module Htcht module CLI module Rails class Rails < Thor include Thor::Actions def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) end desc 'new AppName', 'Create a new base Rails App inside a Docker Container with Postgres setup as the database.' method_option :verbose, type: :boolean, default: false, :aliases => '-v', :desc => 'default: [--no-verbose] By default rails new will be run with the quiet flag, this turns it off.' method_option :api, type: :boolean, default: false, :aliases => '-a', :desc => 'default: [--no-api] Generate Rails App in API mode.' method_option :init, type: :boolean, default: false, :aliases => '-i', :desc => 'default: [--no-init] Generate a base Rails app with custom Gemfile and configs. (This along with "--api" is the base for new Rails APIs at Trim Agency).' method_option :test, type: :boolean, default: false, :desc => 'default: [--no-test]' def new(appname) # Format the appname as snake case for folders, etc. # This code is taken straight from Rails # TODO: Move to a helper file snake_name = appname.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase rails_new_command = 'docker-compose run app rails new . --database=postgresql --skip-bundle' # Set the application template # TODO: Refactor to be dynamic from a directory if options[:init] && options[:api] copy_file('templates/api_init_template.rb', "#{snake_name}/api_init_template.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/user_spec.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/user_spec.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/users.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/users.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/email_validator.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/email_validator.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/factory_girl.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/factory_girl.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/shoulda_matchers.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/shoulda_matchers.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/rails_helper.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/rails_helper.rb") copy_file('templates/api_build_files/seeds.rb', "#{snake_name}/build_files/seeds.rb") rails_new_command.concat(' -m api_init_template.rb -T') elsif options[:init] puts "--init must be used with --api for now." return else copy_file 'templates/default_template.rb', "#{snake_name}/default_template.rb" rails_new_command.concat(' -m default_template.rb') end # Copy this over so that Docker can run Rails new copy_file 'BaseGemfile', "#{snake_name}/Gemfile" rails_new_command.concat(' --force') if options[:api] rails_new_command.concat(' --api') end unless options[:verbose] rails_new_command.concat(' --quiet') end puts "Creating new Rails API with name: #{appname}" if options[:test] puts "Here is the command:" puts rails_new_command return end empty_directory(snake_name) copy_file('docker-compose.yml', "#{snake_name}/docker-compose.yml") copy_file('Dockerfile', "#{snake_name}/Dockerfile") inside(snake_name) do # Build the containers run('docker-compse build') # Run the command to generate a new rails app run(rails_new_command) # Edit the Dockerfile and rebuild the app now that it has a Gemfile and Gemfile.lock gsub_file('Dockerfile', 'RUN gem install rails', '#RUN gem install rails') gsub_file('Dockerfile', '#COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./', 'COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./') gsub_file('Dockerfile', '#RUN gem install bundler && bundle install --jobs 20 --retry 5', 'RUN gem install bundler && bundle install --jobs 20 --retry 5') run('docker-compose build') run('docker-compose run app rake db:create') run('docker-compose run app rake db:migrate') # Clean up the template and build files if options[:init] && options[:api] remove_file("api_init_template.rb") remove_dir("build_files/") else remove_file("default_template.rb") end end end end end end end