# @@config desc 'Edit the configuration file or output a value from it' long_desc %(Run without arguments, `doing config` opens your `config.yml` in an editor. If local configurations are found in the path between the current directory and the root (/), a menu will allow you to select which to open in the editor. It will use the editor defined in `config_editor_app`, or one specified with `--editor`. Use `doing config get` to output the configuration to the terminal, and provide a dot-separated key path to get a specific value. Shows the current value including keys/overrides set by local configs.) command :config do |c| c.example 'doing config', desc: "Open an active configuration in #{Doing::Util.find_default_editor('config')}" c.example 'doing config get doing_file', desc: 'Output the value of a config key as YAML' c.example 'doing config get plugins.plugin_path -o json', desc: 'Output the value of a key path as JSON' c.example 'doing config set plugins.say.say_voice Alex', desc: 'Set the value of a key path and update config file' c.example 'doing config set plug.say.voice Zarvox', desc: 'Key paths for get and set are fuzzy matched' c.default_command :edit c.desc 'DEPRECATED' c.switch %i[d dump] c.desc 'DEPRECATED' c.switch %i[u update] # @@config.list c.desc 'List configuration paths, including .doingrc files in the current and parent directories' c.long_desc 'Config files are listed in order of precedence (if there are multiple configs detected). Values defined in the top item in the list will override values in configutations below it.' c.command :list do |list| list.action do |global, options, args| puts Doing.config.additional_configs.join("\n") puts Doing.config.config_file end end # @@config.edit c.desc 'Open config file in editor' c.command :edit do |edit| edit.example 'doing config edit', desc: 'Open a config file in the default editor' edit.example 'doing config edit --editor vim', desc: 'Open config in specific editor' edit.desc 'Editor to use' edit.arg_name 'EDITOR' edit.flag %i[e editor] if `uname` =~ /Darwin/ edit.desc 'Application to use' edit.arg_name 'APP_NAME' edit.flag %i[a app] edit.desc 'Application bundle id to use' edit.arg_name 'BUNDLE_ID' edit.flag %i[b bundle_id] edit.desc "Use the config editor defined in ~/.config/doing/config.yml (#{Doing.setting('editors.config', 'editors.config not set')})" edit.switch %i[x default], negatable: false end edit.action do |global, options, args| if options[:update] || options[:dump] cmd = commands[:config] if options[:update] cmd = cmd.commands[:update] elsif options[:dump] cmd = cmd.commands[:get] end action = cmd.send(:get_action, nil) action.call(global, options, args) Doing.logger.warn('Deprecated:', '--dump and --update are deprecated, use `doing config get` and `doing config update`') Doing.logger.output_results return end config_file = Doing.config.choose_config if `uname` =~ /Darwin/ if options[:default] editor = Doing::Util.find_default_editor('config') if editor if Doing::Util.exec_available(editor.split(/ /).first) system %(#{editor} "#{config_file}") else `open -a "#{editor}" "#{config_file}"` end else raise InvalidArgument, 'No viable editor found in config or environment.' end elsif options[:app] || options[:bundle_id] if options[:app] `open -a "#{options[:app]}" "#{config_file}"` elsif options[:bundle_id] `open -b #{options[:bundle_id]} "#{config_file}"` end else editor = options[:editor] || Doing::Util.find_default_editor('config') raise MissingEditor, 'No viable editor defined in config or environment' unless editor if Doing::Util.exec_available(editor.split(/ /).first) system %(#{editor} "#{config_file}") else `open -a "#{editor}" "#{config_file}"` end end else editor = options[:editor] || Doing::Util.default_editor raise MissingEditor, 'No EDITOR variable defined in environment' unless editor && Doing::Util.exec_available(editor.split(/ /).first) system %(#{editor} "#{config_file}") end end end # @@config.update @@config.refresh c.desc 'Update default config file, adding any missing keys' c.command %i[update refresh] do |update| update.action do |_global, options, args| Doing.config.configure({rewrite: true, ignore_local: true}) Doing.logger.warn('Config:', 'config refreshed') end end # @@config.undo c.desc 'Undo the last change to a config file' c.command :undo do |undo| undo.action do |_global, options, args| config_file = Doing.config.choose_config Doing::Util::Backup.restore_last_backup(config_file, count: 1) end end # @@config.get @@config.dump c.desc 'Output a key\'s value' c.arg 'KEY_PATH' c.command %i[get dump] do |dump| dump.example 'doing config get', desc: 'Output the entire configuration' dump.example 'doing config get timer_format --output raw', desc: 'Output the value of timer_format as a plain string' dump.example 'doing config get doing_file', desc: 'Output the value of the doing_file setting, respecting local configurations' dump.example 'doing config get -o json plug.plugpath', desc: 'Key path is fuzzy matched: output the value of plugins.plugin_path as JSON' dump.desc 'Format for output (json|yaml|raw)' dump.arg_name 'FORMAT' dump.flag %i[o output], default_value: 'yaml', must_match: /^(?:y(?:aml)?|j(?:son)?|r(?:aw)?)$/ dump.action do |_global, options, args| keypath = args.join('.') cfg = Doing.config.value_for_key(keypath) real_path = Doing.config.resolve_key_path(keypath) if cfg val = cfg.map {|k, v| v }[0] if real_path.count.positive? nested_cfg = {} nested_cfg.deep_set(real_path, val) else nested_cfg = val end if options[:output] =~ /^r/ if val.is_a?(Hash) $stdout.puts YAML.dump(val) elsif val.is_a?(Array) $stdout.puts val.join(', ') else $stdout.puts val.to_s end else $stdout.puts case options[:output] when /^j/ JSON.pretty_generate(val) else YAML.dump(nested_cfg) end end else Doing.logger.log_now(:error, 'Config:', "Key #{keypath} not found") end Doing.logger.output_results end end # @@config.set c.desc 'Set a key\'s value in the config file' c.arg 'KEY VALUE' c.command :set do |set| set.example 'doing config set timer_format human', desc: 'Set the value of timer_format to "human"' set.example 'doing config set plug.plugpath ~/my_plugins', desc: 'Key path is fuzzy matched: set the value of plugins.plugin_path' set.desc 'Delete specified key' set.switch %i[r remove], negatable: false set.desc 'Force update to .doingrc in the current directory' set.switch %[local], negatable: false set.action do |_global, options, args| if args.count < 2 && !options[:remove] raise InvalidArgument, 'config set requires at least two arguments, key path and value' end value = options[:remove] ? nil : args.pop keypath = args.join('.') real_path = Doing.config.resolve_key_path(keypath, create: true) old_value = Doing.config.settings.dig(*real_path) old_type = old_value&.class.to_s || nil if old_value.is_a?(Hash) && !options[:remove] Doing.logger.log_now(:warn, 'Config:', "Config key must point to a single value, #{real_path.join('.').boldwhite} is a mapping") didyou = 'Did you mean:' old_value.keys.each do |k| Doing.logger.log_now(:warn, "#{didyou}", "#{keypath}.#{k}?") didyou = '..........or:' end raise InvalidArgument, 'Config value is a mapping, can not be set to a single value' end config_file = Doing.config.choose_config(create: true, local: options[:local]) cfg = Doing::Util.safe_load_file(config_file) || {} $stderr.puts "> Config: Updating #{config_file}".yellow if options[:remove] cfg.deep_set(real_path, nil) $stderr.puts "#{'Deleting key:'.yellow} #{real_path.join('.').boldwhite}" else current_value = cfg.dig(*real_path) cfg.deep_set(real_path, value.set_type(old_type)) $stderr.puts "#{' Key path:'.yellow} #{real_path.join('.').boldwhite}" $stderr.puts "#{' Inherited:'.yellow} #{(old_value ? old_value.to_s : 'empty').boldwhite}" $stderr.puts "#{' Current:'.yellow} #{ (current_value ? current_value.to_s : 'empty').boldwhite }" $stderr.puts "#{' New:'.yellow} #{value.set_type(old_type).to_s.boldwhite}" end res = Doing::Prompt.yn('Update selected config', default_response: true) raise UserCancelled, 'Cancelled' unless res Doing::Util.write_to_file(config_file, YAML.dump(cfg), backup: true) Doing.logger.warn('Config:', "#{config_file} updated") end end end