module Spy # A Mock is an object that has all the same methods as the given class. # Each method however will raise a NeverHookedError if it hasn't been stubbed. # If you attempt to stub a method on the mock that doesn't exist on the # original class it will raise an error. module Mock include Base CLASSES_NOT_TO_OVERRIDE = [Enumerable, Numeric, Comparable, Class, Module, Object] METHODS_NOT_TO_OVERRIDE = [:initialize, :method] def initialize(&mock_method) Agency.instance.recruit(self) end def is_a?(other) self.class.ancestors.include?(other) end alias :kind_of? :is_a? def instance_of?(other) other == self.class end def method(method_name) new_method = super if new_method.parameters.size >= 1 && new_method.parameters.last.last == :mock_method begin _mock_class.send(:remove_method, method_name) real_method = super ensure _mock_class.send(:define_method, method_name, new_method) end real_method else new_method end end class << self def new(klass) mock_klass = mock_klass.class_exec do alias :_mock_class :class private :_mock_class define_method(:class) do klass end include Mock end mock_klass end def included(mod) method_classes = classes_to_override_methods(mod) mocked_methods = [] [:public, :protected, :private].each do |visibility| get_inherited_methods(method_classes, visibility).each do |method_name| mocked_methods << method_name args = args_for_method(mod.instance_method(method_name)) mod.class_eval <<-DEF_METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{method_name}(#{args}) raise ::Spy::NeverHookedError, "'#{method_name}' was never hooked on mock spy." end #{visibility} :#{method_name} DEF_METHOD end end mod.define_singleton_method(:mocked_methods) do mocked_methods end end private def classes_to_override_methods(mod) method_classes = mod.ancestors method_classes.shift method_classes.delete(self) CLASSES_NOT_TO_OVERRIDE.each do |klass| index = method_classes.index(klass) method_classes.slice!(index..-1) if index end method_classes end def get_inherited_methods(klass_ancestors, visibility) instance_methods = do |klass| klass.send("#{visibility}_instance_methods".to_sym, false) end instance_methods.flatten! instance_methods.uniq! instance_methods - METHODS_NOT_TO_OVERRIDE end def args_for_method(method) args = do |type,name| name ||= :args case type when :req name when :opt "#{name} = nil" when :rest "*#{name}" end end.compact args << "&mock_method" args.join(",") end end end end