require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' class Hash def ids keys end # Only updates the common keys that exist in self def update_common(hash) each_key do |k| self[k] = hash[k] if hash.key? k end end # Boolean method to check if self and another hash have intersecting keys def intersect?(hash) (keys.to_set & hash.keys.to_set).empty? ? false : true end # Returns a hash containing the intersecting keys between self and another hash def intersections(hash) (keys.to_set & hash.keys.to_set).to_a end # Filter a hash by a key filter of various types def filter(filter) filtered_hash = {} select_logic = case filter when String then 'k[]' when (Fixnum || Integer || Float || Numeric) then "k['#{filter}')]" when Regexp then 'k[filter]' when Symbol then 'k == filter' when NilClass then true else true end filtered_hash = select do |k, v| [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(select_logic.class) ? select_logic : !!eval(select_logic) end filtered_hash end # Returns the longest key as measured by String#length def longest_key end # Returns the longest key as measured by String#length def longest_value end def recursive_find_by_key(key) search_results = {} # Used to store results when key is a Regexp # Create a stack of hashes to search through for the needle which # is initially this hash stack = [self] # So long as there are more haystacks to search... while (to_search = stack.pop) # ...keep searching for this particular key... to_search.each do |k, v| # If this value can be recursively searched... if v.respond_to?(:recursive_find_by_key) # ...push that on to the list of places to search. stack << v elsif key.is_a? Regexp search_results[k] = v if key.match(k.to_s) else return v if k == key end end end if search_results.empty? nil elsif search_results.size == 1 search_results.values.first else search_results end end end