# frozen_string_literal: true

# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/CONTRIBUTING.md

module Aws::LambdaPreview
  module Types

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass AddEventSourceRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         event_source: "String", # required
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #         role: "RoleArn", # required
    #         batch_size: 1,
    #         parameters: {
    #           "String" => "String",
    #         },
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] event_source
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is
    #   the event source. Any record added to this stream causes AWS Lambda
    #   to invoke your Lambda function. AWS Lambda POSTs the Amazon Kinesis
    #   event, containing records, to your Lambda function as JSON.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on
    #   the stream.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] role
    #   The ARN of the IAM role (invocation role) that AWS Lambda can assume
    #   to read from the stream and invoke the function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] batch_size
    #   The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will give to your
    #   function in a single event. The default is 100 records.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] parameters
    #   A map (key-value pairs) defining the configuration for AWS Lambda to
    #   use when reading the event source. Currently, AWS Lambda supports
    #   only the `InitialPositionInStream` key. The valid values are:
    #   "TRIM\_HORIZON" and "LATEST". The default value is
    #   "TRIM\_HORIZON". For more information, go to
    #   [ShardIteratorType][1] in the Amazon Kinesis Service API Reference.
    #   [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_GetShardIterator.html#Kinesis-GetShardIterator-request-ShardIteratorType
    #   @return [Hash<String,String>]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/AddEventSourceRequest AWS API Documentation
    class AddEventSourceRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteFunctionRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The Lambda function to delete.
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/DeleteFunctionRequest AWS API Documentation
    class DeleteFunctionRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # Describes mapping between an Amazon Kinesis stream and a Lambda
    # function.
    # @!attribute [rw] uuid
    #   The AWS Lambda assigned opaque identifier for the mapping.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] batch_size
    #   The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will POST in the
    #   invocation request to your function.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] event_source
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is
    #   the source of events.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on
    #   the stream.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] parameters
    #   The map (key-value pairs) defining the configuration for AWS Lambda
    #   to use when reading the event source.
    #   @return [Hash<String,String>]
    # @!attribute [rw] role
    #   The ARN of the IAM role (invocation role) that AWS Lambda can assume
    #   to read from the stream and invoke the function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] last_modified
    #   The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was
    #   updated.
    #   @return [Time]
    # @!attribute [rw] is_active
    #   Indicates whether the event source mapping is currently honored.
    #   Events are only processes if IsActive is true.
    #   @return [Boolean]
    # @!attribute [rw] status
    #   The description of the health of the event source mapping. Valid
    #   values are: "PENDING", "OK", and "PROBLEM:*message*".
    #   Initially this staus is "PENDING". When AWS Lambda begins
    #   processing events, it changes the status to "OK".
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/EventSourceConfiguration AWS API Documentation
    class EventSourceConfiguration < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # The object for the Lambda function location.
    # @!attribute [rw] repository_type
    #   The repository from which you can download the function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] location
    #   The presigned URL you can use to download the function's .zip file
    #   that you previously uploaded. The URL is valid for up to 10 minutes.
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/FunctionCodeLocation AWS API Documentation
    class FunctionCodeLocation < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # A complex type that describes function metadata.
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The name of the function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] function_arn
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] configuration_id
    #   A Lambda-assigned unique identifier for the current function code
    #   and related configuration.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] runtime
    #   The runtime environment for the Lambda function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] role
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes
    #   when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web
    #   Services (AWS) resources.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] handler
    #   The function Lambda calls to begin executing your function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] mode
    #   The type of the Lambda function you uploaded.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] code_size
    #   The size, in bytes, of the function .zip file you uploaded.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] description
    #   The user-provided description.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] timeout
    #   The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the
    #   function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we
    #   recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
    #   The default is 3 seconds.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] memory_size
    #   The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a
    #   multiple of 64 MB.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] last_modified
    #   The timestamp of the last time you updated the function.
    #   @return [Time]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/FunctionConfiguration AWS API Documentation
    class FunctionConfiguration < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetEventSourceRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         uuid: "String", # required
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] uuid
    #   The AWS Lambda assigned ID of the event source mapping.
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/GetEventSourceRequest AWS API Documentation
    class GetEventSourceRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetFunctionConfigurationRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The name of the Lambda function for which you want to retrieve the
    #   configuration information.
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/GetFunctionConfigurationRequest AWS API Documentation
    class GetFunctionConfigurationRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetFunctionRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The Lambda function name.
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/GetFunctionRequest AWS API Documentation
    class GetFunctionRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # This response contains the object for AWS Lambda function location
    # (see API\_FunctionCodeLocation
    # @!attribute [rw] configuration
    #   A complex type that describes function metadata.
    #   @return [Types::FunctionConfiguration]
    # @!attribute [rw] code
    #   The object for the Lambda function location.
    #   @return [Types::FunctionCodeLocation]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/GetFunctionResponse AWS API Documentation
    class GetFunctionResponse < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you
    # provided an IAM role for AWS Lambda to assume in the `UploadFunction`
    # or the `UpdateFunctionConfiguration` API, that AWS Lambda is unable to
    # assume you will get this exception.
    # @!attribute [rw] type
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] message
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/InvalidParameterValueException AWS API Documentation
    class InvalidParameterValueException < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # The request body could not be parsed as JSON.
    # @!attribute [rw] type
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] message
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/InvalidRequestContentException AWS API Documentation
    class InvalidRequestContentException < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass InvokeAsyncRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #         invoke_args: "data", # required
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The Lambda function name.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] invoke_args
    #   JSON that you want to provide to your Lambda function as input.
    #   @return [IO]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/InvokeAsyncRequest AWS API Documentation
    class InvokeAsyncRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # Upon success, it returns empty response. Otherwise, throws an
    # exception.
    # @!attribute [rw] status
    #   It will be 202 upon success.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/InvokeAsyncResponse AWS API Documentation
    class InvokeAsyncResponse < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListEventSourcesRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         event_source_arn: "String",
    #         function_name: "FunctionName",
    #         marker: "String",
    #         max_items: 1,
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] event_source_arn
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The name of the AWS Lambda function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] marker
    #   Optional string. An opaque pagination token returned from a previous
    #   `ListEventSources` operation. If present, specifies to continue the
    #   list from where the returning call left off.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] max_items
    #   Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of event sources to
    #   return in response. This value must be greater than 0.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/ListEventSourcesRequest AWS API Documentation
    class ListEventSourcesRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # Contains a list of event sources (see API\_EventSourceConfiguration)
    # @!attribute [rw] next_marker
    #   A string, present if there are more event source mappings.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] event_sources
    #   An arrary of `EventSourceConfiguration` objects.
    #   @return [Array<Types::EventSourceConfiguration>]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/ListEventSourcesResponse AWS API Documentation
    class ListEventSourcesResponse < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListFunctionsRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         marker: "String",
    #         max_items: 1,
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] marker
    #   Optional string. An opaque pagination token returned from a previous
    #   `ListFunctions` operation. If present, indicates where to continue
    #   the listing.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] max_items
    #   Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of AWS Lambda
    #   functions to return in response. This parameter value must be
    #   greater than 0.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/ListFunctionsRequest AWS API Documentation
    class ListFunctionsRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # Contains a list of AWS Lambda function configurations (see
    # API\_FunctionConfiguration.
    # @!attribute [rw] next_marker
    #   A string, present if there are more functions.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] functions
    #   A list of Lambda functions.
    #   @return [Array<Types::FunctionConfiguration>]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/ListFunctionsResponse AWS API Documentation
    class ListFunctionsResponse < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass RemoveEventSourceRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         uuid: "String", # required
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] uuid
    #   The event source mapping ID.
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/RemoveEventSourceRequest AWS API Documentation
    class RemoveEventSourceRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # The function or the event source specified in the request does not
    # exist.
    # @!attribute [rw] type
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] message
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/ResourceNotFoundException AWS API Documentation
    class ResourceNotFoundException < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # The AWS Lambda service encountered an internal error.
    # @!attribute [rw] type
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] message
    #   @return [String]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/ServiceException AWS API Documentation
    class ServiceException < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdateFunctionConfigurationRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #         role: "RoleArn",
    #         handler: "Handler",
    #         description: "Description",
    #         timeout: 1,
    #         memory_size: 1,
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The name of the Lambda function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] role
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda will
    #   assume when it executes your function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] handler
    #   The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function. For
    #   Node.js, it is the *module-name.export* value in your function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] description
    #   A short user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this
    #   value. Assign a meaningful description as you see fit.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] timeout
    #   The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the
    #   function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we
    #   recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
    #   The default is 3 seconds.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] memory_size
    #   The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. Lambda
    #   uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your
    #   function. Your function use-case determines your CPU and memory
    #   requirements. For example, a database operation might need less
    #   memory compared to an image processing function. The default value
    #   is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/UpdateFunctionConfigurationRequest AWS API Documentation
    class UpdateFunctionConfigurationRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

    # @note When making an API call, you may pass UploadFunctionRequest
    #   data as a hash:
    #       {
    #         function_name: "FunctionName", # required
    #         function_zip: "data", # required
    #         runtime: "nodejs", # required, accepts nodejs
    #         role: "RoleArn", # required
    #         handler: "Handler", # required
    #         mode: "event", # required, accepts event
    #         description: "Description",
    #         timeout: 1,
    #         memory_size: 1,
    #       }
    # @!attribute [rw] function_name
    #   The name you want to assign to the function you are uploading. The
    #   function names appear in the console and are returned in the
    #   ListFunctions API. Function names are used to specify functions to
    #   other AWS Lambda APIs, such as InvokeAsync.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] function_zip
    #   A .zip file containing your packaged source code. For more
    #   information about creating a .zip file, go to [AWS LambdaL How it
    #   Works][1] in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
    #   [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/walkthrough-custom-events.html
    #   @return [IO]
    # @!attribute [rw] runtime
    #   The runtime environment for the Lambda function you are uploading.
    #   Currently, Lambda supports only "nodejs" as the runtime.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] role
    #   The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes
    #   when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web
    #   Services (AWS) resources.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] handler
    #   The function that Lambda calls to begin execution. For Node.js, it
    #   is the *module-name*.*export* value in your function.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] mode
    #   How the Lambda function will be invoked. Lambda supports only the
    #   "event" mode.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] description
    #   A short, user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this
    #   value. Assign a meaningful description as you see fit.
    #   @return [String]
    # @!attribute [rw] timeout
    #   The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the
    #   function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we
    #   recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
    #   The default is 3 seconds.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @!attribute [rw] memory_size
    #   The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. Lambda
    #   uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your
    #   function. Your function use-case determines your CPU and memory
    #   requirements. For example, database operation might need less memory
    #   compared to image processing function. The default value is 128 MB.
    #   The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.
    #   @return [Integer]
    # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lambda-2014-11-11/UploadFunctionRequest AWS API Documentation
    class UploadFunctionRequest < Struct.new(
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure
