# Arbo - HTML Views in Ruby [Arbo](https://github.com/varyonic/arbo) makes it easy to generate HTML directly in Ruby. This gem was forked from [Arbre](https://github.com/activeadmin/arbre), starting when the author stepped down from maintaining Active Admin in 2018. Google 'why fork open source' for relevant articles. [![Version ][rubygems_badge]][rubygems] ## Goals The purpose of Arbo is to support Varyonic's fork of ActiveAdmin. ## Getting started * Check out [the docs][docs]. ## Need help? Please use [StackOverflow][stackoverflow] for help requests and how-to questions. Please open GitHub issues for bugs and enhancements only, not general help requests. Please search previous issues (and Google and StackOverflow) before creating a new issue. [rubygems_badge]: http://img.shields.io/gem/v/arbo.svg [rubygems]: https://rubygems.org/gems/arbo [docs]: https://varyonic.github.io/arbo/ [stackoverflow]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/arbo