# Copyright 2013-2014 Bazaarvoice, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. unless RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' # This script uses Ruby 1.9 functions such as Enumerable.slice_before and Enumerable.chunk $stderr.puts "This script requires ruby 1.9+. On OS/X use Homebrew to install ruby 1.9:" $stderr.puts " brew install ruby" exit(2) end require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'erb' require 'xmlsimple' VENDOR_PATH = File.expand_path("../../../vendor/AWSCloudFormation-1.0.12", __FILE__) SYSTEM_ENV = "export PATH=#{VENDOR_PATH}/bin:$PATH; export AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME=#{VENDOR_PATH}" ############################# Command-line and "cfn-cmd" Support # Parse command-line arguments based on cfn-cmd syntax (cfn-create-stack etc.) and return the parameters and region def cfn_parse_args stack_name = nil parameters = {} region = ENV['EC2_REGION'] || ENV['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] || 'us-east-1' nopretty = false ARGV.slice_before(/^--/).each do |name, value| case name when '--stack-name' stack_name = value when '--parameters' parameters = Hash[value.split(/;/).map { |pair| pair.split(/=/, 2) }] when '--region' region = value when '--nopretty' nopretty = true end end [stack_name, parameters, region, nopretty] end def cfn_cmd(template) action = ARGV[0] unless %w(expand diff cfn-validate-template cfn-create-stack cfn-update-stack).include? action $stderr.puts "usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} " exit(2) end unless (ARGV & %w(--template-file --template-url)).empty? $stderr.puts "#{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)}: The --template-file and --template-url command-line options are not allowed." exit(2) end # Find parameters where extension attribute :Immutable is true then remove it from the # cfn template since we can't pass it to CloudFormation. immutable_parameters = template.excise_parameter_attribute!(:Immutable) # Tag CloudFormation stacks based on :Tags defined in the template cfn_tags = template.excise_tags! # Can't currently support spaces because the system() call escapes them and that fouls up the CLI unless cfn_tags.select { |i| i =~ /\s+/ }.empty? $stderr.puts "ERROR: Tag names or values cannot currently contain spaces. Please remove spaces and try again." exit(2) end # The command line string looks like: --tag "Key=key; Value=value" --tag "Key2=key2; Value2=value" cfn_tags_options = cfn_tags.sort.map { |tag| ["--tag", "Key=%s; Value=%s" % tag.split('=')] }.flatten # example: cfn-create-stack my-stack-name --parameters "Env=prod" --region eu-west-1 # Execute the AWS CLI cfn-cmd command to validate/create/update a CloudFormation stack. if action == 'diff' or (action == 'expand' and not template.nopretty) template_string = JSON.pretty_generate(template) else template_string = JSON.generate(template) end if action == 'expand' # Write the pretty-printed JSON template to stdout and exit. [--nopretty] option writes output with minimal whitespace # example: expand --parameters "Env=prod" --region eu-west-1 --nopretty if template.nopretty puts template_string else puts template_string end exit(true) end temp_file = File.absolute_path("#{$PROGRAM_NAME}.expanded.json") File.write(temp_file, template_string) cmdline = ['cfn-cmd'] + ARGV + ['--template-file', temp_file] + cfn_tags_options # Add the required default capability if no capabilities were specified cmdline = cmdline + ['-c', 'CAPABILITY_IAM'] if not ARGV.include?('--capabilities') or ARGV.include?('-c') case action when 'diff' # example: diff my-stack-name --parameters "Env=prod" --region eu-west-1 # Diff the current template for an existing stack with the expansion of this template. # The --parameters and --tag options were used to expand the template but we don't need them anymore. Discard. _, cfn_options = extract_options(ARGV[1..-1], %w(), %w(--parameters --tag)) # Separate the remaining command-line options into options for 'cfn-cmd' and options for 'diff'. cfn_options, diff_options = extract_options(cfn_options, %w(), %w(--stack-name --region --parameters --connection-timeout -I --access-key-id -S --secret-key -K --ec2-private-key-file-path -U --url)) # If the first argument is a stack name then shift it from diff_options over to cfn_options. if diff_options[0] && !(/^-/ =~ diff_options[0]) cfn_options.unshift(diff_options.shift) end # Run CloudFormation commands to describe the existing stack cfn_options_string = cfn_options.map { |arg| "'#{arg}'" }.join(' ') old_template_raw = exec_capture_stdout("cfn-cmd cfn-get-template #{cfn_options_string}") # ec2 template output is not valid json: TEMPLATE "\n"\n old_template_object = JSON.parse(old_template_raw[11..-3]) old_template_string = JSON.pretty_generate(old_template_object) old_stack_attributes = exec_describe_stack(cfn_options_string) old_tags_string = old_stack_attributes["TAGS"] old_parameters_string = old_stack_attributes["PARAMETERS"] # Sort the tag strings alphabetically to make them easily comparable old_tags_string = (old_tags_string || '').split(';').sort.map { |tag| %Q(TAG "#{tag}"\n) }.join tags_string = cfn_tags.sort.map { |tag| "TAG \"#{tag}\"\n" }.join # Sort the parameter strings alphabetically to make them easily comparable old_parameters_string = (old_parameters_string || '').split(';').sort.map { |param| %Q(PARAMETER "#{param}"\n) }.join parameters_string = template.parameters.sort.map { |key, value| "PARAMETER \"#{key}=#{value}\"\n" }.join # Diff the expanded template with the template from CloudFormation. old_temp_file = File.absolute_path("#{$PROGRAM_NAME}.current.json") new_temp_file = File.absolute_path("#{$PROGRAM_NAME}.expanded.json") File.write(old_temp_file, old_tags_string + old_parameters_string + old_template_string) File.write(new_temp_file, tags_string + parameters_string + template_string) # Compare templates puts %x( #{SYSTEM_ENV}; #{(["diff"] + diff_options + [old_temp_file, new_temp_file]).join(' ')} ) File.delete(old_temp_file) File.delete(new_temp_file) exit(true) when 'cfn-validate-template' # The cfn-validate-template command doesn't support --parameters so remove it if it was provided for template expansion. _, cmdline = extract_options(cmdline, %w(), %w(--parameters --tag)) when 'cfn-update-stack' # Pick out the subset of cfn-update-stack options that apply to cfn-describe-stacks. cfn_options, other_options = extract_options(ARGV[1..-1], %w(), %w(--stack-name --region --connection-timeout -I --access-key-id -S --secret-key -K --ec2-private-key-file-path -U --url)) # If the first argument is a stack name then shift it over to cfn_options. if other_options[0] && !(/^-/ =~ other_options[0]) cfn_options.unshift(other_options.shift) end # Run CloudFormation command to describe the existing stack cfn_options_string = cfn_options.map { |arg| "'#{arg}'" }.join(' ') old_stack_attributes = exec_describe_stack(cfn_options_string) # If updating a stack and some parameters are marked as immutable, fail if the new parameters don't match the old ones. if not immutable_parameters.empty? old_parameters_string = old_stack_attributes["PARAMETERS"] old_parameters = Hash[(old_parameters_string || '').split(';').map { |pair| pair.split('=', 2) }] new_parameters = template.parameters immutable_parameters.sort.each do |param| if old_parameters[param].to_s != new_parameters[param].to_s $stderr.puts "Error: cfn-update-stack may not update immutable parameter " + "'#{param}=#{old_parameters[param]}' to '#{param}=#{new_parameters[param]}'." exit(false) end end end # Tags are immutable in CloudFormation. The cfn-update-stack command doesn't support --tag options, so remove # the argument (if it exists) and validate against the existing stack to ensure tags haven't changed. # Compare the sorted arrays for an exact match old_cfn_tags = old_stack_attributes['TAGS'].split(';').sort rescue [] # Use empty Array if .split fails if cfn_tags.sort != old_cfn_tags $stderr.puts "CloudFormation stack tags do not match and cannot be updated. You must either use the same tags or create a new stack." + "\n" + (old_cfn_tags - cfn_tags).map {|tag| "< #{tag}" }.join("\n") + "\n" + "---" + "\n" + (cfn_tags - old_cfn_tags).map {|tag| "> #{tag}"}.join("\n") exit(false) end _, cmdline = extract_options(cmdline, %w(), %w(--tag)) end # Execute command cmdline puts %x( #{SYSTEM_ENV}; #{cmdline.map {|i| "\"#{i}\" "}.join} ) unless $? $stderr.puts "\nExecution of 'cfn-cmd' failed. To facilitate debugging, the generated JSON template " + "file was not deleted. You may delete the file manually if it isn't needed: #{temp_file}" exit(false) end File.delete(temp_file) exit(true) end def extract_kv_string(hash, prefix='') key = "#{prefix}Key" value = "#{prefix}Value" hash["member"].map {|a| "#{a[key]}=#{a[value]}" }.join(';') rescue '' end def exec_describe_stack cfn_options_string xml_data = exec_capture_stdout("cfn-cmd cfn-describe-stacks #{cfn_options_string} --show-xml") xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(xml_data, :ForceArray => false)["DescribeStacksResult"]["Stacks"]["member"] { "TAGS" => extract_kv_string(xml["Tags"]), "PARAMETERS" => extract_kv_string(xml["Parameters"], "Parameter") } end def exec_capture_stdout command stdout = %x( #{SYSTEM_ENV}; #{command} ) unless $?.success? $stderr.puts stdout unless stdout.empty? # cfn-cmd sometimes writes error messages to stdout exit(false) end stdout end def extract_options(args, opts_no_val, opts_1_val) args = args.clone opts = [] rest = [] while (arg = args.shift) != nil if opts_no_val.include?(arg) opts.push(arg) elsif opts_1_val.include?(arg) opts.push(arg) opts.push(arg) if (arg = args.shift) != nil else rest.push(arg) end end [opts, rest] end ############################# Generic DSL class JsonObjectDSL def initialize(&block) @dict = {} instance_eval &block end def value(values) @dict.update(values) end def default(key, value) @dict[key] ||= value end def to_json(*args) @dict.to_json(*args) end def print() puts JSON.pretty_generate(self) end end ############################# CloudFormation DSL # Main entry point def template(&block) TemplateDSL.new(&block) end # Core interpreter for the DSL class TemplateDSL < JsonObjectDSL attr_reader :parameters, :aws_region, :nopretty, :stack_name def initialize() @stack_name, @parameters, @aws_region, @nopretty = cfn_parse_args super end def exec!() cfn_cmd(self) end def parameter(name, options) default(:Parameters, {})[name] = options @parameters[name] ||= options[:Default] end # Find parameters where the specified attribute is true then remove the attribute from the cfn template. def excise_parameter_attribute!(attribute) marked_parameters = [] @dict.fetch(:Parameters, {}).each do |param, options| if options.delete(attribute.to_sym) or options.delete(attribute.to_s) marked_parameters << param end end marked_parameters end def mapping(name, options) # if options is a string and a valid file then the script will process the external file. default(:Mappings, {})[name] = \ if options.is_a?(Hash); options elsif options.is_a?(String); load_from_file(options)['Mappings'][name] else; raise("Options for mapping #{name} is neither a string or a hash. Error!") end end def load_from_file(filename) file = File.open(filename) begin # Figure out what the file extension is and process accordingly. contents = case File.extname(filename) when ".rb"; eval(file.read, nil, filename) when ".json"; JSON.load(file) when ".yaml"; YAML::load(file) else; raise("Do not recognize extension of #{filename}.") end ensure file.close end contents end def excise_tags! tags = [] @dict.fetch(:Tags, {}).each do | tag_name, tag_value | tags << "#{tag_name}=#{tag_value}" end @dict.delete(:Tags) tags end def tag(tag) tag.each do | name, value | default(:Tags, {})[name] = value end end def condition(name, options) default(:Conditions, {})[name] = options end def resource(name, options) default(:Resources, {})[name] = options end def output(name, options) default(:Outputs, {})[name] = options end def find_in_map(map, key, name) # Eagerly evaluate mappings when all keys are known at template expansion time if map.is_a?(String) && key.is_a?(String) && name.is_a?(String) # We don't know whether the map was built with string keys or symbol keys. Try both. def get(map, key) map[key] || map.fetch(key.to_sym) end get(get(@dict.fetch(:Mappings).fetch(map), key), name) else { :'Fn::FindInMap' => [ map, key, name ] } end end end def base64(value) { :'Fn::Base64' => value } end def find_in_map(map, key, name) { :'Fn::FindInMap' => [ map, key, name ] } end def get_att(resource, attribute) { :'Fn::GetAtt' => [ resource, attribute ] } end def get_azs(region = '') { :'Fn::GetAZs' => region } end def join(delim, *list) case list.length when 0 then '' when 1 then list[0] else join_list(delim,list) end end # Variant of join that matches the native CFN syntax. def join_list(delim, list) { :'Fn::Join' => [ delim, list ] } end def equal(one, two) { :'Fn::Equals' => [one, two] } end def fn_not(condition) { :'Fn::Not' => [condition] } end def fn_or(*condition_list) case condition_list.length when 0..1 then raise "fn_or needs at least 2 items." when 2..10 then { :'Fn::Or' => condition_list } else raise "fn_or needs a list of 2-10 items that evaluate to true/false." end end def fn_and(*condition_list) case condition_list.length when 0..1 then raise "fn_and needs at least 2 items." when 2..10 then { :'Fn::And' => condition_list } else raise "fn_and needs a list of 2-10 items that evaluate to true/false." end end def fn_if(cond, if_true, if_false) { :'Fn::If' => [cond, if_true, if_false] } end def not_equal(one, two) fn_not(equal(one,two)) end def select(index, list) { :'Fn::Select' => [ index, list ] } end def ref(name) { :Ref => name } end def aws_account_id() ref("AWS::AccountId") end def aws_notification_arns() ref("AWS::NotificationARNs") end def aws_no_value() ref("AWS::NoValue") end def aws_stack_id() ref("AWS::StackId") end def aws_stack_name() ref("AWS::StackName") end # deprecated, for backward compatibility def no_value() warn_deprecated('no_value()', 'aws_no_value()') aws_no_value() end # Read the specified file and return its value as a string literal def file(filename) File.read(File.absolute_path(filename, File.dirname($PROGRAM_NAME))) end # Interpolates a string like "NAME={{ref('Service')}}" and returns a CloudFormation "Fn::Join" # operation to collect the results. Anything between {{ and }} is interpreted as a Ruby expression # and eval'd. This is especially useful with Ruby "here" documents. # Local variables may also be exposed to the string via the `locals` hash. def interpolate(string, locals={}) list = [] while string.length > 0 head, match, string = string.partition(/\{\{.*?\}\}/) list << head if head.length > 0 list << eval(match[2..-3], nil, 'interpolated string') if match.length > 0 end # Split out strings in an array by newline, for visibility list = list.flat_map {|value| value.is_a?(String) ? value.lines.to_a : value } join('', *list) end def join_interpolate(delim, string) $stderr.puts "join_interpolate(delim,string) has been deprecated; use interpolate(string) instead" interpolate(string) end # This class is used by erb templates so they can access the parameters passed class Namespace attr_accessor :params def initialize(hash) @params = hash end def get_binding binding end end # Combines the provided ERB template with optional parameters def erb_template(filename, params = {}) ERB.new(file(filename), nil, '-').result(Namespace.new(params).get_binding) end def warn_deprecated(old, new) $stderr.puts "Warning: '#{old}' has been deprecated. Please update your template to use '#{new}' instead." end