module Fastlane module Actions class FlockAction < Action BASE_URL = ''.freeze def require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'json' notify_incoming_message_webhook(options[:base_url], options[:message], options[:token]) end def self.notify_incoming_message_webhook(base_url, message, token) uri = URI.join(base_url + '/', token) response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https' ) do |http| request = request.content_type = 'application/json' request.body = JSON.generate("text" => message) http.request(request) end if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) UI.success('Message sent to Flock.') else UI.error("HTTP request to '#{uri}' with message '#{message}' failed with a #{response.code} response.") UI.user_error!('Error sending message to Flock. Please verify the Flock webhook token.') end end def self.description "Send a message to a Flock group" end def self.details "To obtain the token, create a new [incoming message webhook]( in your Flock admin panel." end def self.available_options [ :message, env_name: 'FL_FLOCK_MESSAGE', description: 'Message text'), :token, env_name: 'FL_FLOCK_TOKEN', sensitive: true, description: 'Token for the Flock incoming webhook'), :base_url, env_name: 'FL_FLOCK_BASE_URL', description: 'Base URL of the Flock incoming message webhook', optional: true, default_value: BASE_URL, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!('Invalid https URL') unless value.start_with?('https://') end) ] end def "Manav" end def self.example_code [ 'flock( message: "Hello", token: "xxx" )' ] end def self.category :notifications end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end