placeholder literal strings and handle multiple named placeholders correctly with prepare" do @ds.filter("numb = :n", :n=>:$n).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] @ds.insert(:numb=>20) @ds.insert(:numb=>30) @ds.filter("numb > :n1 AND numb < :n2 AND numb = :n3", :n3=>:$n3, :n2=>:$n2, :n1=>:$n1).call(:select, :n3=>20, :n2=>30, :n1=>10).must_equal [{:id=>2, :numb=>20}] end it "should support datasets with static sql and placeholders with prepare" do @db["SELECT * FROM items WHERE numb = ?", :$n].prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with prepare" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i).filter(:numb=>>:$n)).filter(:id=>:$j).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10, :i=>1, :j=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with exists with prepare" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i).filter(>:$n).exists).filter(:id=>:$j).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10, :i=>1, :j=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with literal strings with prepare" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i, :numb=>"numb = ?", :$n)).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10, :i=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects with static sql and placeholders with prepare" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i, :numb=>@db["SELECT numb FROM items WHERE numb = ?", :$n]).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10, :i=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end it "should support subselects of subselects with prepare" do @ds.filter(:id=>:$i).filter(:numb=>>>:$n))).filter(:id=>:$j).prepare(:select, :seq_select).call(:n=>10, :i=>1, :j=>1).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}] end cspecify "should support using a prepared_statement for a limit and offset", :db2 do @ds.insert(:numb=>20) ps = @ds.limit(:$n, :$n2).order(:id).prepare(:select, :seq_select)>1, :n2=>0).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}]>1, :n2=>1).must_equal [{:id=>2, :numb=>20}]>1, :n2=>2).must_equal []>2, :n2=>0).must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>10}, {:id=>2, :numb=>20}]>2, :n2=>1).must_equal [{:id=>2, :numb=>20}] end it "should support prepared statements with insert" do @ds.prepare(:insert, :insert_n, :numb=>:$n), :n=>20) @ds.count.must_equal 2 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [10, 20] end it "should support prepared statements with NULL values" do @ds.delete @ds.prepare(:insert, :insert_n, :numb=>@pr[:$n]), :n=>nil) @ds.count.must_equal 1 [nil] end it "should have insert return primary key value when using prepared statements" do @ds.prepare(:insert, :insert_n, :numb=>:$n), :n=>20).must_equal 2 @ds.filter(:id=>2).first[:numb].must_equal 20 end it "should support prepared_statements with insert_select" do @ds.prepare(:insert_select, :insert_select_n, :numb=>:$n).call(:n=>20).must_equal(:id=>2, :numb=>20) @ds.count.must_equal 2 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [10, 20] end if DB.dataset.supports_insert_select? it "should support bound variables with insert returning" do @ds.returning.prepare(:insert, :insert_rn, :numb=>:$n).call(:n=>20).must_equal([{:id=>2, :numb=>20}]) @ds.count.must_equal 2 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [10, 20] end if DB.dataset.supports_returning?(:insert) it "should support bound variables with update returning" do @ds.returning.prepare(:update, :update_rn, :numb=>:$n).call(:n=>20).must_equal([{:id=>1, :numb=>20}]) @ds.count.must_equal 1 @ds.order(:id).map(:numb).must_equal [20] end if DB.dataset.supports_returning?(:update) it "should support bound variables with delete returning" do @ds.where(:id=>:$id).returning.prepare(:delete, :delete_rn).call(:id=>1).must_equal([{:id=>1, :numb=>10}]) @ds.count.must_equal 0 end if DB.dataset.supports_returning?(:delete) it "should support prepared statements with delete" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:delete, :delete_n), :n=>10).must_equal 1 @ds.count.must_equal 0 end it "should support prepared statements with update" do @ds.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:update, :update_n, :numb=>Sequel.+(:numb, :$nn)), :n=>10, :nn=>20).must_equal 1 @ds.all.must_equal [{:id=>1, :numb=>30}] end it "model datasets should return model instances when using select, all, and first with bound variables" do @c.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:select, :n=>10).must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :numb=>10)] @c.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:all, :n=>10).must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :numb=>10)] @c.filter(:numb=>:$n).call(:first, :n=>10).must_equal @c.load(:id=>1, :numb=>10) end it "model datasets should return model instances when using select, all, and first with prepared statements" do @c.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:select, :select_n1), :n=>10).must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :numb=>10)] @c.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:all, :select_n1), :n=>10).must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :numb=>10)] @c.filter(:numb=>:$n).prepare(:first, :select_n1), :n=>10).must_equal @c.load(:id=>1, :numb=>10) end end describe "Bound Argument Types" do before(:all) do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id Date :d DateTime :dt File :file String :s Time :t Float :f TrueClass :b end @ds = @db[:items] @vs = {:d=>Date.civil(2010, 10, 11), :dt=>DateTime.civil(2010, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15), :f=>1.0, :s=>'str', :t=>, :file=>'blob'), :b=>true} end before do @ds.delete @ds.insert(@vs) end after do Sequel.datetime_class = Time end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:items) end cspecify "should handle date type", [:do, :sqlite], [:tinytds], [:jdbc, :mssql], [:jdbc, :sqlite], :oracle do @ds.filter(:d=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_date).call(:x=>@vs[:d])[:d].must_equal @vs[:d] end cspecify "should handle datetime type", [:do], [:mysql2], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:tinytds], [:oracle] do Sequel.datetime_class = DateTime @ds.filter(:dt=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_datetime).call(:x=>@vs[:dt])[:dt].must_equal @vs[:dt] end cspecify "should handle datetime type with fractional seconds", [:do, :postgres], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:oracle] do Sequel.datetime_class = DateTime fract_time = DateTime.parse('2010-10-12 13:14:15.500000') @ds.prepare(:update, :ps_datetime_up, :dt=>:$x).call(:x=>fract_time) @ds.literal(@ds.filter(:dt=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_datetime).call(:x=>fract_time)[:dt]).must_equal @ds.literal(fract_time) end cspecify "should handle time type", [:do], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:swift], [:oracle] do @ds.filter(:t=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_time).call(:x=>@vs[:t])[:t].must_equal @vs[:t] end cspecify "should handle time type with fractional seconds", [:do, :postgres], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:oracle], [:swift, :postgres] do fract_time = @vs[:t] + 0.5 @ds.prepare(:update, :ps_time_up, :t=>:$x).call(:x=>fract_time) @ds.literal(@ds.filter(:t=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_time).call(:x=>fract_time)[:t]).must_equal @ds.literal(fract_time) end cspecify "should handle blob type", [:odbc] do @ds.delete @ds.prepare(:insert, :ps_blob, {:file=>:$x}).call(:x=>@vs[:file]) @ds.get(:file).must_equal @vs[:file] end cspecify "should handle blob type with special characters", [:odbc] do @ds.delete blob = Sequel.blob("\"'[]`a0 ") @ds.prepare(:insert, :ps_blob, {:file=>:$x}).call(:x=>blob) @ds.get(:file).must_equal blob end cspecify "should handle blob type with nil values", [:oracle], [:tinytds], [:jdbc, :mssql] do @ds.delete @ds.prepare(:insert, :ps_blob, {:file=>:$x}).call(:x=>nil) @ds.get(:file).must_equal nil end cspecify "should handle blob type with embedded zeros", [:odbc] do zero_blob ="a\0"*100) @ds.delete @ds.prepare(:insert, :ps_blob, {:file=>:$x}).call(:x=>zero_blob) @ds.get(:file).must_equal zero_blob end cspecify "should handle float type", [:swift, :sqlite] do @ds.filter(:f=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_float).call(:x=>@vs[:f])[:f].must_equal @vs[:f] end it "should handle string type" do @ds.filter(:s=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_string).call(:x=>@vs[:s])[:s].must_equal @vs[:s] end cspecify "should handle boolean type", [:do, :sqlite], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:jdbc, :db2], :oracle do @ds.filter(:b=>:$x).prepare(:first, :ps_string).call(:x=>@vs[:b])[:b].must_equal @vs[:b] end end describe "Dataset#unbind" do before do @ds = ds = DB[:items] @ct = proc do |t, v| DB.create_table!(:items) do column :c, t end ds.insert(:c=>v) end @u = proc{|ds1| ds2, bv = ds1.unbind;, bv)} end after do DB.drop_table?(:items) end it "should unbind values assigned to equality and inequality statements" do @ct[Integer, 10] @u[@ds.filter(:c=>10)].must_equal(:c=>10) @u[@ds.exclude(:c=>10)].must_equal nil @u[@ds.filter{c < 10}].must_equal nil @u[@ds.filter{c <= 10}].must_equal(:c=>10) @u[@ds.filter{c > 10}].must_equal nil @u[@ds.filter{c >= 10}].must_equal(:c=>10) end cspecify "should handle numerics and strings", [:odbc], [:swift, :sqlite] do @ct[Integer, 10] @u[@ds.filter(:c=>10)].must_equal(:c=>10) @ct[Float, 0.0] @u[@ds.filter{c < 1}].must_equal(:c=>0.0) @ct[String, 'foo'] @u[@ds.filter(:c=>'foo')].must_equal(:c=>'foo') DB.create_table!(:items) do BigDecimal :c, :size=>[15,2] end @ds.insert(:c=>'1.1')) @u[@ds.filter{c > 0}].must_equal(:c=>'1.1')) end cspecify "should handle dates and times", [:do], [:jdbc, :mssql], [:jdbc, :sqlite], [:swift], [:tinytds], :oracle do @ct[Date,] @u[@ds.filter(:c=>].must_equal(:c=> t = @ct[Time, t] @u[@ds.filter{c < t + 1}][:c].to_i.must_equal t.to_i end it "should handle QualifiedIdentifiers" do @ct[Integer, 10] @u[@ds.filter{items__c > 1}].must_equal(:c=>10) end cspecify "should handle deep nesting", :h2 do DB.create_table!(:items) do Integer :a Integer :b Integer :c Integer :d end @ds.insert(:a=>2, :b=>0, :c=>3, :d=>5) @u[@ds.filter{a > 1}.and{b < 2}.or(:c=>3).and({~Sequel.expr(:d=>4)=>1}, 0) => 1)].must_equal(:a=>2, :b=>0, :c=>3, :d=>5) @u[@ds.filter{a > 1}.and{b < 2}.or(:c=>3).and({~Sequel.expr(:d=>5)=>1}, 0) => 1)].must_equal nil end it "should handle case where the same variable has the same value in multiple places " do @ct[Integer, 1] @u[@ds.filter{c > 1}.or{c < 1}.invert].must_equal(:c=>1) @u[@ds.filter{c > 1}.or{c < 1}].must_equal nil end end