require 'rubygems' gem 'test-unit' require 'test/unit' require 'rails/all' require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/test_case' class TestApp < Rails::Application config.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) end Rails.application = TestApp module Rails def self.root @root ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'tmp', 'rails')) end end Rails.application.config.root = Rails.root # Call configure to load the settings from # Rails.application.config.generators to Rails::Generators Rails::Generators.configure! Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f} def copy_routes routes = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'routes.rb')) destination = File.join(Rails.root, "config") FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination) FileUtils.cp File.expand_path(routes), destination end # Asserts the given class exists in the given content. When a block is given, # it yields the content of the class. # # assert_file "test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb" do |controller_test| # assert_class "AccountsControllerTest", controller_test do |klass| # assert_match /context "index action"/, klass # end # end # def assert_class(klass, content) assert content =~ /class #{klass}(\(.+\))?(.*?)\nend/m, "Expected to have class #{klass}" yield $2.strip if block_given? end def generator_list { :rails => ['scaffold', 'controller'], :erubis => ['scaffold'], :simple_form => ['scaffold'], :formtastic => ['scaffold'], :fabrication => ['model'], :factory_girl => ['model'], :machinist => ['model'], :authlogic => ['session'], :jquery => ['install'], :koala => ['install'], :shoulda => ['controller'] } end def path_prefix(name) case name when :rails 'rails/generators' else 'generators' end end def require_generators(generator_list) generator_list.each do |name, generators| generators.each do |generator_name| require File.join(path_prefix(name), name.to_s, generator_name.to_s, "#{generator_name}_generator") end end end alias :require_generator :require_generators require_generators generator_list