require 'muack/test' describe Muack::Mock do describe 'Muack.verify==true' do after do Muack.verify.should.eq true end should 'inspect' do mock(Obj).inspect.should.eq "Muack::API.mock(obj)" end should 'mock with regular method' do mock(Obj).say(true){ 'boo' } Obj.say(true).should.eq 'boo' end should 'mock existing method' do mock(Obj).to_s{ 'zoo' } Obj.to_s.should.eq 'zoo' end should 'pass the actual block' do mock(Obj).say{ |&block|'Hi') } Obj.say{ |msg| msg }.should.eq 'Hi' end should 'pass multiple arguments' do mock(Obj).say{ |*args| args.reverse }.with_any_args Obj.say(0, 1).should.eq [1, 0] end should 'mock private method and preserve privacy' do mock(Obj).private{ 'sai' } Obj.respond_to?(:private ).should.eq false Obj.respond_to?(:private, true).should.eq true Obj.__send__(:private).should.eq 'sai' Muack.verify.should.eq true Obj.respond_to?(:private ).should.eq false Obj.__send__(:private).should.eq 'pri' end should 'mock twice' do mock(Obj).say(true){ Obj.saya } mock(Obj).saya{ 'coo' } Obj.say(true).should.eq 'coo' end should 'also mock with with' do mock(Str).method_missing(:say, 0){ 0 } Str.say(0).should.eq 0 Muack.verify.should.eq true mock(Str).method_missing(:say, 1){ 1 } lambda{ Str.say(2) }.should.raise(Muack::Unexpected) Muack.reset end should 'mix mock and stub' do mock(Obj).say { 0 } stub(Obj).saya{ 1 } 3.times{ Obj.saya.should.eq 1 } Obj.say .should.eq 0 end should 'mix mock and stub with conflicting method, latter wins' do stub(Obj).say{0} mock(Obj).say{1} Obj.say.should.eq 1 end should 'mix mock and stub with conflicting method, try to hit stub' do stub(Obj).say{0} mock(Obj).say{1} Obj.say.should.eq 1 lambda{ Obj.say }.should.raise(Muack::Expected) end should 'mix mock and stub with conflicting method, mock never called' do mock(Obj).say{0} stub(Obj).say{1} Obj.say.should.eq 1 lambda{ Muack.verify }.should.raise(Muack::Expected) end should 'unnamed mock' do mock.say{1}.object.say.should.eq 1 end should 'mock and call, mock and call' do mock(Obj).say{0} Obj.say.should.eq 0 mock(Obj).say{1} Obj.say.should.eq 1 end should 'not remove original singleton method' do obj ={ def self.f; 0; end } 2.times{ mock(obj).f{ 1 } } 2.times{ obj.f.should.eq 1 } Muack.verify.should.eq true obj.f .should.eq 0 end end describe 'Muack.verify==false' do after do Muack.reset end should 'raise Unexpected error if passing unexpected argument' do mock(Obj).say(true){ 'boo' } begin Obj.say(false) 'never'.should.eq 'reach' rescue Muack::Unexpected => e e.expected.should.eq 'obj.say(true)' e.was .should.eq 'obj.say(false)' e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: #{e.expected}\n but was: #{e.was}" end end should 'have correct message for multiple mocks with the same name' do 2.times{ mock(Obj).say{} } begin 3.times{ Obj.say } 'never'.should.eq 'reach' rescue Muack::Expected => e e.expected.should.eq 'obj.say()' e.expected_times.should.eq 2 e.actual_times .should.eq 3 e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: obj.say()\n " \ "called 2 times\n but was 3 times." end end should 'have correct message for mocks with special satisfier' do mock(Obj).say(anything){} begin Obj.say(1) Obj.say(2) 'never'.should.eq 'reach' rescue Muack::Expected => e expected = 'obj.say(Muack::API.anything())' e.expected.should.eq expected e.expected_times.should.eq 1 e.actual_times .should.eq 2 e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: #{expected}\n " \ "called 1 times\n but was 2 times." end end should 'raise if a mock with times(0) gets called' do mock(Obj).say.times(0) begin Obj.say 'never'.should.eq 'reach' rescue Muack::Unexpected => e e.expected.should.eq nil e.was .should.eq 'obj.say()' e.message .should.eq "\nUnexpected call: #{e.was}" end end should 'raise if a mock with times(0) gets called with diff sig' do mock(Obj).say.times(0) begin Obj.say(true) 'never'.should.eq 'reach' rescue Muack::Unexpected => e e.expected.should.eq nil e.was .should.eq 'obj.say(true)' e.message .should.eq "\nUnexpected call: #{e.was}" end end should 'raise Unexpected when calling with diff sig' do mock(Obj).say(true){1} Obj.say(true).should.eq 1 begin Obj.say 'never'.should.eq 'reach' rescue Muack::Unexpected => e e.expected.should.eq 'obj.say(true)' e.was .should.eq 'obj.say()' e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: #{e.expected}\n but was: #{e.was}" end end should 'raise Expected error if mock methods not called' do mock(Obj).say(true){ 'boo' } begin Muack.verify rescue Muack::Expected => e e.expected .should.eq 'obj.say(true)' e.expected_times.should.eq 1 e.actual_times .should.eq 0 e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: obj.say(true)\n " \ "called 1 times\n but was 0 times." end end should 'show first not enough calls' do mock(Obj).say{ 'boo' }.times(2) mock(Obj).saya{} .times(2) begin Obj.say Muack.verify rescue Muack::Expected => e e.expected .should.eq 'obj.say()' e.expected_times.should.eq 2 e.actual_times .should.eq 1 e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: obj.say()\n " \ "called 2 times\n but was 1 times." end end end end