### The Event object stores all the relevant event information. ### class WebSocketRails.Event constructor: (data, @success_callback, @failure_callback) -> @name = data[0] attr = data[1] if attr? @id = if attr['id']? then attr['id'] else (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0) @channel = if attr.channel? then attr.channel @data = if attr.data? then attr.data else attr @token = if attr.token? then attr.token @connection_id = data[2] if attr.success? @result = true @success = attr.success is_channel: -> @channel? is_result: -> typeof @result != 'undefined' is_ping: -> @name == 'websocket_rails.ping' serialize: -> JSON.stringify [@name, @attributes()] attributes: -> id: @id, channel: @channel, data: @data token: @token run_callbacks: (@success, @result) -> if @success == true @success_callback?(@result) else @failure_callback?(@result)