# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `actionview` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem actionview`.
module ActionView
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
class << self
def eager_load!; end
# Returns the currently loaded version of Action View as a Gem::Version.
def gem_version; end
# Returns the currently loaded version of Action View as a Gem::Version.
def version; end
# This class defines the interface for a renderer. Each class that
# subclasses +AbstractRenderer+ is used by the base +Renderer+ class to
# render a specific type of object.
# The base +Renderer+ class uses its +render+ method to delegate to the
# renderers. These currently consist of
# PartialRenderer - Used for rendering partials
# TemplateRenderer - Used for rendering other types of templates
# StreamingTemplateRenderer - Used for streaming
# Whenever the +render+ method is called on the base +Renderer+ class, a new
# renderer object of the correct type is created, and the +render+ method on
# that new object is called in turn. This abstracts the set up and rendering
# into a separate classes for partials and templates.
class ActionView::AbstractRenderer
# @return [AbstractRenderer] a new instance of AbstractRenderer
def initialize(lookup_context); end
def any_templates?(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def formats(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
def render; end
def template_exists?(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def build_rendered_collection(templates, spacer); end
def build_rendered_template(content, template); end
def extract_details(options); end
def prepend_formats(formats); end
ActionView::AbstractRenderer::NO_DETAILS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
module ActionView::AbstractRenderer::ObjectRendering
def initialize(lookup_context, options); end
def local_variable(path); end
def merge_prefix_into_object_path(prefix, object_path); end
# Obtains the path to where the object's partial is located. If the object
# responds to +to_partial_path+, then +to_partial_path+ will be called and
# will provide the path. If the object does not respond to +to_partial_path+,
# then an +ArgumentError+ is raised.
# If +prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace+ is true, then this
# method will prefix the partial paths with a namespace.
def partial_path(object, view); end
# @raise [ArgumentError]
def raise_invalid_identifier(path); end
# @raise [ArgumentError]
def raise_invalid_option_as(as); end
ActionView::AbstractRenderer::ObjectRendering::IDENTIFIER_ERROR_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
ActionView::AbstractRenderer::ObjectRendering::OPTION_AS_ERROR_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
ActionView::AbstractRenderer::ObjectRendering::PREFIXED_PARTIAL_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Concurrent::Map)
class ActionView::AbstractRenderer::RenderedCollection
# @return [RenderedCollection] a new instance of RenderedCollection
def initialize(rendered_templates, spacer); end
def body; end
def format; end
# Returns the value of attribute rendered_templates.
def rendered_templates; end
class << self
def empty(format); end
class ActionView::AbstractRenderer::RenderedCollection::EmptyCollection
# @return [EmptyCollection] a new instance of EmptyCollection
def initialize(format); end
def body; end
# Returns the value of attribute format.
def format; end
class ActionView::AbstractRenderer::RenderedTemplate
# @return [RenderedTemplate] a new instance of RenderedTemplate
def initialize(body, template); end
# Returns the value of attribute body.
def body; end
def format; end
# Returns the value of attribute template.
def template; end
ActionView::AbstractRenderer::RenderedTemplate::EMPTY_SPACER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
# = Action View Errors
class ActionView::ActionViewError < ::StandardError; end
# = Action View Base
# Action View templates can be written in several ways.
# If the template file has a .erb extension, then it uses the erubi[https://rubygems.org/gems/erubi]
# template system which can embed Ruby into an HTML document.
# If the template file has a .builder extension, then Jim Weirich's Builder::XmlMarkup library is used.
# == ERB
# You trigger ERB by using embeddings such as <% %>, <% -%>, and <%= %>. The <%= %> tag set is used when you want output. Consider the
# following loop for names:
# Names of all the people
# <% @people.each do |person| %>
# Name: <%= person.name %>
# <% end %>
# The loop is set up in regular embedding tags <% %>, and the name is written using the output embedding tag <%= %>. Note that this
# is not just a usage suggestion. Regular output functions like print or puts won't work with ERB templates. So this would be wrong:
# <%# WRONG %>
# Hi, Mr. <% puts "Frodo" %>
# If you absolutely must write from within a function use +concat+.
# When on a line that only contains whitespaces except for the tag, <% %> suppresses leading and trailing whitespace,
# including the trailing newline. <% %> and <%- -%> are the same.
# Note however that <%= %> and <%= -%> are different: only the latter removes trailing whitespaces.
# === Using sub templates
# Using sub templates allows you to sidestep tedious replication and extract common display structures in shared templates. The
# classic example is the use of a header and footer (even though the Action Pack-way would be to use Layouts):
# <%= render "shared/header" %>
# Something really specific and terrific
# <%= render "shared/footer" %>
# As you see, we use the output embeddings for the render methods. The render call itself will just return a string holding the
# result of the rendering. The output embedding writes it to the current template.
# But you don't have to restrict yourself to static includes. Templates can share variables amongst themselves by using instance
# variables defined using the regular embedding tags. Like this:
# <% @page_title = "A Wonderful Hello" %>
# <%= render "shared/header" %>
# Now the header can pick up on the @page_title variable and use it for outputting a title tag:
<%= @page_title %>
# === Passing local variables to sub templates
# You can pass local variables to sub templates by using a hash with the variable names as keys and the objects as values:
# <%= render "shared/header", { headline: "Welcome", person: person } %>
# These can now be accessed in shared/header with:
# Headline: <%= headline %>
# First name: <%= person.first_name %>
# The local variables passed to sub templates can be accessed as a hash using the local_assigns hash. This lets you access the
# variables as:
# Headline: <%= local_assigns[:headline] %>
# This is useful in cases where you aren't sure if the local variable has been assigned. Alternatively, you could also use
# defined? headline to first check if the variable has been assigned before using it.
# === Template caching
# By default, Rails will compile each template to a method in order to render it. When you alter a template,
# Rails will check the file's modification time and recompile it in development mode.
# == Builder
# Builder templates are a more programmatic alternative to ERB. They are especially useful for generating XML content. An XmlMarkup object
# named +xml+ is automatically made available to templates with a .builder extension.
# Here are some basic examples:
# xml.em("emphasized") # => emphasized
# xml.em { xml.b("emph & bold") } # => emph & bold
# xml.a("A Link", "href" => "http://onestepback.org") # => A Link
# xml.target("name" => "compile", "option" => "fast") # =>
# # NOTE: order of attributes is not specified.
# Any method with a block will be treated as an XML markup tag with nested markup in the block. For example, the following:
# xml.div do
# xml.h1(@person.name)
# xml.p(@person.bio)
# end
# would produce something like:
David Heinemeier Hansson
A product of Danish Design during the Winter of '79...
# Here is a full-length RSS example actually used on Basecamp:
# xml.rss("version" => "2.0", "xmlns:dc" => "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/") do
# xml.channel do
# xml.title(@feed_title)
# xml.link(@url)
# xml.description "Basecamp: Recent items"
# xml.language "en-us"
# xml.ttl "40"
# @recent_items.each do |item|
# xml.item do
# xml.title(item_title(item))
# xml.description(item_description(item)) if item_description(item)
# xml.pubDate(item_pubDate(item))
# xml.guid(@person.firm.account.url + @recent_items.url(item))
# xml.link(@person.firm.account.url + @recent_items.url(item))
# xml.tag!("dc:creator", item.author_name) if item_has_creator?(item)
# end
# end
# end
# end
# For more information on Builder please consult the {source
# code}[https://github.com/jimweirich/builder].
class ActionView::Base
include ::ActionView::Context
include ::ERB::Util
include ::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable
include ::ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
include ::ActionView::ModelNaming
include ::ActionView::RecordIdentifier
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers
extend ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods
extend ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods
# :startdoc:
# @return [Base] a new instance of Base
def initialize(lookup_context, assigns, controller); end
def _routes; end
def _routes=(_arg0); end
def _routes?; end
def _run(method, template, locals, buffer, add_to_stack: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
def annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames; end
def annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames=(val); end
def assign(new_assigns); end
def assigns; end
def assigns=(_arg0); end
def automatically_disable_submit_tag; end
def automatically_disable_submit_tag=(val); end
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
def compiled_method_container; end
def config; end
def config=(_arg0); end
def debug_missing_translation; end
def debug_missing_translation=(val); end
def default_formats; end
def default_formats=(val); end
def field_error_proc; end
def field_error_proc=(val); end
def formats(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def formats=(arg); end
def in_rendering_context(options); end
def locale(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def locale=(arg); end
def logger; end
def logger=(_arg0); end
def logger?; end
# Returns the value of attribute lookup_context.
def lookup_context; end
def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace; end
def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace=(_arg0); end
def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace?; end
def streaming_completion_on_exception; end
def streaming_completion_on_exception=(val); end
def view_paths(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def view_paths=(arg); end
# Returns the value of attribute view_renderer.
def view_renderer; end
class << self
def _routes; end
def _routes=(value); end
def _routes?; end
def annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames; end
def annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames=(val); end
def automatically_disable_submit_tag; end
def automatically_disable_submit_tag=(val); end
def cache_template_loading; end
def cache_template_loading=(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
def changed?(other); end
def debug_missing_translation; end
def debug_missing_translation=(val); end
def default_form_builder; end
def default_form_builder=(val); end
def default_formats; end
def default_formats=(val); end
# :stopdoc:
def empty; end
def erb_trim_mode=(arg); end
def field_error_proc; end
def field_error_proc=(val); end
def logger; end
def logger=(value); end
def logger?; end
def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace; end
def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace=(value); end
def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace?; end
def streaming_completion_on_exception; end
def streaming_completion_on_exception=(val); end
def with_context(context, assigns = T.unsafe(nil), controller = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def with_empty_template_cache; end
def with_view_paths(view_paths, assigns = T.unsafe(nil), controller = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def xss_safe?; end
class ActionView::CacheExpiry; end
class ActionView::CacheExpiry::Executor
# @return [Executor] a new instance of Executor
def initialize(watcher:); end
def complete(_); end
def run; end
def clear_cache; end
class ActionView::CacheExpiry::ViewModificationWatcher
# @return [ViewModificationWatcher] a new instance of ViewModificationWatcher
def initialize(watcher:, &block); end
def execute_if_updated; end
def all_view_paths; end
def dirs_to_watch; end
module ActionView::CollectionCaching
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
def cache_collection_render(instrumentation_payload, view, template, collection); end
# @return [Boolean]
def callable_cache_key?; end
def collection_by_cache_keys(view, template, collection); end
def expanded_cache_key(key, view, template, digest_path); end
# `order_by` is an enumerable object containing keys of the cache,
# all keys are passed in whether found already or not.
# `cached_partials` is a hash. If the value exists
# it represents the rendered partial from the cache
# otherwise `Hash#fetch` will take the value of its block.
# This method expects a block that will return the rendered
# partial. An example is to render all results
# for each element that was not found in the cache and store it as an array.
# Order it so that the first empty cache element in `cached_partials`
# corresponds to the first element in `rendered_partials`.
# If the partial is not already cached it will also be
# written back to the underlying cache store.
def fetch_or_cache_partial(cached_partials, template, order_by:); end
# @return [Boolean]
def will_cache?(options, view); end
class ActionView::CollectionRenderer < ::ActionView::PartialRenderer
include ::ActionView::AbstractRenderer::ObjectRendering
def render_collection_derive_partial(collection, context, block); end
def render_collection_with_partial(collection, partial, context, block); end
def collection_with_template(view, template, layout, collection); end
def render_collection(collection, view, path, template, layout, block); end
def retrieve_variable(path); end
class ActionView::CollectionRenderer::CollectionIterator
include ::Enumerable
# @return [CollectionIterator] a new instance of CollectionIterator
def initialize(collection); end
def each(&blk); end
def length; end
def size; end
class ActionView::CollectionRenderer::MixedCollectionIterator < ::ActionView::CollectionRenderer::CollectionIterator
# @return [MixedCollectionIterator] a new instance of MixedCollectionIterator
def initialize(collection, paths); end
def each_with_info; end
class ActionView::CollectionRenderer::PreloadCollectionIterator < ::ActionView::CollectionRenderer::SameCollectionIterator
# @return [PreloadCollectionIterator] a new instance of PreloadCollectionIterator
def initialize(collection, path, variables, relation); end
def each_with_info; end
def from_collection(collection); end
class ActionView::CollectionRenderer::SameCollectionIterator < ::ActionView::CollectionRenderer::CollectionIterator
# @return [SameCollectionIterator] a new instance of SameCollectionIterator
def initialize(collection, path, variables); end
def each_with_info; end
def from_collection(collection); end
# = Action View Context
# Action View contexts are supplied to Action Controller to render a template.
# The default Action View context is ActionView::Base.
# In order to work with Action Controller, a Context must just include this
# module. The initialization of the variables used by the context
# (@output_buffer, @view_flow, and @virtual_path) is responsibility of the
# object that includes this module (although you can call _prepare_context
# defined below).
module ActionView::Context
# Encapsulates the interaction with the view flow so it
# returns the correct buffer on +yield+. This is usually
# overwritten by helpers to add more behavior.
def _layout_for(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Prepares the context by setting the appropriate instance variables.
def _prepare_context; end
# Returns the value of attribute output_buffer.
def output_buffer; end
# Sets the attribute output_buffer
# @param value the value to set the attribute output_buffer to.
def output_buffer=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute view_flow.
def view_flow; end
# Sets the attribute view_flow
# @param value the value to set the attribute view_flow to.
def view_flow=(_arg0); end
class ActionView::DependencyTracker
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
class << self
def find_dependencies(name, template, view_paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def register_tracker(extension, tracker); end
def remove_tracker(handler); end
class ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker
# @return [ERBTracker] a new instance of ERBTracker
def initialize(name, template, view_paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def dependencies; end
def add_dependencies(render_dependencies, arguments, pattern); end
def add_dynamic_dependency(dependencies, dependency); end
def add_static_dependency(dependencies, dependency, quote_type); end
def directory; end
def explicit_dependencies; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
def name; end
def render_dependencies; end
def resolve_directories(wildcard_dependencies); end
def source; end
# Returns the value of attribute template.
def template; end
class << self
def call(name, template, view_paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def supports_view_paths?; end
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::EXPLICIT_DEPENDENCY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# A valid ruby identifier - suitable for class, method and specially variable names
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::IDENTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::LAYOUT_DEPENDENCY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Part of any hash containing the :layout key
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::LAYOUT_HASH_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Part of any hash containing the :partial key
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::PARTIAL_HASH_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Matches:
# partial: "comments/comment", collection: @all_comments => "comments/comment"
# (object: @single_comment, partial: "comments/comment") => "comments/comment"
# "comments/comments"
# 'comments/comments'
# ('comments/comments')
# (@topic) => "topics/topic"
# topics => "topics/topic"
# (message.topics) => "topics/topic"
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::RENDER_ARGUMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# A simple string literal. e.g. "School's out!"
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Any kind of variable name. e.g. @instance, @@class, $global or local.
# Possibly following a method call chain
ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker::VARIABLE_OR_METHOD_CHAIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
class ActionView::DependencyTracker::RipperTracker
# @return [RipperTracker] a new instance of RipperTracker
def initialize(name, template, view_paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def dependencies; end
def explicit_dependencies; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
def name; end
def render_dependencies; end
def resolve_directories(wildcard_dependencies); end
# Returns the value of attribute template.
def template; end
# Returns the value of attribute view_paths.
def view_paths; end
class << self
def call(name, template, view_paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def supports_view_paths?; end
ActionView::DependencyTracker::RipperTracker::EXPLICIT_DEPENDENCY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
class ActionView::Digestor
class << self
# Supported options:
# * name - Template name
# * format - Template format
# * finder - An instance of ActionView::LookupContext
# * dependencies - An array of dependent views
def digest(name:, finder:, format: T.unsafe(nil), dependencies: T.unsafe(nil)); end
def logger; end
# Create a dependency tree for template named +name+.
def tree(name, finder, partial = T.unsafe(nil), seen = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def find_template(finder, name, prefixes, partial, keys); end
class ActionView::Digestor::Injected < ::ActionView::Digestor::Node
def digest(finder, _ = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class ActionView::Digestor::Missing < ::ActionView::Digestor::Node
def digest(finder, _ = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class ActionView::Digestor::Node
# @return [Node] a new instance of Node
def initialize(name, logical_name, template, children = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute children.
def children; end
def dependency_digest(finder, stack); end
def digest(finder, stack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute logical_name.
def logical_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
def name; end
# Returns the value of attribute template.
def template; end
def to_dep_map; end
class << self
def create(name, logical_name, template, partial); end
class ActionView::Digestor::NullLogger
class << self
def debug(_); end
def error(_); end
class ActionView::Digestor::Partial < ::ActionView::Digestor::Node; end
ActionView::ENCODING_FLAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
class ActionView::EncodingError < ::StandardError; end
# A resolver that loads files from the filesystem.
class ActionView::FileSystemResolver < ::ActionView::Resolver
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# @return [FileSystemResolver] a new instance of FileSystemResolver
def initialize(path); end
# @return [Boolean]
def ==(resolver); end
def all_template_paths; end
def clear_cache; end
# @return [Boolean]
def eql?(resolver); end
# Returns the value of attribute path.
def path; end
def to_path; end
def to_s; end
def _find_all(name, prefix, partial, details, key, locals); end
def build_unbound_template(template); end
def escape_entry(entry); end
def filter_and_sort_by_details(templates, requested_details); end
def source_for_template(template); end
# Safe glob within @path
def template_glob(glob); end
def unbound_templates_from_path(path); end
# = Action View Debug Helper
# Provides a set of methods for making it easier to debug Rails objects.
module ActionView::Helpers
include ::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable
include ::ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods
class << self
def eager_load!; end
module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper; end
module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelInstanceTag
def content_tag(type, options, *_arg2); end
def error_message; end
def error_wrapping(html_tag); end
def object; end
def tag(type, options, *_arg2); end
# @return [Boolean]
def object_has_errors?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def select_markup_helper?(type); end
# @return [Boolean]
def tag_generate_errors?(options); end
# This module provides methods for generating HTML that links views to assets such
# as images, JavaScripts, stylesheets, and feeds. These methods do not verify
# the assets exist before linking to them:
# image_tag("rails.png")
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag("application")
# # =>
module ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
def apply_stylesheet_media_default; end
def apply_stylesheet_media_default=(val); end
# Returns an HTML audio tag for the +sources+. If +sources+ is a string,
# a single audio tag will be returned. If +sources+ is an array, an audio
# tag with nested source tags for each source will be returned. The
# +sources+ can be full paths or files that exist in your public audios
# directory.
# When the last parameter is a hash you can add HTML attributes using that
# parameter.
# audio_tag("sound")
# # =>
# audio_tag("sound.wav")
# # =>
# audio_tag("sound.wav", autoplay: true, controls: true)
# # =>
# audio_tag("sound.wav", "sound.mid")
# # =>
def audio_tag(*sources); end
# Returns a link tag that browsers and feed readers can use to auto-detect
# an RSS, Atom, or JSON feed. The +type+ can be :rss (default),
# :atom, or :json. Control the link options in url_for format
# using the +url_options+. You can modify the LINK tag itself in +tag_options+.
# ==== Options
# * :rel - Specify the relation of this link, defaults to "alternate"
# * :type - Override the auto-generated mime type
# * :title - Specify the title of the link, defaults to the +type+
# ==== Examples
# auto_discovery_link_tag
# # =>
# auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom)
# # =>
# auto_discovery_link_tag(:json)
# # =>
# auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {action: "feed"})
# # =>
# auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {action: "feed"}, {title: "My RSS"})
# # =>
# auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, {controller: "news", action: "feed"})
# # =>
# auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, "http://www.example.com/feed.rss", {title: "Example RSS"})
# # =>
def auto_discovery_link_tag(type = T.unsafe(nil), url_options = T.unsafe(nil), tag_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns a link tag for a favicon managed by the asset pipeline.
# If a page has no link like the one generated by this helper, browsers
# ask for /favicon.ico automatically, and cache the file if the
# request succeeds. If the favicon changes it is hard to get it updated.
# To have better control applications may let the asset pipeline manage
# their favicon storing the file under app/assets/images, and
# using this helper to generate its corresponding link tag.
# The helper gets the name of the favicon file as first argument, which
# defaults to "favicon.ico", and also supports +:rel+ and +:type+ options
# to override their defaults, "icon" and "image/x-icon"
# respectively:
# favicon_link_tag
# # =>
# favicon_link_tag 'myicon.ico'
# # =>
# Mobile Safari looks for a different link tag, pointing to an image that
# will be used if you add the page to the home screen of an iOS device.
# The following call would generate such a tag:
# favicon_link_tag 'mb-icon.png', rel: 'apple-touch-icon', type: 'image/png'
# # =>
def favicon_link_tag(source = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def image_decoding; end
def image_decoding=(val); end
def image_loading; end
def image_loading=(val); end
# Returns an HTML image tag for the +source+. The +source+ can be a full
# path, a file, or an Active Storage attachment.
# ==== Options
# You can add HTML attributes using the +options+. The +options+ supports
# additional keys for convenience and conformance:
# * :size - Supplied as "{Width}x{Height}" or "{Number}", so "30x45" becomes
# width="30" and height="45", and "50" becomes width="50" and height="50".
# :size will be ignored if the value is not in the correct format.
# * :srcset - If supplied as a hash or array of [source, descriptor]
# pairs, each image path will be expanded before the list is formatted as a string.
# ==== Examples
# Assets (images that are part of your app):
# image_tag("icon")
# # =>
# image_tag("icon.png")
# # =>
# image_tag("icon.png", size: "16x10", alt: "Edit Entry")
# # =>
# image_tag("/icons/icon.gif", size: "16")
# # =>
# image_tag("/icons/icon.gif", height: '32', width: '32')
# # =>
# image_tag("/icons/icon.gif", class: "menu_icon")
# # =>
# image_tag("/icons/icon.gif", data: { title: 'Rails Application' })
# # =>
# image_tag("icon.png", srcset: { "icon_2x.png" => "2x", "icon_4x.png" => "4x" })
# # =>
# image_tag("pic.jpg", srcset: [["pic_1024.jpg", "1024w"], ["pic_1980.jpg", "1980w"]], sizes: "100vw")
# # =>
# Active Storage blobs (images that are uploaded by the users of your app):
# image_tag(user.avatar)
# # =>
# image_tag(user.avatar.variant(resize_to_limit: [100, 100]))
# # =>
# image_tag(user.avatar.variant(resize_to_limit: [100, 100]), size: '100')
# # =>
def image_tag(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns an HTML script tag for each of the +sources+ provided.
# Sources may be paths to JavaScript files. Relative paths are assumed to be relative
# to assets/javascripts, full paths are assumed to be relative to the document
# root. Relative paths are idiomatic, use absolute paths only when needed.
# When passing paths, the ".js" extension is optional. If you do not want ".js"
# appended to the path extname: false can be set on the options.
# You can modify the HTML attributes of the script tag by passing a hash as the
# last argument.
# When the Asset Pipeline is enabled, you can pass the name of your manifest as
# source, and include other JavaScript or CoffeeScript files inside the manifest.
# If the server supports Early Hints header links for these assets will be
# automatically pushed.
# ==== Options
# When the last parameter is a hash you can add HTML attributes using that
# parameter. The following options are supported:
# * :extname - Append an extension to the generated URL unless the extension
# already exists. This only applies for relative URLs.
# * :protocol - Sets the protocol of the generated URL. This option only
# applies when a relative URL and +host+ options are provided.
# * :host - When a relative URL is provided the host is added to the
# that path.
# * :skip_pipeline - This option is used to bypass the asset pipeline
# when it is set to true.
# * :nonce - When set to true, adds an automatic nonce value if
# you have Content Security Policy enabled.
# ==== Examples
# javascript_include_tag "xmlhr"
# # =>
# javascript_include_tag "xmlhr", host: "localhost", protocol: "https"
# # =>
# javascript_include_tag "template.jst", extname: false
# # =>
# javascript_include_tag "xmlhr.js"
# # =>
# javascript_include_tag "common.javascript", "/elsewhere/cools"
# # =>
# #
# javascript_include_tag "http://www.example.com/xmlhr"
# # =>
# javascript_include_tag "http://www.example.com/xmlhr.js"
# # =>
# javascript_include_tag "http://www.example.com/xmlhr.js", nonce: true
# # =>
def javascript_include_tag(*sources); end
# Returns a link tag that browsers can use to preload the +source+.
# The +source+ can be the path of a resource managed by asset pipeline,
# a full path, or an URI.
# ==== Options
# * :type - Override the auto-generated mime type, defaults to the mime type for +source+ extension.
# * :as - Override the auto-generated value for as attribute, calculated using +source+ extension and mime type.
# * :crossorigin - Specify the crossorigin attribute, required to load cross-origin resources.
# * :nopush - Specify if the use of server push is not desired for the resource. Defaults to +false+.
# * :integrity - Specify the integrity attribute.
# ==== Examples
# preload_link_tag("custom_theme.css")
# # =>
# preload_link_tag("/videos/video.webm")
# # =>
# preload_link_tag(post_path(format: :json), as: "fetch")
# # =>
# preload_link_tag("worker.js", as: "worker")
# # =>
# preload_link_tag("//example.com/font.woff2")
# # =>
# preload_link_tag("//example.com/font.woff2", crossorigin: "use-credentials")
# # =>
# preload_link_tag("/media/audio.ogg", nopush: true)
# # =>
def preload_link_tag(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def preload_links_header; end
def preload_links_header=(val); end
# Returns a stylesheet link tag for the sources specified as arguments.
# When passing paths, the .css extension is optional.
# If you don't specify an extension, .css will be appended automatically.
# If you do not want .css appended to the path,
# set extname: false in the options.
# You can modify the link attributes by passing a hash as the last argument.
# If the server supports Early Hints header links for these assets will be
# automatically pushed.
# ==== Options
# * :extname - Append an extension to the generated URL unless the extension
# already exists. This only applies for relative URLs.
# * :protocol - Sets the protocol of the generated URL. This option only
# applies when a relative URL and +host+ options are provided.
# * :host - When a relative URL is provided the host is added to the
# that path.
# * :skip_pipeline - This option is used to bypass the asset pipeline
# when it is set to true.
# ==== Examples
# stylesheet_link_tag "style"
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag "style.css"
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag "http://www.example.com/style.css"
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag "style.less", extname: false, skip_pipeline: true, rel: "stylesheet/less"
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag "style", media: "all"
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag "style", media: "print"
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag "random.styles", "/css/stylish"
# # =>
# #
def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources); end
# Returns an HTML video tag for the +sources+. If +sources+ is a string,
# a single video tag will be returned. If +sources+ is an array, a video
# tag with nested source tags for each source will be returned. The
# +sources+ can be full paths or files that exist in your public videos
# directory.
# ==== Options
# When the last parameter is a hash you can add HTML attributes using that
# parameter. The following options are supported:
# * :poster - Set an image (like a screenshot) to be shown
# before the video loads. The path is calculated like the +src+ of +image_tag+.
# * :size - Supplied as "{Width}x{Height}" or "{Number}", so "30x45" becomes
# width="30" and height="45", and "50" becomes width="50" and height="50".
# :size will be ignored if the value is not in the correct format.
# * :poster_skip_pipeline will bypass the asset pipeline when using
# the :poster option instead using an asset in the public folder.
# ==== Examples
# video_tag("trailer")
# # =>
# video_tag("trailer.ogg")
# # =>
# video_tag("trailer.ogg", controls: true, preload: 'none')
# # =>
# video_tag("trailer.m4v", size: "16x10", poster: "screenshot.png")
# # =>
# video_tag("trailer.m4v", size: "16x10", poster: "screenshot.png", poster_skip_pipeline: true)
# # =>
# video_tag("/trailers/hd.avi", size: "16x16")
# # =>
# video_tag("/trailers/hd.avi", size: "16")
# # =>
# video_tag("/trailers/hd.avi", height: '32', width: '32')
# # =>
# video_tag("trailer.ogg", "trailer.flv")
# # =>
# video_tag(["trailer.ogg", "trailer.flv"])
# # =>
# video_tag(["trailer.ogg", "trailer.flv"], size: "160x120")
# # =>
def video_tag(*sources); end
def check_for_image_tag_errors(options); end
def extract_dimensions(size); end
# @yield [options]
def multiple_sources_tag_builder(type, sources); end
def resolve_image_source(source, skip_pipeline); end
def resolve_link_as(extname, mime_type); end
def send_preload_links_header(preload_links, max_header_size: T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
def apply_stylesheet_media_default; end
def apply_stylesheet_media_default=(val); end
def image_decoding; end
def image_decoding=(val); end
def image_loading; end
def image_loading=(val); end
def preload_links_header; end
def preload_links_header=(val); end
# Some HTTP client and proxies have a 8kiB header limit
ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::MAX_HEADER_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# This module provides methods for generating asset paths and
# URLs.
# image_path("rails.png")
# # => "/assets/rails.png"
# image_url("rails.png")
# # => "http://www.example.com/assets/rails.png"
# === Using asset hosts
# By default, Rails links to these assets on the current host in the public
# folder, but you can direct Rails to link to assets from a dedicated asset
# server by setting ActionController::Base.asset_host in the application
# configuration, typically in config/environments/production.rb.
# For example, you'd define assets.example.com to be your asset
# host this way, inside the configure block of your environment-specific
# configuration files or config/application.rb:
# config.action_controller.asset_host = "assets.example.com"
# Helpers take that into account:
# image_tag("rails.png")
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag("application")
# # =>
# Browsers open a limited number of simultaneous connections to a single
# host. The exact number varies by browser and version. This limit may cause
# some asset downloads to wait for previous assets to finish before they can
# begin. You can use the %d wildcard in the +asset_host+ to
# distribute the requests over four hosts. For example,
# assets%d.example.com will spread the asset requests over
# "assets0.example.com", ..., "assets3.example.com".
# image_tag("rails.png")
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag("application")
# # =>
# This may improve the asset loading performance of your application.
# It is also possible the combination of additional connection overhead
# (DNS, SSL) and the overall browser connection limits may result in this
# solution being slower. You should be sure to measure your actual
# performance across targeted browsers both before and after this change.
# To implement the corresponding hosts you can either set up four actual
# hosts or use wildcard DNS to CNAME the wildcard to a single asset host.
# You can read more about setting up your DNS CNAME records from your ISP.
# Note: This is purely a browser performance optimization and is not meant
# for server load balancing. See https://www.die.net/musings/page_load_time/
# for background and https://www.browserscope.org/?category=network for
# connection limit data.
# Alternatively, you can exert more control over the asset host by setting
# +asset_host+ to a proc like this:
# ActionController::Base.asset_host = Proc.new { |source|
# "http://assets#{OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(source).to_i(16) % 2 + 1}.example.com"
# }
# image_tag("rails.png")
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag("application")
# # =>
# The example above generates "http://assets1.example.com" and
# "http://assets2.example.com". This option is useful for example if
# you need fewer/more than four hosts, custom host names, etc.
# As you see the proc takes a +source+ parameter. That's a string with the
# absolute path of the asset, for example "/assets/rails.png".
# ActionController::Base.asset_host = Proc.new { |source|
# if source.end_with?('.css')
# "http://stylesheets.example.com"
# else
# "http://assets.example.com"
# end
# }
# image_tag("rails.png")
# # =>
# stylesheet_link_tag("application")
# # =>
# Alternatively you may ask for a second parameter +request+. That one is
# particularly useful for serving assets from an SSL-protected page. The
# example proc below disables asset hosting for HTTPS connections, while
# still sending assets for plain HTTP requests from asset hosts. If you don't
# have SSL certificates for each of the asset hosts this technique allows you
# to avoid warnings in the client about mixed media.
# Note that the +request+ parameter might not be supplied, e.g. when the assets
# are precompiled with the command bin/rails assets:precompile. Make sure to use a
# +Proc+ instead of a lambda, since a +Proc+ allows missing parameters and sets them
# to +nil+.
# config.action_controller.asset_host = Proc.new { |source, request|
# if request && request.ssl?
# "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"
# else
# "#{request.protocol}assets.example.com"
# end
# }
# You can also implement a custom asset host object that responds to +call+
# and takes either one or two parameters just like the proc.
# config.action_controller.asset_host = AssetHostingWithMinimumSsl.new(
# "http://asset%d.example.com", "https://asset1.example.com"
# )
module ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
# This is the entry point for all assets.
# When using an asset pipeline gem (e.g. propshaft or sprockets-rails), the
# behavior is "enhanced". You can bypass the asset pipeline by passing in
# skip_pipeline: true to the options.
# All other asset *_path helpers delegate through this method.
# === With the asset pipeline
# All options passed to +asset_path+ will be passed to +compute_asset_path+
# which is implemented by asset pipeline gems.
# asset_path("application.js") # => "/assets/application-60aa4fdc5cea14baf5400fba1abf4f2a46a5166bad4772b1effe341570f07de9.js"
# asset_path('application.js', host: 'example.com') # => "//example.com/assets/application.js"
# asset_path("application.js", host: 'example.com', protocol: 'https') # => "https://example.com/assets/application.js"
# === Without the asset pipeline (skip_pipeline: true)
# Accepts a type option that can specify the asset's extension. No error
# checking is done to verify the source passed into +asset_path+ is valid
# and that the file exists on disk.
# asset_path("application.js", skip_pipeline: true) # => "application.js"
# asset_path("filedoesnotexist.png", skip_pipeline: true) # => "filedoesnotexist.png"
# asset_path("application", type: :javascript, skip_pipeline: true) # => "/javascripts/application.js"
# asset_path("application", type: :stylesheet, skip_pipeline: true) # => "/stylesheets/application.css"
# === Options applying to all assets
# Below lists scenarios that apply to +asset_path+ whether or not you're
# using the asset pipeline.
# - All fully qualified URLs are returned immediately. This bypasses the
# asset pipeline and all other behavior described.
# asset_path("http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js") # => "http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js"
# - All assets that begin with a forward slash are assumed to be full
# URLs and will not be expanded. This will bypass the asset pipeline.
# asset_path("/foo.png") # => "/foo.png"
# - All blank strings will be returned immediately. This bypasses the
# asset pipeline and all other behavior described.
# asset_path("") # => ""
# - If config.relative_url_root is specified, all assets will have that
# root prepended.
# Rails.application.config.relative_url_root = "bar"
# asset_path("foo.js", skip_pipeline: true) # => "bar/foo.js"
# - A different asset host can be specified via config.action_controller.asset_host
# this is commonly used in conjunction with a CDN.
# Rails.application.config.action_controller.asset_host = "assets.example.com"
# asset_path("foo.js", skip_pipeline: true) # => "http://assets.example.com/foo.js"
# - An extension name can be specified manually with extname.
# asset_path("foo", skip_pipeline: true, extname: ".js") # => "/foo.js"
# asset_path("foo.css", skip_pipeline: true, extname: ".js") # => "/foo.css.js"
# @raise [ArgumentError]
def asset_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to an asset in the public directory. This
# will use +asset_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors
# will be the same. If +:host+ options is set, it overwrites global
# +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# All other options provided are forwarded to +asset_path+ call.
# asset_url "application.js" # => http://example.com/assets/application.js
# asset_url "application.js", host: "http://cdn.example.com" # => http://cdn.example.com/assets/application.js
def asset_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to an audio asset in the public audios directory.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +audio_tag+ to build the audio path.
# audio_path("horse") # => /audios/horse
# audio_path("horse.wav") # => /audios/horse.wav
# audio_path("sounds/horse.wav") # => /audios/sounds/horse.wav
# audio_path("/sounds/horse.wav") # => /sounds/horse.wav
# audio_path("http://www.example.com/sounds/horse.wav") # => http://www.example.com/sounds/horse.wav
def audio_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to an audio asset in the public audios directory.
# This will use +audio_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +audio_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# audio_url "horse.wav", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/audios/horse.wav
def audio_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Compute extname to append to asset path. Returns +nil+ if
# nothing should be added.
def compute_asset_extname(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Pick an asset host for this source. Returns +nil+ if no host is set,
# the host if no wildcard is set, the host interpolated with the
# numbers 0-3 if it contains %d (the number is the source hash mod 4),
# or the value returned from invoking call on an object responding to call
# (proc or otherwise).
def compute_asset_host(source = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes asset path to public directory. Plugins and
# extensions can override this method to point to custom assets
# or generate digested paths or query strings.
def compute_asset_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a font asset.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# font_path("font") # => /fonts/font
# font_path("font.ttf") # => /fonts/font.ttf
# font_path("dir/font.ttf") # => /fonts/dir/font.ttf
# font_path("/dir/font.ttf") # => /dir/font.ttf
# font_path("http://www.example.com/dir/font.ttf") # => http://www.example.com/dir/font.ttf
def font_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a font asset.
# This will use +font_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +font_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# font_url "font.ttf", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/fonts/font.ttf
def font_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to an image asset.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +image_tag+ to build the image path:
# image_path("edit") # => "/assets/edit"
# image_path("edit.png") # => "/assets/edit.png"
# image_path("icons/edit.png") # => "/assets/icons/edit.png"
# image_path("/icons/edit.png") # => "/icons/edit.png"
# image_path("http://www.example.com/img/edit.png") # => "http://www.example.com/img/edit.png"
# If you have images as application resources this method may conflict with their named routes.
# The alias +path_to_image+ is provided to avoid that. Rails uses the alias internally, and
# plugin authors are encouraged to do so.
def image_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to an image asset.
# This will use +image_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +image_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# image_url "edit.png", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/assets/edit.png
def image_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory.
# If the +source+ filename has no extension, .js will be appended (except for explicit URIs)
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +javascript_include_tag+ to build the script path.
# javascript_path "xmlhr" # => /assets/xmlhr.js
# javascript_path "dir/xmlhr.js" # => /assets/dir/xmlhr.js
# javascript_path "/dir/xmlhr" # => /dir/xmlhr.js
# javascript_path "http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr" # => http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr
# javascript_path "http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js" # => http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js
def javascript_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory.
# This will use +javascript_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +javascript_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# javascript_url "js/xmlhr.js", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/assets/js/xmlhr.js
def javascript_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# This is the entry point for all assets.
# When using an asset pipeline gem (e.g. propshaft or sprockets-rails), the
# behavior is "enhanced". You can bypass the asset pipeline by passing in
# skip_pipeline: true to the options.
# All other asset *_path helpers delegate through this method.
# === With the asset pipeline
# All options passed to +asset_path+ will be passed to +compute_asset_path+
# which is implemented by asset pipeline gems.
# asset_path("application.js") # => "/assets/application-60aa4fdc5cea14baf5400fba1abf4f2a46a5166bad4772b1effe341570f07de9.js"
# asset_path('application.js', host: 'example.com') # => "//example.com/assets/application.js"
# asset_path("application.js", host: 'example.com', protocol: 'https') # => "https://example.com/assets/application.js"
# === Without the asset pipeline (skip_pipeline: true)
# Accepts a type option that can specify the asset's extension. No error
# checking is done to verify the source passed into +asset_path+ is valid
# and that the file exists on disk.
# asset_path("application.js", skip_pipeline: true) # => "application.js"
# asset_path("filedoesnotexist.png", skip_pipeline: true) # => "filedoesnotexist.png"
# asset_path("application", type: :javascript, skip_pipeline: true) # => "/javascripts/application.js"
# asset_path("application", type: :stylesheet, skip_pipeline: true) # => "/stylesheets/application.css"
# === Options applying to all assets
# Below lists scenarios that apply to +asset_path+ whether or not you're
# using the asset pipeline.
# - All fully qualified URLs are returned immediately. This bypasses the
# asset pipeline and all other behavior described.
# asset_path("http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js") # => "http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js"
# - All assets that begin with a forward slash are assumed to be full
# URLs and will not be expanded. This will bypass the asset pipeline.
# asset_path("/foo.png") # => "/foo.png"
# - All blank strings will be returned immediately. This bypasses the
# asset pipeline and all other behavior described.
# asset_path("") # => ""
# - If config.relative_url_root is specified, all assets will have that
# root prepended.
# Rails.application.config.relative_url_root = "bar"
# asset_path("foo.js", skip_pipeline: true) # => "bar/foo.js"
# - A different asset host can be specified via config.action_controller.asset_host
# this is commonly used in conjunction with a CDN.
# Rails.application.config.action_controller.asset_host = "assets.example.com"
# asset_path("foo.js", skip_pipeline: true) # => "http://assets.example.com/foo.js"
# - An extension name can be specified manually with extname.
# asset_path("foo", skip_pipeline: true, extname: ".js") # => "/foo.js"
# asset_path("foo.css", skip_pipeline: true, extname: ".js") # => "/foo.css.js"
# aliased to avoid conflicts with an asset_path named route
# @raise [ArgumentError]
def path_to_asset(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to an audio asset in the public audios directory.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +audio_tag+ to build the audio path.
# audio_path("horse") # => /audios/horse
# audio_path("horse.wav") # => /audios/horse.wav
# audio_path("sounds/horse.wav") # => /audios/sounds/horse.wav
# audio_path("/sounds/horse.wav") # => /sounds/horse.wav
# audio_path("http://www.example.com/sounds/horse.wav") # => http://www.example.com/sounds/horse.wav
# aliased to avoid conflicts with an audio_path named route
def path_to_audio(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a font asset.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# font_path("font") # => /fonts/font
# font_path("font.ttf") # => /fonts/font.ttf
# font_path("dir/font.ttf") # => /fonts/dir/font.ttf
# font_path("/dir/font.ttf") # => /dir/font.ttf
# font_path("http://www.example.com/dir/font.ttf") # => http://www.example.com/dir/font.ttf
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a font_path named route
def path_to_font(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to an image asset.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +image_tag+ to build the image path:
# image_path("edit") # => "/assets/edit"
# image_path("edit.png") # => "/assets/edit.png"
# image_path("icons/edit.png") # => "/assets/icons/edit.png"
# image_path("/icons/edit.png") # => "/icons/edit.png"
# image_path("http://www.example.com/img/edit.png") # => "http://www.example.com/img/edit.png"
# If you have images as application resources this method may conflict with their named routes.
# The alias +path_to_image+ is provided to avoid that. Rails uses the alias internally, and
# plugin authors are encouraged to do so.
# aliased to avoid conflicts with an image_path named route
def path_to_image(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory.
# If the +source+ filename has no extension, .js will be appended (except for explicit URIs)
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +javascript_include_tag+ to build the script path.
# javascript_path "xmlhr" # => /assets/xmlhr.js
# javascript_path "dir/xmlhr.js" # => /assets/dir/xmlhr.js
# javascript_path "/dir/xmlhr" # => /dir/xmlhr.js
# javascript_path "http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr" # => http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr
# javascript_path "http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js" # => http://www.example.com/js/xmlhr.js
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a javascript_path named route
def path_to_javascript(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.
# If the +source+ filename has no extension, .css will be appended (except for explicit URIs).
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +stylesheet_link_tag+ to build the stylesheet path.
# stylesheet_path "style" # => /assets/style.css
# stylesheet_path "dir/style.css" # => /assets/dir/style.css
# stylesheet_path "/dir/style.css" # => /dir/style.css
# stylesheet_path "http://www.example.com/css/style" # => http://www.example.com/css/style
# stylesheet_path "http://www.example.com/css/style.css" # => http://www.example.com/css/style.css
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a stylesheet_path named route
def path_to_stylesheet(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a video asset in the public videos directory.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +video_tag+ to build the video path.
# video_path("hd") # => /videos/hd
# video_path("hd.avi") # => /videos/hd.avi
# video_path("trailers/hd.avi") # => /videos/trailers/hd.avi
# video_path("/trailers/hd.avi") # => /trailers/hd.avi
# video_path("http://www.example.com/vid/hd.avi") # => http://www.example.com/vid/hd.avi
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a video_path named route
def path_to_video(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes asset path to public directory. Plugins and
# extensions can override this method to point to custom assets
# or generate digested paths or query strings.
def public_compute_asset_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.
# If the +source+ filename has no extension, .css will be appended (except for explicit URIs).
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +stylesheet_link_tag+ to build the stylesheet path.
# stylesheet_path "style" # => /assets/style.css
# stylesheet_path "dir/style.css" # => /assets/dir/style.css
# stylesheet_path "/dir/style.css" # => /dir/style.css
# stylesheet_path "http://www.example.com/css/style" # => http://www.example.com/css/style
# stylesheet_path "http://www.example.com/css/style.css" # => http://www.example.com/css/style.css
def stylesheet_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.
# This will use +stylesheet_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +stylesheet_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# stylesheet_url "css/style.css", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/assets/css/style.css
def stylesheet_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to an asset in the public directory. This
# will use +asset_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors
# will be the same. If +:host+ options is set, it overwrites global
# +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# All other options provided are forwarded to +asset_path+ call.
# asset_url "application.js" # => http://example.com/assets/application.js
# asset_url "application.js", host: "http://cdn.example.com" # => http://cdn.example.com/assets/application.js
# aliased to avoid conflicts with an asset_url named route
def url_to_asset(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to an audio asset in the public audios directory.
# This will use +audio_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +audio_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# audio_url "horse.wav", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/audios/horse.wav
# aliased to avoid conflicts with an audio_url named route
def url_to_audio(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a font asset.
# This will use +font_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +font_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# font_url "font.ttf", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/fonts/font.ttf
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a font_url named route
def url_to_font(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to an image asset.
# This will use +image_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +image_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# image_url "edit.png", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/assets/edit.png
# aliased to avoid conflicts with an image_url named route
def url_to_image(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a JavaScript asset in the public javascripts directory.
# This will use +javascript_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +javascript_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# javascript_url "js/xmlhr.js", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/assets/js/xmlhr.js
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a javascript_url named route
def url_to_javascript(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.
# This will use +stylesheet_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +stylesheet_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# stylesheet_url "css/style.css", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/assets/css/style.css
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a stylesheet_url named route
def url_to_stylesheet(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a video asset in the public videos directory.
# This will use +video_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +video_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# video_url "hd.avi", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/videos/hd.avi
# aliased to avoid conflicts with a video_url named route
def url_to_video(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the path to a video asset in the public videos directory.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by +video_tag+ to build the video path.
# video_path("hd") # => /videos/hd
# video_path("hd.avi") # => /videos/hd.avi
# video_path("trailers/hd.avi") # => /videos/trailers/hd.avi
# video_path("/trailers/hd.avi") # => /trailers/hd.avi
# video_path("http://www.example.com/vid/hd.avi") # => http://www.example.com/vid/hd.avi
def video_path(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Computes the full URL to a video asset in the public videos directory.
# This will use +video_path+ internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Since +video_url+ is based on +asset_url+ method you can set +:host+ options. If +:host+
# options is set, it overwrites global +config.action_controller.asset_host+ setting.
# video_url "hd.avi", host: "http://stage.example.com" # => http://stage.example.com/videos/hd.avi
def video_url(source, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper::ASSET_EXTENSIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Maps asset types to public directory.
ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper::ASSET_PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper::URI_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
module ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper
# Adds easy defaults to writing Atom feeds with the Builder template engine (this does not work on ERB or any other
# template languages).
# Full usage example:
# config/routes.rb:
# Rails.application.routes.draw do
# resources :posts
# root to: "posts#index"
# end
# app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:
# class PostsController < ApplicationController
# # GET /posts.html
# # GET /posts.atom
# def index
# @posts = Post.all
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html
# format.atom
# end
# end
# end
# app/views/posts/index.atom.builder:
# atom_feed do |feed|
# feed.title("My great blog!")
# feed.updated(@posts[0].created_at) if @posts.length > 0
# @posts.each do |post|
# feed.entry(post) do |entry|
# entry.title(post.title)
# entry.content(post.body, type: 'html')
# entry.author do |author|
# author.name("DHH")
# end
# end
# end
# end
# The options for atom_feed are:
# * :language: Defaults to "en-US".
# * :root_url: The HTML alternative that this feed is doubling for. Defaults to / on the current host.
# * :url: The URL for this feed. Defaults to the current URL.
# * :id: The id for this feed. Defaults to "tag:localhost,2005:/posts", in this case.
# * :schema_date: The date at which the tag scheme for the feed was first used. A good default is the year you
# created the feed. See http://feedvalidator.org/docs/error/InvalidTAG.html for more information. If not specified,
# 2005 is used (as an "I don't care" value).
# * :instruct: Hash of XML processing instructions in the form {target => {attribute => value, }} or {target => [{attribute => value, }, ]}
# Other namespaces can be added to the root element:
# app/views/posts/index.atom.builder:
# atom_feed({'xmlns:app' => 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app',
# 'xmlns:openSearch' => 'http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/'}) do |feed|
# feed.title("My great blog!")
# feed.updated((@posts.first.created_at))
# feed.tag!('openSearch:totalResults', 10)
# @posts.each do |post|
# feed.entry(post) do |entry|
# entry.title(post.title)
# entry.content(post.body, type: 'html')
# entry.tag!('app:edited', Time.now)
# entry.author do |author|
# author.name("DHH")
# end
# end
# end
# end
# The Atom spec defines five elements (content rights title subtitle
# summary) which may directly contain xhtml content if type: 'xhtml'
# is specified as an attribute. If so, this helper will take care of
# the enclosing div and xhtml namespace declaration. Example usage:
# entry.summary type: 'xhtml' do |xhtml|
# xhtml.p pluralize(order.line_items.count, "line item")
# xhtml.p "Shipped to #{order.address}"
# xhtml.p "Paid by #{order.pay_type}"
# end
# atom_feed yields an +AtomFeedBuilder+ instance. Nested elements yield
# an +AtomBuilder+ instance.
def atom_feed(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder
# @return [AtomBuilder] a new instance of AtomBuilder
def initialize(xml); end
# Delegate to xml builder, first wrapping the element in an xhtml
# namespaced div element if the method and arguments indicate
# that an xhtml_block? is desired.
def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block); end
# True if the method name matches one of the five elements defined
# in the Atom spec as potentially containing XHTML content and
# if type: 'xhtml' is, in fact, specified.
# @return [Boolean]
def xhtml_block?(method, arguments); end
ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder::XHTML_TAG_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder < ::ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder
# @return [AtomFeedBuilder] a new instance of AtomFeedBuilder
def initialize(xml, view, feed_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates an entry tag for a specific record and prefills the id using class and id.
# Options:
# * :published: Time first published. Defaults to the created_at attribute on the record if one such exists.
# * :updated: Time of update. Defaults to the updated_at attribute on the record if one such exists.
# * :url: The URL for this entry or +false+ or +nil+ for not having a link tag. Defaults to the +polymorphic_url+ for the record.
# * :id: The ID for this entry. Defaults to "tag:#{@view.request.host},#{@feed_options[:schema_date]}:#{record.class}/#{record.id}"
# * :type: The TYPE for this entry. Defaults to "text/html".
def entry(record, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Accepts a Date or Time object and inserts it in the proper format. If +nil+ is passed, current time in UTC is used.
def updated(date_or_time = T.unsafe(nil)); end
module ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper
# This helper exposes a method for caching fragments of a view
# rather than an entire action or page. This technique is useful
# caching pieces like menus, lists of new topics, static HTML
# fragments, and so on. This method takes a block that contains
# the content you wish to cache.
# The best way to use this is by doing recyclable key-based cache expiration
# on top of a cache store like Memcached or Redis that'll automatically
# kick out old entries.
# When using this method, you list the cache dependency as the name of the cache, like so:
# <% cache project do %>
# All the topics on this project
# <%= render project.topics %>
# <% end %>
# This approach will assume that when a new topic is added, you'll touch
# the project. The cache key generated from this call will be something like:
# views/template/action:7a1156131a6928cb0026877f8b749ac9/projects/123
# ^template path ^template tree digest ^class ^id
# This cache key is stable, but it's combined with a cache version derived from the project
# record. When the project updated_at is touched, the #cache_version changes, even
# if the key stays stable. This means that unlike a traditional key-based cache expiration
# approach, you won't be generating cache trash, unused keys, simply because the dependent
# record is updated.
# If your template cache depends on multiple sources (try to avoid this to keep things simple),
# you can name all these dependencies as part of an array:
# <% cache [ project, current_user ] do %>
# All the topics on this project
# <%= render project.topics %>
# <% end %>
# This will include both records as part of the cache key and updating either of them will
# expire the cache.
# ==== \Template digest
# The template digest that's added to the cache key is computed by taking an MD5 of the
# contents of the entire template file. This ensures that your caches will automatically
# expire when you change the template file.
# Note that the MD5 is taken of the entire template file, not just what's within the
# cache do/end call. So it's possible that changing something outside of that call will
# still expire the cache.
# Additionally, the digestor will automatically look through your template file for
# explicit and implicit dependencies, and include those as part of the digest.
# The digestor can be bypassed by passing skip_digest: true as an option to the cache call:
# <% cache project, skip_digest: true do %>
# All the topics on this project
# <%= render project.topics %>
# <% end %>
# ==== Implicit dependencies
# Most template dependencies can be derived from calls to render in the template itself.
# Here are some examples of render calls that Cache Digests knows how to decode:
# render partial: "comments/comment", collection: commentable.comments
# render "comments/comments"
# render 'comments/comments'
# render('comments/comments')
# render "header" translates to render("comments/header")
# render(@topic) translates to render("topics/topic")
# render(topics) translates to render("topics/topic")
# render(message.topics) translates to render("topics/topic")
# It's not possible to derive all render calls like that, though.
# Here are a few examples of things that can't be derived:
# render group_of_attachments
# render @project.documents.where(published: true).order('created_at')
# You will have to rewrite those to the explicit form:
# render partial: 'attachments/attachment', collection: group_of_attachments
# render partial: 'documents/document', collection: @project.documents.where(published: true).order('created_at')
# === Explicit dependencies
# Sometimes you'll have template dependencies that can't be derived at all. This is typically
# the case when you have template rendering that happens in helpers. Here's an example:
# <%= render_sortable_todolists @project.todolists %>
# You'll need to use a special comment format to call those out:
# <%# Template Dependency: todolists/todolist %>
# <%= render_sortable_todolists @project.todolists %>
# In some cases, like a single table inheritance setup, you might have
# a bunch of explicit dependencies. Instead of writing every template out,
# you can use a wildcard to match any template in a directory:
# <%# Template Dependency: events/* %>
# <%= render_categorizable_events @person.events %>
# This marks every template in the directory as a dependency. To find those
# templates, the wildcard path must be absolutely defined from app/views or paths
# otherwise added with +prepend_view_path+ or +append_view_path+.
# This way the wildcard for app/views/recordings/events would be recordings/events/* etc.
# The pattern used to match explicit dependencies is /# Template Dependency: (\S+)/,
# so it's important that you type it out just so.
# You can only declare one template dependency per line.
# === External dependencies
# If you use a helper method, for example, inside a cached block and
# you then update that helper, you'll have to bump the cache as well.
# It doesn't really matter how you do it, but the MD5 of the template file
# must change. One recommendation is to simply be explicit in a comment, like:
# <%# Helper Dependency Updated: May 6, 2012 at 6pm %>
# <%= some_helper_method(person) %>
# Now all you have to do is change that timestamp when the helper method changes.
# === Collection Caching
# When rendering a collection of objects that each use the same partial, a :cached
# option can be passed.
# For collections rendered such:
# <%= render partial: 'projects/project', collection: @projects, cached: true %>
# The cached: true will make Action View's rendering read several templates
# from cache at once instead of one call per template.
# Templates in the collection not already cached are written to cache.
# Works great alongside individual template fragment caching.
# For instance if the template the collection renders is cached like:
# # projects/_project.html.erb
# <% cache project do %>
# <%# ... %>
# <% end %>
# Any collection renders will find those cached templates when attempting
# to read multiple templates at once.
# If your collection cache depends on multiple sources (try to avoid this to keep things simple),
# you can name all these dependencies as part of a block that returns an array:
# <%= render partial: 'projects/project', collection: @projects, cached: -> project { [ project, current_user ] } %>
# This will include both records as part of the cache key and updating either of them will
# expire the cache.
def cache(name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# This helper returns the name of a cache key for a given fragment cache
# call. By supplying skip_digest: true to cache, the digestion of cache
# fragments can be manually bypassed. This is useful when cache fragments
# cannot be manually expired unless you know the exact key which is the
# case when using memcached.
def cache_fragment_name(name = T.unsafe(nil), skip_digest: T.unsafe(nil), digest_path: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Cache fragments of a view if +condition+ is true
# <% cache_if admin?, project do %>
# All the topics on this project
# <%= render project.topics %>
# <% end %>
def cache_if(condition, name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Cache fragments of a view unless +condition+ is true
# <% cache_unless admin?, project do %>
# All the topics on this project
# <%= render project.topics %>
# <% end %>
def cache_unless(condition, name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Returns whether the current view fragment is within a +cache+ block.
# Useful when certain fragments aren't cacheable:
# <% cache project do %>
# <% raise StandardError, "Caching private data!" if caching? %>
# <% end %>
# @return [Boolean]
def caching?; end
def digest_path_from_template(template); end
# Raises +UncacheableFragmentError+ when called from within a +cache+ block.
# Useful to denote helper methods that can't participate in fragment caching:
# def project_name_with_time(project)
# uncacheable!
# "#{project.name} - #{Time.now}"
# end
# # Which will then raise if used within a +cache+ block:
# <% cache project do %>
# <%= project_name_with_time(project) %>
# <% end %>
# @raise [UncacheableFragmentError]
def uncacheable!; end
def fragment_for(name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
def fragment_name_with_digest(name, digest_path); end
def read_fragment_for(name, options); end
def write_fragment_for(name, options); end
module ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper::CachingRegistry
extend ::ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper::CachingRegistry
# @return [Boolean]
def caching?; end
def track_caching; end
class ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper::UncacheableFragmentError < ::StandardError; end
# CaptureHelper exposes methods to let you extract generated markup which
# can be used in other parts of a template or layout file.
# It provides a method to capture blocks into variables through capture and
# a way to capture a block of markup for use in a layout through {content_for}[rdoc-ref:ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper#content_for].
module ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
# The capture method extracts part of a template as a String object.
# You can then use this object anywhere in your templates, layout, or helpers.
# The capture method can be used in ERB templates...
# <% @greeting = capture do %>
# Welcome to my shiny new web page! The date and time is
# <%= Time.now %>
# <% end %>
# ...and Builder (RXML) templates.
# @timestamp = capture do
# "The current timestamp is #{Time.now}."
# end
# You can then use that variable anywhere else. For example:
# <%= @greeting %>
# <%= @greeting %>
# The return of capture is the string generated by the block. For Example:
# @greeting # => "Welcome to my shiny new web page! The date and time is 2018-09-06 11:09:16 -0500"
def capture(*args); end
# Calling content_for stores a block of markup in an identifier for later use.
# In order to access this stored content in other templates, helper modules
# or the layout, you would pass the identifier as an argument to content_for.
# Note: yield can still be used to retrieve the stored content, but calling
# yield doesn't work in helper modules, while content_for does.
# <% content_for :not_authorized do %>
# alert('You are not authorized to do that!')
# <% end %>
# You can then use content_for :not_authorized anywhere in your templates.
# <%= content_for :not_authorized if current_user.nil? %>
# This is equivalent to:
# <%= yield :not_authorized if current_user.nil? %>
# content_for, however, can also be used in helper modules.
# module StorageHelper
# def stored_content
# content_for(:storage) || "Your storage is empty"
# end
# end
# This helper works just like normal helpers.
# <%= stored_content %>
# You can also use the yield syntax alongside an existing call to
# yield in a layout. For example:
# <%# This is the layout %>
# My Website
# <%= yield :script %>
# <%= yield %>
# And now, we'll create a view that has a content_for call that
# creates the script identifier.
# <%# This is our view %>
# Please login!
# <% content_for :script do %>
# <% end %>
# Then, in another view, you could to do something like this:
# <%= link_to 'Logout', action: 'logout', remote: true %>
# <% content_for :script do %>
# <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
# <% end %>
# That will place +script+ tags for your default set of JavaScript files on the page;
# this technique is useful if you'll only be using these scripts in a few views.
# Note that content_for concatenates (default) the blocks it is given for a particular
# identifier in order. For example:
# <% content_for :navigation do %>
<%= link_to 'Home', action: 'index' %>
# <% end %>
# And in another place:
# <% content_for :navigation do %>
<%= link_to 'Login', action: 'login' %>
# <% end %>
# Then, in another template or layout, this code would render both links in order:
<%= content_for :navigation %>
# If the flush parameter is +true+ content_for replaces the blocks it is given. For example:
# <% content_for :navigation do %>
<%= link_to 'Home', action: 'index' %>
# <% end %>
# <%# Add some other content, or use a different template: %>
# <% content_for :navigation, flush: true do %>
<%= link_to 'Login', action: 'login' %>
# <% end %>
# Then, in another template or layout, this code would render only the last link:
<%= content_for :navigation %>
# Lastly, simple content can be passed as a parameter:
# <% content_for :script, javascript_include_tag(:defaults) %>
# WARNING: content_for is ignored in caches. So you shouldn't use it for elements that will be fragment cached.
def content_for(name, content = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# content_for? checks whether any content has been captured yet using content_for.
# Useful to render parts of your layout differently based on what is in your views.
# <%# This is the layout %>
# My Website
# <%= yield :script %>
# <%= yield %>
# <%= yield :right_col %>
# @return [Boolean]
def content_for?(name); end
# The same as +content_for+ but when used with streaming flushes
# straight back to the layout. In other words, if you want to
# concatenate several times to the same buffer when rendering a given
# template, you should use +content_for+, if not, use +provide+ to tell
# the layout to stop looking for more contents.
def provide(name, content = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Use an alternate output buffer for the duration of the block.
# Defaults to a new empty string.
def with_output_buffer(buf = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# This module keeps all methods and behavior in ActionView
# that simply delegates to the controller.
module ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper
def action_name(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def assign_controller(controller); end
def controller; end
def controller=(_arg0); end
def controller_name(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def controller_path(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def cookies(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def flash(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def headers(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def logger; end
def params(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def request; end
def request=(_arg0); end
def request_forgery_protection_token(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
# @return [Boolean]
def respond_to?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def response(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def session(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper::CONTROLLER_DELEGATES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
module ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper
# Returns a meta tag "csp-nonce" with the per-session nonce value
# for allowing inline
# +html_options+ may be a hash of attributes for the \
# tag.
# javascript_tag "alert('All is good')", type: 'application/javascript'
# Returns:
# Instead of passing the content as an argument, you can also use a block
# in which case, you pass your +html_options+ as the first parameter.
# <%= javascript_tag type: 'application/javascript' do -%>
# alert('All is good')
# <% end -%>
# If you have a content security policy enabled then you can add an automatic
# nonce value by passing nonce: true as part of +html_options+. Example:
# <%= javascript_tag nonce: true do -%>
# alert('All is good')
# <% end -%>
def javascript_tag(content_or_options_with_block = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper::JS_ESCAPE_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Provides methods for converting numbers into formatted strings.
# Methods are provided for phone numbers, currency, percentage,
# precision, positional notation, file size, and pretty printing.
# Most methods expect a +number+ argument, and will return it
# unchanged if can't be converted into a valid number.
module ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
# Formats a +number+ into a currency string (e.g., $13.65). You
# can customize the format in the +options+ hash.
# The currency unit and number formatting of the current locale will be used
# unless otherwise specified in the provided options. No currency conversion
# is performed. If the user is given a way to change their locale, they will
# also be able to change the relative value of the currency displayed with
# this helper. If your application will ever support multiple locales, you
# may want to specify a constant :locale option or consider
# using a library capable of currency conversion.
# ==== Options
# * :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
# (defaults to current locale).
# * :precision - Sets the level of precision (defaults
# to 2).
# * :unit - Sets the denomination of the currency
# (defaults to "$").
# * :separator - Sets the separator between the units
# (defaults to ".").
# * :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
# to ",").
# * :format - Sets the format for non-negative numbers
# (defaults to "%u%n"). Fields are %u for the
# currency, and %n for the number.
# * :negative_format - Sets the format for negative
# numbers (defaults to prepending a hyphen to the formatted
# number given by :format). Accepts the same fields
# than :format, except %n is here the
# absolute value of the number.
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# * :strip_insignificant_zeros - If +true+ removes
# insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
# +false+).
# ==== Examples
# number_to_currency(1234567890.50) # => $1,234,567,890.50
# number_to_currency(1234567890.506) # => $1,234,567,890.51
# number_to_currency(1234567890.506, precision: 3) # => $1,234,567,890.506
# number_to_currency(1234567890.506, locale: :fr) # => 1 234 567 890,51 €
# number_to_currency("123a456") # => $123a456
# number_to_currency("123a456", raise: true) # => InvalidNumberError
# number_to_currency(-0.456789, precision: 0)
# # => "$0"
# number_to_currency(-1234567890.50, negative_format: "(%u%n)")
# # => ($1,234,567,890.50)
# number_to_currency(1234567890.50, unit: "R$", separator: ",", delimiter: "")
# # => R$1234567890,50
# number_to_currency(1234567890.50, unit: "R$", separator: ",", delimiter: "", format: "%n %u")
# # => 1234567890,50 R$
# number_to_currency(1234567890.50, strip_insignificant_zeros: true)
# # => "$1,234,567,890.5"
def number_to_currency(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Pretty prints (formats and approximates) a number in a way it
# is more readable by humans (e.g.: 1200000000 becomes "1.2
# Billion"). This is useful for numbers that can get very large
# (and too hard to read).
# See number_to_human_size if you want to print a file
# size.
# You can also define your own unit-quantifier names if you want
# to use other decimal units (e.g.: 1500 becomes "1.5
# kilometers", 0.150 becomes "150 milliliters", etc). You may
# define a wide range of unit quantifiers, even fractional ones
# (centi, deci, mili, etc).
# ==== Options
# * :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
# (defaults to current locale).
# * :precision - Sets the precision of the number
# (defaults to 3).
# * :significant - If +true+, precision will be the number
# of significant_digits. If +false+, the number of fractional
# digits (defaults to +true+)
# * :separator - Sets the separator between the
# fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
# * :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
# to "").
# * :strip_insignificant_zeros - If +true+ removes
# insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
# +true+)
# * :units - A Hash of unit quantifier names. Or a
# string containing an i18n scope where to find this hash. It
# might have the following keys:
# * *integers*: :unit, :ten,
# :hundred, :thousand, :million,
# :billion, :trillion,
# :quadrillion
# * *fractionals*: :deci, :centi,
# :mili, :micro, :nano,
# :pico, :femto
# * :format - Sets the format of the output string
# (defaults to "%n %u"). The field types are:
# * %u - The quantifier (ex.: 'thousand')
# * %n - The number
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# ==== Examples
# number_to_human(123) # => "123"
# number_to_human(1234) # => "1.23 Thousand"
# number_to_human(12345) # => "12.3 Thousand"
# number_to_human(1234567) # => "1.23 Million"
# number_to_human(1234567890) # => "1.23 Billion"
# number_to_human(1234567890123) # => "1.23 Trillion"
# number_to_human(1234567890123456) # => "1.23 Quadrillion"
# number_to_human(1234567890123456789) # => "1230 Quadrillion"
# number_to_human(489939, precision: 2) # => "490 Thousand"
# number_to_human(489939, precision: 4) # => "489.9 Thousand"
# number_to_human(1234567, precision: 4,
# significant: false) # => "1.2346 Million"
# number_to_human(1234567, precision: 1,
# separator: ',',
# significant: false) # => "1,2 Million"
# number_to_human(500000000, precision: 5) # => "500 Million"
# number_to_human(12345012345, significant: false) # => "12.345 Billion"
# Non-significant zeros after the decimal separator are stripped
# out by default (set :strip_insignificant_zeros to
# +false+ to change that):
# number_to_human(12.00001) # => "12"
# number_to_human(12.00001, strip_insignificant_zeros: false) # => "12.0"
# ==== Custom Unit Quantifiers
# You can also use your own custom unit quantifiers:
# number_to_human(500000, units: {unit: "ml", thousand: "lt"}) # => "500 lt"
# If in your I18n locale you have:
# distance:
# centi:
# one: "centimeter"
# other: "centimeters"
# unit:
# one: "meter"
# other: "meters"
# thousand:
# one: "kilometer"
# other: "kilometers"
# billion: "gazillion-distance"
# Then you could do:
# number_to_human(543934, units: :distance) # => "544 kilometers"
# number_to_human(54393498, units: :distance) # => "54400 kilometers"
# number_to_human(54393498000, units: :distance) # => "54.4 gazillion-distance"
# number_to_human(343, units: :distance, precision: 1) # => "300 meters"
# number_to_human(1, units: :distance) # => "1 meter"
# number_to_human(0.34, units: :distance) # => "34 centimeters"
def number_to_human(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Formats the bytes in +number+ into a more understandable
# representation (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.46 KB). This
# method is useful for reporting file sizes to users. You can
# customize the format in the +options+ hash.
# See number_to_human if you want to pretty-print a
# generic number.
# ==== Options
# * :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
# (defaults to current locale).
# * :precision - Sets the precision of the number
# (defaults to 3).
# * :significant - If +true+, precision will be the number
# of significant_digits. If +false+, the number of fractional
# digits (defaults to +true+)
# * :separator - Sets the separator between the
# fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
# * :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
# to "").
# * :strip_insignificant_zeros - If +true+ removes
# insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
# +true+)
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# ==== Examples
# number_to_human_size(123) # => 123 Bytes
# number_to_human_size(1234) # => 1.21 KB
# number_to_human_size(12345) # => 12.1 KB
# number_to_human_size(1234567) # => 1.18 MB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890) # => 1.15 GB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890123) # => 1.12 TB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890123456) # => 1.1 PB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890123456789) # => 1.07 EB
# number_to_human_size(1234567, precision: 2) # => 1.2 MB
# number_to_human_size(483989, precision: 2) # => 470 KB
# number_to_human_size(1234567, precision: 2, separator: ',') # => 1,2 MB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890123, precision: 5) # => "1.1228 TB"
# number_to_human_size(524288000, precision: 5) # => "500 MB"
def number_to_human_size(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Formats a +number+ as a percentage string (e.g., 65%). You can
# customize the format in the +options+ hash.
# ==== Options
# * :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
# (defaults to current locale).
# * :precision - Sets the precision of the number
# (defaults to 3).
# * :significant - If +true+, precision will be the number
# of significant_digits. If +false+, the number of fractional
# digits (defaults to +false+).
# * :separator - Sets the separator between the
# fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
# * :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
# to "").
# * :strip_insignificant_zeros - If +true+ removes
# insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
# +false+).
# * :format - Specifies the format of the percentage
# string The number field is %n (defaults to "%n%").
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# ==== Examples
# number_to_percentage(100) # => 100.000%
# number_to_percentage("98") # => 98.000%
# number_to_percentage(100, precision: 0) # => 100%
# number_to_percentage(1000, delimiter: '.', separator: ',') # => 1.000,000%
# number_to_percentage(302.24398923423, precision: 5) # => 302.24399%
# number_to_percentage(1000, locale: :fr) # => 1 000,000%
# number_to_percentage("98a") # => 98a%
# number_to_percentage(100, format: "%n %") # => 100.000 %
# number_to_percentage("98a", raise: true) # => InvalidNumberError
def number_to_percentage(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Formats a +number+ into a phone number (US by default e.g., (555)
# 123-9876). You can customize the format in the +options+ hash.
# ==== Options
# * :area_code - Adds parentheses around the area code.
# * :delimiter - Specifies the delimiter to use
# (defaults to "-").
# * :extension - Specifies an extension to add to the
# end of the generated number.
# * :country_code - Sets the country code for the phone
# number.
# * :pattern - Specifies how the number is divided into three
# groups with the custom regexp to override the default format.
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# ==== Examples
# number_to_phone(5551234) # => 555-1234
# number_to_phone("5551234") # => 555-1234
# number_to_phone(1235551234) # => 123-555-1234
# number_to_phone(1235551234, area_code: true) # => (123) 555-1234
# number_to_phone(1235551234, delimiter: " ") # => 123 555 1234
# number_to_phone(1235551234, area_code: true, extension: 555) # => (123) 555-1234 x 555
# number_to_phone(1235551234, country_code: 1) # => +1-123-555-1234
# number_to_phone("123a456") # => 123a456
# number_to_phone("1234a567", raise: true) # => InvalidNumberError
# number_to_phone(1235551234, country_code: 1, extension: 1343, delimiter: ".")
# # => +1.123.555.1234 x 1343
# number_to_phone(75561234567, pattern: /(\d{1,4})(\d{4})(\d{4})$/, area_code: true)
# # => "(755) 6123-4567"
# number_to_phone(13312345678, pattern: /(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})$/)
# # => "133-1234-5678"
def number_to_phone(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Formats a +number+ with grouped thousands using +delimiter+
# (e.g., 12,324). You can customize the format in the +options+
# hash.
# ==== Options
# * :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
# (defaults to current locale).
# * :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
# to ",").
# * :separator - Sets the separator between the
# fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
# * :delimiter_pattern - Sets a custom regular expression used for
# deriving the placement of delimiter. Helpful when using currency formats
# like INR.
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# ==== Examples
# number_with_delimiter(12345678) # => 12,345,678
# number_with_delimiter("123456") # => 123,456
# number_with_delimiter(12345678.05) # => 12,345,678.05
# number_with_delimiter(12345678, delimiter: ".") # => 12.345.678
# number_with_delimiter(12345678, delimiter: ",") # => 12,345,678
# number_with_delimiter(12345678.05, separator: " ") # => 12,345,678 05
# number_with_delimiter(12345678.05, locale: :fr) # => 12 345 678,05
# number_with_delimiter("112a") # => 112a
# number_with_delimiter(98765432.98, delimiter: " ", separator: ",")
# # => 98 765 432,98
# number_with_delimiter("123456.78",
# delimiter_pattern: /(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))/) # => "1,23,456.78"
# number_with_delimiter("112a", raise: true) # => raise InvalidNumberError
def number_with_delimiter(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Formats a +number+ with the specified level of
# :precision (e.g., 112.32 has a precision of 2 if
# +:significant+ is +false+, and 5 if +:significant+ is +true+).
# You can customize the format in the +options+ hash.
# ==== Options
# * :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
# (defaults to current locale).
# * :precision - Sets the precision of the number
# (defaults to 3).
# * :significant - If +true+, precision will be the number
# of significant_digits. If +false+, the number of fractional
# digits (defaults to +false+).
# * :separator - Sets the separator between the
# fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
# * :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
# to "").
# * :strip_insignificant_zeros - If +true+ removes
# insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
# +false+).
# * :raise - If true, raises +InvalidNumberError+ when
# the argument is invalid.
# ==== Examples
# number_with_precision(111.2345) # => 111.235
# number_with_precision(111.2345, precision: 2) # => 111.23
# number_with_precision(13, precision: 5) # => 13.00000
# number_with_precision(389.32314, precision: 0) # => 389
# number_with_precision(111.2345, significant: true) # => 111
# number_with_precision(111.2345, precision: 1, significant: true) # => 100
# number_with_precision(13, precision: 5, significant: true) # => 13.000
# number_with_precision(111.234, locale: :fr) # => 111,234
# number_with_precision(13, precision: 5, significant: true, strip_insignificant_zeros: true)
# # => 13
# number_with_precision(389.32314, precision: 4, significant: true) # => 389.3
# number_with_precision(1111.2345, precision: 2, separator: ',', delimiter: '.')
# # => 1.111,23
def number_with_precision(number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def delegate_number_helper_method(method, number, options); end
def escape_units(units); end
def escape_unsafe_options(options); end
# @raise [InvalidNumberError]
def parse_float(number, raise_error); end
# @return [Boolean]
def valid_float?(number); end
# @raise [InvalidNumberError]
def wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, raise_on_invalid, &block); end
# Raised when argument +number+ param given to the helpers is invalid and
# the option +:raise+ is set to +true+.
class ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper::InvalidNumberError < ::StandardError
# @return [InvalidNumberError] a new instance of InvalidNumberError
def initialize(number); end
# Returns the value of attribute number.
def number; end
# Sets the attribute number
# @param value the value to set the attribute number to.
def number=(_arg0); end
module ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
# This method outputs without escaping a string. Since escaping tags is
# now default, this can be used when you don't want Rails to automatically
# escape tags. This is not recommended if the data is coming from the user's
# input.
# For example:
# raw @user.name
# # => 'Jimmy Tables'
def raw(stringish); end
# This method returns an HTML safe string similar to what Array#join
# would return. The array is flattened, and all items, including
# the supplied separator, are HTML escaped unless they are HTML
# safe, and the returned string is marked as HTML safe.
# safe_join([raw("
"), "
"], " ")
# # => "
<br /><p>bar</p>"
# safe_join([raw("
"), raw("
")], raw(" "))
# # => "
def safe_join(array, sep = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Converts the array to a comma-separated sentence where the last element is
# joined by the connector word. This is the html_safe-aware version of
# ActiveSupport's {Array#to_sentence}[https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Array.html#method-i-to_sentence].
def to_sentence(array, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# = Action View Rendering
# Implements methods that allow rendering from a view context.
# In order to use this module, all you need is to implement
# view_renderer that returns an ActionView::Renderer object.
module ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper
# Overrides _layout_for in the context object so it supports the case a block is
# passed to a partial. Returns the contents that are yielded to a layout, given a
# name or a block.
# You can think of a layout as a method that is called with a block. If the user calls
# yield :some_name, the block, by default, returns content_for(:some_name).
# If the user calls simply +yield+, the default block returns content_for(:layout).
# The user can override this default by passing a block to the layout:
# # The template
# <%= render layout: "my_layout" do %>
# Content
# <% end %>
# # The layout
# <%= yield %>
# In this case, instead of the default block, which would return content_for(:layout),
# this method returns the block that was passed in to render :layout, and the response
# would be
# Content
# Finally, the block can take block arguments, which can be passed in by +yield+:
# # The template
# <%= render layout: "my_layout" do |customer| %>
# Hello <%= customer.name %>
# <% end %>
# # The layout
# <%= yield Struct.new(:name).new("David") %>
# In this case, the layout would receive the block passed into render :layout,
# and the struct specified would be passed into the block as an argument. The result
# would be
# Hello David
def _layout_for(*args, &block); end
# Returns the result of a render that's dictated by the options hash. The primary options are:
# * :partial - See ActionView::PartialRenderer.
# * :file - Renders an explicit template file (this used to be the old default), add +:locals+ to pass in those.
# * :inline - Renders an inline template similar to how it's done in the controller.
# * :plain - Renders the text passed in out. Setting the content
# type as text/plain.
# * :html - Renders the HTML safe string passed in out, otherwise
# performs HTML escape on the string first. Setting the content type as
# text/html.
# * :body - Renders the text passed in, and inherits the content
# type of text/plain from ActionDispatch::Response object.
# If no options hash is passed or if :update is specified, then:
# If an object responding to +render_in+ is passed, +render_in+ is called on the object,
# passing in the current view context.
# Otherwise, a partial is rendered using the second parameter as the locals hash.
def render(options = T.unsafe(nil), locals = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# The SanitizeHelper module provides a set of methods for scrubbing text of undesired HTML elements.
# These helper methods extend Action View making them callable within your template files.
module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods
# Sanitizes HTML input, stripping all but known-safe tags and attributes.
# It also strips href/src attributes with unsafe protocols like
# javascript:, while also protecting against attempts to use Unicode,
# ASCII, and hex character references to work around these protocol filters.
# All special characters will be escaped.
# The default sanitizer is Rails::Html::SafeListSanitizer. See {Rails HTML
# Sanitizers}[https://github.com/rails/rails-html-sanitizer] for more information.
# Custom sanitization rules can also be provided.
# Please note that sanitizing user-provided text does not guarantee that the
# resulting markup is valid or even well-formed.
# ==== Options
# * :tags - An array of allowed tags.
# * :attributes - An array of allowed attributes.
# * :scrubber - A {Rails::Html scrubber}[https://github.com/rails/rails-html-sanitizer]
# or {Loofah::Scrubber}[https://github.com/flavorjones/loofah] object that
# defines custom sanitization rules. A custom scrubber takes precedence over
# custom tags and attributes.
# ==== Examples
# Normal use:
# <%= sanitize @comment.body %>
# Providing custom lists of permitted tags and attributes:
# <%= sanitize @comment.body, tags: %w(strong em a), attributes: %w(href) %>
# Providing a custom Rails::Html scrubber:
# class CommentScrubber < Rails::Html::PermitScrubber
# def initialize
# super
# self.tags = %w( form script comment blockquote )
# self.attributes = %w( style )
# end
# def skip_node?(node)
# node.text?
# end
# end
# <%= sanitize @comment.body, scrubber: CommentScrubber.new %>
# See {Rails HTML Sanitizer}[https://github.com/rails/rails-html-sanitizer] for
# documentation about Rails::Html scrubbers.
# Providing a custom Loofah::Scrubber:
# scrubber = Loofah::Scrubber.new do |node|
# node.remove if node.name == 'script'
# end
# <%= sanitize @comment.body, scrubber: scrubber %>
# See {Loofah's documentation}[https://github.com/flavorjones/loofah] for more
# information about defining custom Loofah::Scrubber objects.
# To set the default allowed tags or attributes across your application:
# # In config/application.rb
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags = ['strong', 'em', 'a']
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_attributes = ['href', 'title']
def sanitize(html, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Sanitizes a block of CSS code. Used by +sanitize+ when it comes across a style attribute.
def sanitize_css(style); end
# Strips all link tags from +html+ leaving just the link text.
# strip_links('Ruby on Rails')
# # => Ruby on Rails
# strip_links('Please e-mail me at me@email.com.')
# # => Please e-mail me at me@email.com.
# strip_links('Blog: Visit.')
# # => Blog: Visit.
# strip_links('<malformed & link')
# # => <malformed & link
def strip_links(html); end
# Strips all HTML tags from +html+, including comments and special characters.
# strip_tags("Strip these tags!")
# # => Strip these tags!
# strip_tags("Bold no more! See more here...")
# # => Bold no more! See more here...
# strip_tags("
Welcome to my website!
# # => Welcome to my website!
# strip_tags("> A quote from Smith & Wesson")
# # => > A quote from Smith & Wesson
def strip_tags(html); end
module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods
# Gets the Rails::Html::FullSanitizer instance used by +strip_tags+. Replace with
# any object that responds to +sanitize+.
# class Application < Rails::Application
# config.action_view.full_sanitizer = MySpecialSanitizer.new
# end
def full_sanitizer; end
# Sets the attribute full_sanitizer
# @param value the value to set the attribute full_sanitizer to.
def full_sanitizer=(_arg0); end
# Gets the Rails::Html::LinkSanitizer instance used by +strip_links+.
# Replace with any object that responds to +sanitize+.
# class Application < Rails::Application
# config.action_view.link_sanitizer = MySpecialSanitizer.new
# end
def link_sanitizer; end
# Sets the attribute link_sanitizer
# @param value the value to set the attribute link_sanitizer to.
def link_sanitizer=(_arg0); end
# Gets the Rails::Html::SafeListSanitizer instance used by sanitize and +sanitize_css+.
# Replace with any object that responds to +sanitize+.
# class Application < Rails::Application
# config.action_view.safe_list_sanitizer = MySpecialSanitizer.new
# end
def safe_list_sanitizer; end
# Sets the attribute safe_list_sanitizer
# @param value the value to set the attribute safe_list_sanitizer to.
def safe_list_sanitizer=(_arg0); end
def sanitized_allowed_attributes; end
def sanitized_allowed_attributes=(attributes); end
def sanitized_allowed_css_keywords; end
def sanitized_allowed_css_keywords=(_); end
def sanitized_allowed_css_properties; end
def sanitized_allowed_css_properties=(_); end
def sanitized_allowed_protocols; end
def sanitized_allowed_protocols=(_); end
def sanitized_allowed_tags; end
def sanitized_allowed_tags=(tags); end
def sanitized_bad_tags; end
def sanitized_bad_tags=(_); end
def sanitized_protocol_separator; end
def sanitized_protocol_separator=(_); end
def sanitized_shorthand_css_properties; end
def sanitized_shorthand_css_properties=(_); end
def sanitized_uri_attributes; end
def sanitized_uri_attributes=(_); end
def sanitizer_vendor; end
def deprecate_option(name); end
# Provides methods to generate HTML tags programmatically both as a modern
# HTML5 compliant builder style and legacy XHTML compliant tags.
module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
# Returns a CDATA section with the given +content+. CDATA sections
# are used to escape blocks of text containing characters which would
# otherwise be recognized as markup. CDATA sections begin with the string
# and end with (and may not contain) the string ]]>.
# cdata_section("")
# # => ]]>
# cdata_section(File.read("hello_world.txt"))
# # =>
# cdata_section("hello]]>world")
# # => world]]>
def cdata_section(content); end
# Returns a string of tokens built from +args+.
# ==== Examples
# token_list("foo", "bar")
# # => "foo bar"
# token_list("foo", "foo bar")
# # => "foo bar"
# token_list({ foo: true, bar: false })
# # => "foo"
# token_list(nil, false, 123, "", "foo", { bar: true })
# # => "123 foo bar"
def class_names(*args); end
# Returns an HTML block tag of type +name+ surrounding the +content+. Add
# HTML attributes by passing an attributes hash to +options+.
# Instead of passing the content as an argument, you can also use a block
# in which case, you pass your +options+ as the second parameter.
# Set escape to false to disable escaping.
# Note: this is legacy syntax, see +tag+ method description for details.
# ==== Options
# The +options+ hash can be used with attributes with no value like (disabled and
# readonly), which you can give a value of true in the +options+ hash. You can use
# symbols or strings for the attribute names.
# ==== Examples
# content_tag(:p, "Hello world!")
# # =>
def content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), escape = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Returns an escaped version of +html+ without affecting existing escaped entities.
# escape_once("1 < 2 & 3")
# # => "1 < 2 & 3"
# escape_once("<< Accept & Checkout")
# # => "<< Accept & Checkout"
def escape_once(html); end
# Returns an HTML tag.
# === Building HTML tags
# Builds HTML5 compliant tags with a tag proxy. Every tag can be built with:
# tag.(optional content, options)
# where tag name can be e.g. br, div, section, article, or any tag really.
# ==== Passing content
# Tags can pass content to embed within it:
# tag.h1 'All titles fit to print' # =>
All titles fit to print
# tag.div tag.p('Hello world!') # =>
Hello world!
# Content can also be captured with a block, which is useful in templates:
# <%= tag.p do %>
# The next great American novel starts here.
# <% end %>
# # =>
The next great American novel starts here.
# ==== Options
# Use symbol keyed options to add attributes to the generated tag.
# tag.section class: %w( kitties puppies )
# # =>
# tag.section id: dom_id(@post)
# # =>
# Pass +true+ for any attributes that can render with no values, like +disabled+ and +readonly+.
# tag.input type: 'text', disabled: true
# # =>
# HTML5 data-* and aria-* attributes can be set with a
# single +data+ or +aria+ key pointing to a hash of sub-attributes.
# To play nicely with JavaScript conventions, sub-attributes are dasherized.
# tag.article data: { user_id: 123 }
# # =>
# Thus data-user-id can be accessed as dataset.userId.
# Data attribute values are encoded to JSON, with the exception of strings, symbols, and
# BigDecimals.
# This may come in handy when using jQuery's HTML5-aware .data()
# from 1.4.3.
# tag.div data: { city_state: %w( Chicago IL ) }
# # =>
# The generated tag names and attributes are escaped by default. This can be disabled using
# +escape+.
# tag.img src: 'open & shut.png'
# # =>
# tag.img src: 'open & shut.png', escape: false
# # =>
# The tag builder respects
# {HTML5 void elements}[https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#void-elements]
# if no content is passed, and omits closing tags for those elements.
# # A standard element:
# tag.div # =>
# # A void element:
# tag.br # =>
# === Building HTML attributes
# Transforms a Hash into HTML attributes, ready to be interpolated into
# ERB. Includes or omits boolean attributes based on their truthiness.
# Transforms keys nested within
# aria: or data: objects into aria- and data-
# prefixed attributes:
# >
# # =>
# # =>
# === Legacy syntax
# The following format is for legacy syntax support. It will be deprecated in future versions of Rails.
# tag(name, options = nil, open = false, escape = true)
# It returns an empty HTML tag of type +name+ which by default is XHTML
# compliant. Set +open+ to true to create an open tag compatible
# with HTML 4.0 and below. Add HTML attributes by passing an attributes
# hash to +options+. Set +escape+ to false to disable attribute value
# escaping.
# ==== Options
# You can use symbols or strings for the attribute names.
# Use +true+ with boolean attributes that can render with no value, like
# +disabled+ and +readonly+.
# HTML5 data-* attributes can be set with a single +data+ key
# pointing to a hash of sub-attributes.
# ==== Examples
# tag("br")
# # =>
# tag("br", nil, true)
# # =>
# tag("input", type: 'text', disabled: true)
# # =>
# tag("input", type: 'text', class: ["strong", "highlight"])
# # =>
# tag("img", src: "open & shut.png")
# # =>
# tag("img", { src: "open & shut.png" }, false, false)
# # =>
# tag("div", data: { name: 'Stephen', city_state: %w(Chicago IL) })
# # =>
# tag("div", class: { highlight: current_user.admin? })
# # =>
def tag(name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), open = T.unsafe(nil), escape = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns a string of tokens built from +args+.
# ==== Examples
# token_list("foo", "bar")
# # => "foo bar"
# token_list("foo", "foo bar")
# # => "foo bar"
# token_list({ foo: true, bar: false })
# # => "foo"
# token_list(nil, false, 123, "", "foo", { bar: true })
# # => "123 foo bar"
def token_list(*args); end
def build_tag_values(*args); end
def tag_builder; end
class << self
def build_tag_values(*args); end
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::ARIA_PREFIXES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::DATA_PREFIXES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TAG_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
class ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
# @return [TagBuilder] a new instance of TagBuilder
def initialize(view_context); end
# Transforms a Hash into HTML Attributes, ready to be interpolated into
# ERB.
# >
# # =>
def attributes(attributes); end
def boolean_tag_option(key); end
def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def p(*arguments, **options, &block); end
def tag_option(key, value, escape); end
def tag_options(options, escape = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def tag_string(name, content = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end
def handle_deprecated_escape_options(options); end
def method_missing(called, *args, **options, &block); end
def prefix_tag_option(prefix, key, value, escape); end
# @return [Boolean]
def respond_to_missing?(*args); end
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder::HTML_VOID_ELEMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder::SVG_SELF_CLOSING_ELEMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
module ActionView::Helpers::Tags
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelInstanceTag
include ::ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
extend ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods
extend ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods
# @return [Base] a new instance of Base
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute object.
def object; end
# This is what child classes implement.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
def render; end
def add_default_name_and_id(options); end
def add_default_name_and_id_for_value(tag_value, options); end
def add_options(option_tags, options, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def generate_ids?; end
def name_and_id_index(options); end
# @return [Boolean]
def placeholder_required?(html_options); end
def retrieve_autoindex(pre_match); end
def retrieve_object(object); end
def sanitized_method_name; end
def sanitized_value(value); end
def select_content_tag(option_tags, options, html_options); end
def tag_id(index = T.unsafe(nil), namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def tag_name(multiple = T.unsafe(nil), index = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def value; end
def value_before_type_cast; end
# @return [Boolean]
def value_came_from_user?; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CheckBox < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Checkable
# @return [CheckBox] a new instance of CheckBox
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, checked_value, unchecked_value, options); end
def render; end
# @return [Boolean]
def checked?(value); end
def hidden_field_for_checkbox(options); end
module ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Checkable
# @return [Boolean]
def input_checked?(options); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionCheckBoxes < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionHelpers
def render(&block); end
def hidden_field_name; end
def render_component(builder); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionCheckBoxes::CheckBoxBuilder < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionHelpers::Builder
def check_box(extra_html_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
module ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionHelpers
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, collection, value_method, text_method, options, html_options); end
# Generate default options for collection helpers, such as :checked and
# :disabled.
def default_html_options_for_collection(item, value); end
def hidden_field; end
def hidden_field_name; end
def instantiate_builder(builder_class, item, value, text, html_options); end
def render_collection; end
def render_collection_for(builder_class, &block); end
def sanitize_attribute_name(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionHelpers::Builder
# @return [Builder] a new instance of Builder
def initialize(template_object, object_name, method_name, object, sanitized_attribute_name, text, value, input_html_options); end
def label(label_html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Returns the value of attribute object.
def object; end
# Returns the value of attribute text.
def text; end
# Returns the value of attribute value.
def value; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionRadioButtons < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionHelpers
def render(&block); end
def render_component(builder); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionRadioButtons::RadioButtonBuilder < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionHelpers::Builder
def radio_button(extra_html_options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::CollectionSelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [CollectionSelect] a new instance of CollectionSelect
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, collection, value_method, text_method, options, html_options); end
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::ColorField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
def validate_color_string(string); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DateField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeField
def format_date(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DateSelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [DateSelect] a new instance of DateSelect
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, options, html_options); end
def render; end
def datetime_selector(options, html_options); end
def default_datetime(options); end
def select_type; end
class << self
def select_type; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
def datetime_value(value); end
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
def format_date(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeLocalField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeField
def format_date(value); end
class << self
def field_type; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeSelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DateSelect; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::EmailField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::FileField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
def hidden_field_for_multiple_file(options); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::GroupedCollectionSelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [GroupedCollectionSelect] a new instance of GroupedCollectionSelect
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options, html_options); end
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::HiddenField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Label < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [Label] a new instance of Label
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, content_or_options = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def render(&block); end
def render_component(builder); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Label::LabelBuilder
# @return [LabelBuilder] a new instance of LabelBuilder
def initialize(template_object, object_name, method_name, object, tag_value); end
# Returns the value of attribute object.
def object; end
def to_s; end
def translation; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::MonthField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeField
def format_date(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::NumberField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::PasswordField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
module ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Placeholderable
def initialize(*_arg0); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::RadioButton < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Checkable
# @return [RadioButton] a new instance of RadioButton
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, tag_value, options); end
def render; end
# @return [Boolean]
def checked?(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::RangeField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::NumberField; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::SearchField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Select < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [Select] a new instance of Select
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, choices, options, html_options); end
def render; end
# Grouped choices look like this:
# [nil, []]
# { nil => [] }
# @return [Boolean]
def grouped_choices?; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TelField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextArea < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Placeholderable
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
include ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Placeholderable
def render; end
def field_type; end
class << self
def field_type; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TimeField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeField
# @return [TimeField] a new instance of TimeField
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def format_date(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TimeSelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DateSelect; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TimeZoneSelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [TimeZoneSelect] a new instance of TimeZoneSelect
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, priority_zones, options, html_options); end
def render; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Translator
# @return [Translator] a new instance of Translator
def initialize(object, object_name, method_and_value, scope:); end
def translate; end
def human_attribute_name; end
def i18n_default; end
# Returns the value of attribute method_and_value.
def method_and_value; end
# Returns the value of attribute model.
def model; end
# Returns the value of attribute object_name.
def object_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute scope.
def scope; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::UrlField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField; end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::WeekField < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::DatetimeField
def format_date(value); end
class ActionView::Helpers::Tags::WeekdaySelect < ::ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
# @return [WeekdaySelect] a new instance of WeekdaySelect
def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, options, html_options); end
def render; end
# The TextHelper module provides a set of methods for filtering, formatting
# and transforming strings, which can reduce the amount of inline Ruby code in
# your views. These helper methods extend Action View making them callable
# within your template files.
# ==== Sanitization
# Most text helpers that generate HTML output sanitize the given input by default,
# but do not escape it. This means HTML tags will appear in the page but all malicious
# code will be removed. Let's look at some examples using the +simple_format+ method:
# simple_format('Example')
# # => "
# If you want to escape all content, you should invoke the +h+ method before
# calling the text helper.
# simple_format h('Example')
# # => "
<a href=\"http://example.com/\">Example</a>
module ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods
# The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the
# <%= "text" %> eRuby syntax. The regular _puts_ and _print_ methods
# do not operate as expected in an eRuby code block. If you absolutely must
# output text within a non-output code block (i.e., <% %>), you can use the concat method.
# <%
# concat "hello"
# # is the equivalent of <%= "hello" %>
# if logged_in
# concat "Logged in!"
# else
# concat link_to('login', action: :login)
# end
# # will either display "Logged in!" or a login link
# %>
def concat(string); end
# Returns the current cycle string after a cycle has been started. Useful
# for complex table highlighting or any other design need which requires
# the current cycle string in more than one place.
# # Alternate background colors
# @items = [1,2,3,4]
# <% @items.each do |item| %>
# <%= item %>
# <% end %>
def current_cycle(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Creates a Cycle object whose _to_s_ method cycles through elements of an
# array every time it is called. This can be used for example, to alternate
# classes for table rows. You can use named cycles to allow nesting in loops.
# Passing a Hash as the last parameter with a :name key will create a
# named cycle. The default name for a cycle without a +:name+ key is
# "default". You can manually reset a cycle by calling reset_cycle
# and passing the name of the cycle. The current cycle string can be obtained
# anytime using the current_cycle method.
# # Alternate CSS classes for even and odd numbers...
# @items = [1,2,3,4]
# <% @items.each do |item| %>
<%= item %>
# <% end %>
# # Cycle CSS classes for rows, and text colors for values within each row
# @items = x = [{first: 'Robert', middle: 'Daniel', last: 'James'},
# {first: 'Emily', middle: 'Shannon', maiden: 'Pike', last: 'Hicks'},
# {first: 'June', middle: 'Dae', last: 'Jones'}]
# <% @items.each do |item| %>
# <% item.values.each do |value| %>
# <%# Create a named cycle "colors" %>
# ">
# <%= value %>
# <% end %>
# <% reset_cycle("colors") %>
# <% end %>
def cycle(first_value, *values); end
# Extracts an excerpt from +text+ that matches the first instance of +phrase+.
# The :radius option expands the excerpt on each side of the first occurrence of +phrase+ by the number of characters
# defined in :radius (which defaults to 100). If the excerpt radius overflows the beginning or end of the +text+,
# then the :omission option (which defaults to "...") will be prepended/appended accordingly. Use the
# :separator option to choose the delimitation. The resulting string will be stripped in any case. If the +phrase+
# isn't found, +nil+ is returned.
# excerpt('This is an example', 'an', radius: 5)
# # => ...s is an exam...
# excerpt('This is an example', 'is', radius: 5)
# # => This is a...
# excerpt('This is an example', 'is')
# # => This is an example
# excerpt('This next thing is an example', 'ex', radius: 2)
# # => ...next...
# excerpt('This is also an example', 'an', radius: 8, omission: ' ')
# # => is also an example
# excerpt('This is a very beautiful morning', 'very', separator: ' ', radius: 1)
# # => ...a very beautiful...
def excerpt(text, phrase, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Highlights one or more +phrases+ everywhere in +text+ by inserting it into
# a :highlighter string. The highlighter can be specialized by passing :highlighter
# as a single-quoted string with \1 where the phrase is to be inserted (defaults to
# \1) or passing a block that receives each matched term. By default +text+
# is sanitized to prevent possible XSS attacks. If the input is trustworthy, passing false
# for :sanitize will turn sanitizing off.
# highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails')
# # => You searched for: rails
# highlight('You searched for: rails', /for|rails/)
# # => You searched for: rails
# highlight('You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh', 'actionpack')
# # => You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh
# highlight('You searched for: rails', ['for', 'rails'], highlighter: '\1')
# # => You searched for: rails
# highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails', highlighter: '\1')
# # => You searched for: rails
# highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails') { |match| link_to(search_path(q: match, match)) }
# # => You searched for: rails
# highlight('ruby on rails', 'rails', sanitize: false)
# # => ruby on rails
def highlight(text, phrases, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Attempts to pluralize the +singular+ word unless +count+ is 1. If
# +plural+ is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, otherwise
# it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form for the given locale,
# which defaults to I18n.locale
# The word will be pluralized using rules defined for the locale
# (you must define your own inflection rules for languages other than English).
# See ActiveSupport::Inflector.pluralize
# pluralize(1, 'person')
# # => 1 person
# pluralize(2, 'person')
# # => 2 people
# pluralize(3, 'person', plural: 'users')
# # => 3 users
# pluralize(0, 'person')
# # => 0 people
# pluralize(2, 'Person', locale: :de)
# # => 2 Personen
def pluralize(count, singular, plural_arg = T.unsafe(nil), plural: T.unsafe(nil), locale: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Resets a cycle so that it starts from the first element the next time
# it is called. Pass in +name+ to reset a named cycle.
# # Alternate CSS classes for even and odd numbers...
# @items = [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,3], [3,4,5,6,7,4]]
# <% @items.each do |item| %>
# <% item.each do |value| %>
# ">
# <%= value %>
# <% end %>
# <% reset_cycle("colors") %>
# <% end %>
def reset_cycle(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def safe_concat(string); end
# Returns +text+ transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules.
# Two or more consecutive newlines (\n\n or \r\n\r\n) are
# considered a paragraph and wrapped in tags. One newline
# (\n or \r\n) is considered a linebreak and a
# tag is appended. This method does not remove the
# newlines from the +text+.
# You can pass any HTML attributes into html_options. These
# will be added to all created paragraphs.
# ==== Options
# * :sanitize - If +false+, does not sanitize +text+.
# * :wrapper_tag - String representing the wrapper tag, defaults to "p"
# ==== Examples
# my_text = "Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break."
# simple_format(my_text)
# # => "
Here is some basic text...\n ...with a line break.
def simple_format(text, html_options = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Truncates a given +text+ after a given :length if +text+ is longer than :length
# (defaults to 30). The last characters will be replaced with the :omission (defaults to "...")
# for a total length not exceeding :length.
# Pass a :separator to truncate +text+ at a natural break.
# Pass a block if you want to show extra content when the text is truncated.
# The result is marked as HTML-safe, but it is escaped by default, unless :escape is
# +false+. Care should be taken if +text+ contains HTML tags or entities, because truncation
# may produce invalid HTML (such as unbalanced or incomplete tags).
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away")
# # => "Once upon a time in a world..."
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", length: 17)
# # => "Once upon a ti..."
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", length: 17, separator: ' ')
# # => "Once upon a..."
# truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", length: 25, omission: '... (continued)')
# # => "And they f... (continued)"
# truncate("
Once upon a time in a world far far away
# # => "<p>Once upon a time in a wo..."
# truncate("
Once upon a time in a world far far away
", escape: false)
# # => "
Once upon a time in a wo..."
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away") { link_to "Continue", "#" }
# # => "Once upon a time in a wo...Continue"
def truncate(text, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Wraps the +text+ into lines no longer than +line_width+ width. This method
# breaks on the first whitespace character that does not exceed +line_width+
# (which is 80 by default).
# word_wrap('Once upon a time')
# # => Once upon a time
# word_wrap('Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding a successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have imagined...')
# # => Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding\na successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have\nimagined...
# word_wrap('Once upon a time', line_width: 8)
# # => Once\nupon a\ntime
# word_wrap('Once upon a time', line_width: 1)
# # => Once\nupon\na\ntime
# You can also specify a custom +break_sequence+ ("\n" by default)
# word_wrap('Once upon a time', line_width: 1, break_sequence: "\r\n")
# # => Once\r\nupon\r\na\r\ntime
def word_wrap(text, line_width: T.unsafe(nil), break_sequence: T.unsafe(nil)); end
def cut_excerpt_part(part_position, part, separator, options); end
# The cycle helpers need to store the cycles in a place that is
# guaranteed to be reset every time a page is rendered, so it
# uses an instance variable of ActionView::Base.
def get_cycle(name); end
def set_cycle(name, cycle_object); end
def split_paragraphs(text); end
class ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper::Cycle
# @return [Cycle] a new instance of Cycle
def initialize(first_value, *values); end
def current_value; end
def reset; end
def to_s; end
# Returns the value of attribute values.
def values; end
def next_index; end
def previous_index; end
def step_index(n); end
module ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
# Delegates to I18n.localize with no additional functionality.
# See https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/i18n/I18n/Backend/Base:localize
# for more information.
def l(object, **options); end
# Delegates to I18n.localize with no additional functionality.
# See https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/i18n/I18n/Backend/Base:localize
# for more information.
def localize(object, **options); end
# Delegates to I18n#translate but also performs three additional
# functions.
# First, it will ensure that any thrown +MissingTranslation+ messages will
# be rendered as inline spans that:
# * Have a translation-missing class applied
# * Contain the missing key as the value of the +title+ attribute
# * Have a titleized version of the last key segment as text
# For example, the value returned for the missing translation key
# "blog.post.title" will be:
# Title
# This allows for views to display rather reasonable strings while still
# giving developers a way to find missing translations.
# If you would prefer missing translations to raise an error, you can
# opt out of span-wrapping behavior globally by setting
# config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = true or
# individually by passing raise: true as an option to
# translate.
# Second, if the key starts with a period translate will scope
# the key by the current partial. Calling translate(".foo") from
# the people/index.html.erb template is equivalent to calling
# translate("people.index.foo"). This makes it less
# repetitive to translate many keys within the same partial and provides
# a convention to scope keys consistently.
# Third, the translation will be marked as html_safe if the key
# has the suffix "_html" or the last element of the key is "html". Calling
# translate("footer_html") or translate("footer.html")
# will return an HTML safe string that won't be escaped by other HTML
# helper methods. This naming convention helps to identify translations
# that include HTML tags so that you know what kind of output to expect
# when you call translate in a template and translators know which keys
# they can provide HTML values for.
# To access the translated text along with the fully resolved
# translation key, translate accepts a block:
# <%= translate(".relative_key") do |translation, resolved_key| %>
# <%= translation %>
# <% end %>
# This enables annotate translated text to be aware of the scope it was
# resolved against.
def t(key, **options); end
# Delegates to I18n#translate but also performs three additional
# functions.
# First, it will ensure that any thrown +MissingTranslation+ messages will
# be rendered as inline spans that:
# * Have a translation-missing class applied
# * Contain the missing key as the value of the +title+ attribute
# * Have a titleized version of the last key segment as text
# For example, the value returned for the missing translation key
# "blog.post.title" will be:
# Title
# This allows for views to display rather reasonable strings while still
# giving developers a way to find missing translations.
# If you would prefer missing translations to raise an error, you can
# opt out of span-wrapping behavior globally by setting
# config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = true or
# individually by passing raise: true as an option to
# translate.
# Second, if the key starts with a period translate will scope
# the key by the current partial. Calling translate(".foo") from
# the people/index.html.erb template is equivalent to calling
# translate("people.index.foo"). This makes it less
# repetitive to translate many keys within the same partial and provides
# a convention to scope keys consistently.
# Third, the translation will be marked as html_safe if the key
# has the suffix "_html" or the last element of the key is "html". Calling
# translate("footer_html") or translate("footer.html")
# will return an HTML safe string that won't be escaped by other HTML
# helper methods. This naming convention helps to identify translations
# that include HTML tags so that you know what kind of output to expect
# when you call translate in a template and translators know which keys
# they can provide HTML values for.
# To access the translated text along with the fully resolved
# translation key, translate accepts a block:
# <%= translate(".relative_key") do |translation, resolved_key| %>
# <%= translation %>
# <% end %>
# This enables annotate translated text to be aware of the scope it was
# resolved against.
def translate(key, **options); end
def missing_translation(key, options); end
def scope_key_by_partial(key); end
class << self
def raise_on_missing_translations; end
def raise_on_missing_translations=(_arg0); end
ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper::MISSING_TRANSLATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper::NO_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Provides a set of methods for making links and getting URLs that
# depend on the routing subsystem (see ActionDispatch::Routing).
# This allows you to use the same format for links in views
# and controllers.
module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper
include ::ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods
# Generates a form containing a single button that submits to the URL created
# by the set of +options+. This is the safest method to ensure links that
# cause changes to your data are not triggered by search bots or accelerators.
# If the HTML button does not work with your layout, you can also consider
# using the +link_to+ method with the :method modifier as described in
# the +link_to+ documentation.
# You can control the form and button behavior with +html_options+. Most
# values in +html_options+ are passed through to the button element. For
# example, passing a +:class+ option within +html_options+ will set the
# class attribute of the button element.
# The class attribute of the form element can be set by passing a
# +:form_class+ option within +html_options+. It defaults to
# "button_to" to allow styling of the form and its children.
# The form submits a POST request by default. You can specify a different
# HTTP verb via the +:method+ option within +html_options+.
# ==== Options
# The +options+ hash accepts the same options as +url_for+. To generate a
# element without an [action] attribute, pass
# false:
# <%= button_to "New", false %>
# # => "
# Most values in +html_options+ are passed through to the button element,
# but there are a few special options:
# * :method - \Symbol of HTTP verb. Supported verbs are :post, :get,
# :delete, :patch, and :put. By default it will be :post.
# * :disabled - If set to true, it will generate a disabled button.
# * :data - This option can be used to add custom data attributes.
# * :form - This hash will be form attributes
# * :form_class - This controls the class of the form within which the submit button will
# be placed
# * :params - \Hash of parameters to be rendered as hidden fields within the form.
# ==== Examples
# <%= button_to "New", action: "new" %>
# # => ""
# <%= button_to "New", new_article_path %>
# # => ""
# <%= button_to "New", new_article_path, params: { time: Time.now } %>
# # => ""
# <%= button_to [:make_happy, @user] do %>
# Make happy <%= @user.name %>
# <% end %>
# # => ""
# <%= button_to "New", { action: "new" }, form_class: "new-thing" %>
# # => ""
# <%= button_to "Create", { action: "create" }, form: { "data-type" => "json" } %>
# # => ""
# ==== Deprecated: Rails UJS Attributes
# Prior to Rails 7, Rails shipped with a JavaScript library called @rails/ujs on by default. Following Rails 7,
# this library is no longer on by default. This library integrated with the following options:
# * :remote - If set to true, will allow @rails/ujs to control the
# submit behavior. By default this behavior is an Ajax submit.
# @rails/ujs also integrated with the following +:data+ options:
# * confirm: "question?" - This will allow @rails/ujs
# to prompt with the question specified (in this case, the
# resulting text would be question?). If the user accepts, the
# button is processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
# * :disable_with - Value of this parameter will be
# used as the value for a disabled version of the submit
# button when the form is submitted.
# ===== Rails UJS Examples
# <%= button_to "Create", { action: "create" }, remote: true, form: { "data-type" => "json" } %>
# # => ""
def button_to(name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
def button_to_generates_button_tag; end
def button_to_generates_button_tag=(val); end
# @return [Boolean]
def current_page?(*args); end
# Creates an anchor element of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of +options+.
# See the valid options in the documentation for +url_for+. It's also possible to
# pass a \String instead of an options hash, which generates an anchor element that uses the
# value of the \String as the href for the link. Using a :back \Symbol instead
# of an options hash will generate a link to the referrer (a JavaScript back link
# will be used in place of a referrer if none exists). If +nil+ is passed as the name
# the value of the link itself will become the name.
# ==== Signatures
# link_to(body, url, html_options = {})
# # url is a String; you can use URL helpers like
# # posts_path
# link_to(body, url_options = {}, html_options = {})
# # url_options, except :method, is passed to url_for
# link_to(options = {}, html_options = {}) do
# # name
# end
# link_to(url, html_options = {}) do
# # name
# end
# link_to(active_record_model)
# ==== Options
# * :data - This option can be used to add custom data attributes.
# ==== Examples
# Because it relies on +url_for+, +link_to+ supports both older-style controller/action/id arguments
# and newer RESTful routes. Current Rails style favors RESTful routes whenever possible, so base
# your application on resources and use
# link_to "Profile", profile_path(@profile)
# # => Profile
# or the even pithier
# link_to "Profile", @profile
# # => Profile
# in place of the older more verbose, non-resource-oriented
# link_to "Profile", controller: "profiles", action: "show", id: @profile
# # => Profile
# Similarly,
# link_to "Profiles", profiles_path
# # => Profiles
# is better than
# link_to "Profiles", controller: "profiles"
# # => Profiles
# When name is +nil+ the href is presented instead
# link_to nil, "http://example.com"
# # => http://www.example.com
# More concise yet, when +name+ is an Active Record model that defines a
# +to_s+ method returning a default value or a model instance attribute
# link_to @profile
# # => Eileen
# You can use a block as well if your link target is hard to fit into the name parameter. ERB example:
# <%= link_to(@profile) do %>
# <%= @profile.name %> -- Check it out!
# <% end %>
# # =>
# David -- Check it out!
# Classes and ids for CSS are easy to produce:
# link_to "Articles", articles_path, id: "news", class: "article"
# # => Articles
# Be careful when using the older argument style, as an extra literal hash is needed:
# link_to "Articles", { controller: "articles" }, id: "news", class: "article"
# # => Articles
# Leaving the hash off gives the wrong link:
# link_to "WRONG!", controller: "articles", id: "news", class: "article"
# # => WRONG!
# +link_to+ can also produce links with anchors or query strings:
# link_to "Comment wall", profile_path(@profile, anchor: "wall")
# # => Comment wall
# link_to "Ruby on Rails search", controller: "searches", query: "ruby on rails"
# # => Ruby on Rails search
# link_to "Nonsense search", searches_path(foo: "bar", baz: "quux")
# # => Nonsense search
# You can set any link attributes such as target, rel, type:
# link_to "External link", "http://www.rubyonrails.org/", target: "_blank", rel: "nofollow"
# # => External link
# ==== Deprecated: Rails UJS Attributes
# Prior to Rails 7, Rails shipped with a JavaScript library called @rails/ujs on by default. Following Rails 7,
# this library is no longer on by default. This library integrated with the following options:
# * method: symbol of HTTP verb - This modifier will dynamically
# create an HTML form and immediately submit the form for processing using
# the HTTP verb specified. Useful for having links perform a POST operation
# in dangerous actions like deleting a record (which search bots can follow
# while spidering your site). Supported verbs are :post, :delete, :patch, and :put.
# Note that if the user has JavaScript disabled, the request will fall back
# to using GET. If href: '#' is used and the user has JavaScript
# disabled clicking the link will have no effect. If you are relying on the
# POST behavior, you should check for it in your controller's action by using
# the request object's methods for post?, delete?, patch?, or put?.
# * remote: true - This will allow @rails/ujs
# to make an Ajax request to the URL in question instead of following
# the link.
# @rails/ujs also integrated with the following +:data+ options:
# * confirm: "question?" - This will allow @rails/ujs
# to prompt with the question specified (in this case, the
# resulting text would be question?). If the user accepts, the
# link is processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
# * :disable_with - Value of this parameter will be used as the
# name for a disabled version of the link.
# ===== Rails UJS Examples
# link_to "Remove Profile", profile_path(@profile), method: :delete
# # => Remove Profile
# link_to "Visit Other Site", "http://www.rubyonrails.org/", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }
# # => Visit Other Site
def link_to(name = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of
# +options+ if +condition+ is true, otherwise only the name is
# returned. To specialize the default behavior, you can pass a block that
# accepts the name or the full argument list for +link_to_if+.
# ==== Examples
# <%= link_to_if(@current_user.nil?, "Login", { controller: "sessions", action: "new" }) %>
# # If the user isn't logged in...
# # => Login
# <%=
# link_to_if(@current_user.nil?, "Login", { controller: "sessions", action: "new" }) do
# link_to(@current_user.login, { controller: "accounts", action: "show", id: @current_user })
# end
# %>
# # If the user isn't logged in...
# # => Login
# # If they are logged in...
# # => my_username
def link_to_if(condition, name, options = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of
# +options+ unless +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is
# returned. To specialize the default behavior (i.e., show a login link rather
# than just the plaintext link text), you can pass a block that
# accepts the name or the full argument list for +link_to_unless+.
# ==== Examples
# <%= link_to_unless(@current_user.nil?, "Reply", { action: "reply" }) %>
# # If the user is logged in...
# # => Reply
# <%=
# link_to_unless(@current_user.nil?, "Reply", { action: "reply" }) do |name|
# link_to(name, { controller: "accounts", action: "signup" })
# end
# %>
# # If the user is logged in...
# # => Reply
# # If not...
# # => Reply
def link_to_unless(condition, name, options = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of
# +options+ unless the current request URI is the same as the links, in
# which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if
# one exists). You can give +link_to_unless_current+ a block which will
# specialize the default behavior (e.g., show a "Start Here" link rather
# than the link's text).
# ==== Examples
# Let's say you have a navigation menu...
# The implicit block given to +link_to_unless_current+ is evaluated if the current
# action is the action given. So, if we had a comments page and wanted to render a
# "Go Back" link instead of a link to the comments page, we could do something like this...
# <%=
# link_to_unless_current("Comment", { controller: "comments", action: "new" }) do
# link_to("Go back", { controller: "posts", action: "index" })
# end
# %>
def link_to_unless_current(name, options = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates a mailto link tag to the specified +email_address+, which is
# also used as the name of the link unless +name+ is specified. Additional
# HTML attributes for the link can be passed in +html_options+.
# +mail_to+ has several methods for customizing the email itself by
# passing special keys to +html_options+.
# ==== Options
# * :subject - Preset the subject line of the email.
# * :body - Preset the body of the email.
# * :cc - Carbon Copy additional recipients on the email.
# * :bcc - Blind Carbon Copy additional recipients on the email.
# * :reply_to - Preset the Reply-To field of the email.
# ==== Obfuscation
# Prior to Rails 4.0, +mail_to+ provided options for encoding the address
# in order to hinder email harvesters. To take advantage of these options,
# install the +actionview-encoded_mail_to+ gem.
# ==== Examples
# mail_to "me@domain.com"
# # => me@domain.com
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email"
# # => My email
# mail_to "me@domain.com", cc: "ccaddress@domain.com",
# subject: "This is an example email"
# # => me@domain.com
# You can use a block as well if your link target is hard to fit into the name parameter. ERB example:
# <%= mail_to "me@domain.com" do %>
# Email me:me@domain.com
# <% end %>
# # =>
# Email me:me@domain.com
def mail_to(email_address, name = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates a TEL anchor link tag to the specified +phone_number+. When the
# link is clicked, the default app to make phone calls is opened and
# prepopulated with the phone number.
# If +name+ is not specified, +phone_number+ will be used as the name of
# the link.
# A +country_code+ option is supported, which prepends a plus sign and the
# given country code to the linked phone number. For example,
# country_code: "01" will prepend +01 to the linked
# phone number.
# Additional HTML attributes for the link can be passed via +html_options+.
# ==== Options
# * :country_code - Prepends the country code to the phone number
# ==== Examples
# phone_to "1234567890"
# # => 1234567890
# phone_to "1234567890", "Phone me"
# # => Phone me
# phone_to "1234567890", country_code: "01"
# # => 1234567890
# You can use a block as well if your link target is hard to fit into the name parameter. \ERB example:
# <%= phone_to "1234567890" do %>
# Phone me:
# <% end %>
# # =>
# Phone me:
def phone_to(phone_number, name = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Creates an SMS anchor link tag to the specified +phone_number+. When the
# link is clicked, the default SMS messaging app is opened ready to send a
# message to the linked phone number. If the +body+ option is specified,
# the contents of the message will be preset to +body+.
# If +name+ is not specified, +phone_number+ will be used as the name of
# the link.
# A +country_code+ option is supported, which prepends a plus sign and the
# given country code to the linked phone number. For example,
# country_code: "01" will prepend +01 to the linked
# phone number.
# Additional HTML attributes for the link can be passed via +html_options+.
# ==== Options
# * :country_code - Prepend the country code to the phone number.
# * :body - Preset the body of the message.
# ==== Examples
# sms_to "5155555785"
# # => 5155555785
# sms_to "5155555785", country_code: "01"
# # => 5155555785
# sms_to "5155555785", "Text me"
# # => Text me
# sms_to "5155555785", body: "I have a question about your product."
# # => 5155555785
# You can use a block as well if your link target is hard to fit into the name parameter. \ERB example:
# <%= sms_to "5155555785" do %>
# Text me:
# <% end %>
# # =>
# Text me:
def sms_to(phone_number, name = T.unsafe(nil), html_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Basic implementation of url_for to allow use helpers without routes existence
def url_for(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def _back_url; end
def _filtered_referrer; end
def add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method); end
def convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options); end
# @return [Boolean]
def link_to_remote_options?(options); end
def method_for_options(options); end
# @return [Boolean]
def method_not_get_method?(method); end
def method_tag(method); end
def remove_trailing_slash!(url_string); end
# Returns an array of hashes each containing :name and :value keys
# suitable for use as the names and values of form input fields:
# to_form_params(name: 'David', nationality: 'Danish')
# # => [{name: 'name', value: 'David'}, {name: 'nationality', value: 'Danish'}]
# to_form_params(country: { name: 'Denmark' })
# # => [{name: 'country[name]', value: 'Denmark'}]
# to_form_params(countries: ['Denmark', 'Sweden']})
# # => [{name: 'countries[]', value: 'Denmark'}, {name: 'countries[]', value: 'Sweden'}]
# An optional namespace can be passed to enclose key names:
# to_form_params({ name: 'Denmark' }, 'country')
# # => [{name: 'country[name]', value: 'Denmark'}]
def to_form_params(attribute, namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def token_tag(token = T.unsafe(nil), form_options: T.unsafe(nil)); end
def url_target(name, options); end
class << self
def button_to_generates_button_tag; end
def button_to_generates_button_tag=(val); end
# This helper may be included in any class that includes the
# URL helpers of a routes (routes.url_helpers). Some methods
# provided here will only work in the context of a request
# (link_to_unless_current, for instance), which must be provided
# as a method called #request on the context.
ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::BUTTON_TAG_METHOD_VERBS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods
def _url_for_modules; end
ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::STRINGIFIED_COMMON_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# This is a class to fix I18n global state. Whenever you provide I18n.locale during a request,
# it will trigger the lookup_context and consequently expire the cache.
class ActionView::I18nProxy < ::I18n::Config
# @return [I18nProxy] a new instance of I18nProxy
def initialize(original_config, lookup_context); end
def locale; end
def locale=(value); end
def lookup_context; end
def original_config; end
# Layouts reverse the common pattern of including shared headers and footers in many templates to isolate changes in
# repeated setups. The inclusion pattern has pages that look like this:
# <%= render "shared/header" %>
# Hello World
# <%= render "shared/footer" %>
# This approach is a decent way of keeping common structures isolated from the changing content, but it's verbose
# and if you ever want to change the structure of these two includes, you'll have to change all the templates.
# With layouts, you can flip it around and have the common structure know where to insert changing content. This means
# that the header and footer are only mentioned in one place, like this:
# // The header part of this layout
# <%= yield %>
# // The footer part of this layout
# And then you have content pages that look like this:
# hello world
# At rendering time, the content page is computed and then inserted in the layout, like this:
# // The header part of this layout
# hello world
# // The footer part of this layout
# == Accessing shared variables
# Layouts have access to variables specified in the content pages and vice versa. This allows you to have layouts with
# references that won't materialize before rendering time:
<%= @page_title %>
# <%= yield %>
# ...and content pages that fulfill these references _at_ rendering time:
# <% @page_title = "Welcome" %>
# Off-world colonies offers you a chance to start a new life
# The result after rendering is:
# Off-world colonies offers you a chance to start a new life
# == Layout assignment
# You can either specify a layout declaratively (using the #layout class method) or give
# it the same name as your controller, and place it in app/views/layouts.
# If a subclass does not have a layout specified, it inherits its layout using normal Ruby inheritance.
# For instance, if you have PostsController and a template named app/views/layouts/posts.html.erb,
# that template will be used for all actions in PostsController and controllers inheriting
# from PostsController.
# If you use a module, for instance Weblog::PostsController, you will need a template named
# app/views/layouts/weblog/posts.html.erb.
# Since all your controllers inherit from ApplicationController, they will use
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb if no other layout is specified
# or provided.
# == Inheritance Examples
# class BankController < ActionController::Base
# # bank.html.erb exists
# class ExchangeController < BankController
# # exchange.html.erb exists
# class CurrencyController < BankController
# class InformationController < BankController
# layout "information"
# class TellerController < InformationController
# # teller.html.erb exists
# class EmployeeController < InformationController
# # employee.html.erb exists
# layout nil
# class VaultController < BankController
# layout :access_level_layout
# class TillController < BankController
# layout false
# In these examples, we have three implicit lookup scenarios:
# * The +BankController+ uses the "bank" layout.
# * The +ExchangeController+ uses the "exchange" layout.
# * The +CurrencyController+ inherits the layout from BankController.
# However, when a layout is explicitly set, the explicitly set layout wins:
# * The +InformationController+ uses the "information" layout, explicitly set.
# * The +TellerController+ also uses the "information" layout, because the parent explicitly set it.
# * The +EmployeeController+ uses the "employee" layout, because it set the layout to +nil+, resetting the parent configuration.
# * The +VaultController+ chooses a layout dynamically by calling the access_level_layout method.
# * The +TillController+ does not use a layout at all.
# == Types of layouts
# Layouts are basically just regular templates, but the name of this template needs not be specified statically. Sometimes
# you want to alternate layouts depending on runtime information, such as whether someone is logged in or not. This can
# be done either by specifying a method reference as a symbol or using an inline method (as a proc).
# The method reference is the preferred approach to variable layouts and is used like this:
# class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
# layout :writers_and_readers
# def index
# # fetching posts
# end
# private
# def writers_and_readers
# logged_in? ? "writer_layout" : "reader_layout"
# end
# end
# Now when a new request for the index action is processed, the layout will vary depending on whether the person accessing
# is logged in or not.
# If you want to use an inline method, such as a proc, do something like this:
# class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
# layout proc { |controller| controller.logged_in? ? "writer_layout" : "reader_layout" }
# end
# If an argument isn't given to the proc, it's evaluated in the context of
# the current controller anyway.
# class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
# layout proc { logged_in? ? "writer_layout" : "reader_layout" }
# end
# Of course, the most common way of specifying a layout is still just as a plain template name:
# class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
# layout "weblog_standard"
# end
# The template will be looked always in app/views/layouts/ folder. But you can point
# layouts folder direct also. layout "layouts/demo" is the same as layout "demo".
# Setting the layout to +nil+ forces it to be looked up in the filesystem and fallbacks to the parent behavior if none exists.
# Setting it to +nil+ is useful to re-enable template lookup overriding a previous configuration set in the parent:
# class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# layout "application"
# end
# class PostsController < ApplicationController
# # Will use "application" layout
# end
# class CommentsController < ApplicationController
# # Will search for "comments" layout and fallback "application" layout
# layout nil
# end
# == Conditional layouts
# If you have a layout that by default is applied to all the actions of a controller, you still have the option of rendering
# a given action or set of actions without a layout, or restricting a layout to only a single action or a set of actions. The
# :only and :except options can be passed to the layout call. For example:
# class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
# layout "weblog_standard", except: :rss
# # ...
# end
# This will assign "weblog_standard" as the WeblogController's layout for all actions except for the +rss+ action, which will
# be rendered directly, without wrapping a layout around the rendered view.
# Both the :only and :except condition can accept an arbitrary number of method references, so
# except: [ :rss, :text_only ] is valid, as is except: :rss.
# == Using a different layout in the action render call
# If most of your actions use the same layout, it makes perfect sense to define a controller-wide layout as described above.
# Sometimes you'll have exceptions where one action wants to use a different layout than the rest of the controller.
# You can do this by passing a :layout option to the render call. For example:
# class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
# layout "weblog_standard"
# def help
# render action: "help", layout: "help"
# end
# end
# This will override the controller-wide "weblog_standard" layout, and will render the help action with the "help" layout instead.
module ActionView::Layouts
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include GeneratedInstanceMethods
include ::ActionView::ViewPaths
include ::ActionView::Rendering
mixes_in_class_methods GeneratedClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Rendering::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods
def initialize(*_arg0); end
def _layout_conditions(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def _normalize_options(options); end
def action_has_layout=(_arg0); end
# Controls whether an action should be rendered using a layout.
# If you want to disable any layout settings for the
# current action so that it is rendered without a layout then
# either override this method in your controller to return false
# for that action or set the action_has_layout attribute
# to false before rendering.
# @return [Boolean]
def action_has_layout?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def _conditional_layout?; end
# Returns the default layout for this controller.
# Optionally raises an exception if the layout could not be found.
# ==== Parameters
# * formats - The formats accepted to this layout
# * require_layout - If set to +true+ and layout is not found,
# an +ArgumentError+ exception is raised (defaults to +false+)
# ==== Returns
# * template - The template object for the default layout (or +nil+)
def _default_layout(lookup_context, formats, require_layout = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def _include_layout?(options); end
# This will be overwritten by _write_layout_method
def _layout(*_arg0); end
# Determine the layout for a given name, taking into account the name type.
# ==== Parameters
# * name - The name of the template
def _layout_for_option(name); end
def _normalize_layout(value); end
module GeneratedClassMethods
def _layout; end
def _layout=(value); end
def _layout?; end
def _layout_conditions; end
def _layout_conditions=(value); end
def _layout_conditions?; end
module GeneratedInstanceMethods; end
module ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods
# Creates a _layout method to be called by _default_layout .
# If a layout is not explicitly mentioned then look for a layout with the controller's name.
# if nothing is found then try same procedure to find super class's layout.
def _write_layout_method; end
def inherited(klass); end
# Specify the layout to use for this class.
# If the specified layout is a:
# String:: the String is the template name
# Symbol:: call the method specified by the symbol
# Proc:: call the passed Proc
# false:: There is no layout
# true:: raise an ArgumentError
# nil:: Force default layout behavior with inheritance
# Return value of +Proc+ and +Symbol+ arguments should be +String+, +false+, +true+, or +nil+
# with the same meaning as described above.
# ==== Parameters
# * layout - The layout to use.
# ==== Options (conditions)
# * +:only+ - A list of actions to apply this layout to.
# * +:except+ - Apply this layout to all actions but this one.
def layout(layout, conditions = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# If no layout is supplied, look for a template named the return
# value of this method.
# ==== Returns
# * String - A template name
def _implied_layout_name; end
# This module is mixed in if layout conditions are provided. This means
# that if no layout conditions are used, this method is not used
module ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods::LayoutConditions
# Determines whether the current action has a layout definition by
# checking the action name against the :only and :except conditions
# set by the layout method.
# ==== Returns
# * Boolean - True if the action has a layout definition, false otherwise.
# @return [Boolean]
def _conditional_layout?; end
# = Action View Log Subscriber
# Provides functionality so that Rails can output logs from Action View.
class ActionView::LogSubscriber < ::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
# @return [LogSubscriber] a new instance of LogSubscriber
def initialize; end
def logger; end
def render_collection(event); end
def render_layout(event); end
def render_partial(event); end
def render_template(event); end
def start(name, id, payload); end
def cache_message(payload); end
def from_rails_root(string); end
def log_rendering_start(payload, name); end
def rails_root; end
def render_count(payload); end
ActionView::LogSubscriber::EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
ActionView::LogSubscriber::VIEWS_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# = Action View Lookup Context
# LookupContext is the object responsible for holding all information
# required for looking up templates, i.e. view paths and details.
# LookupContext is also responsible for generating a key, given to
# view paths, used in the resolver cache lookup. Since this key is generated
# only once during the request, it speeds up all cache accesses.
class ActionView::LookupContext
include ::ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors
include ::ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache
include ::ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths
# @return [LookupContext] a new instance of LookupContext
def initialize(view_paths, details = T.unsafe(nil), prefixes = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def digest_cache; end
# Override formats= to expand ["*/*"] values and automatically
# add :html as fallback to :js.
def formats=(values); end
# Override locale to return a symbol instead of array.
def locale; end
# Overload locale= to also set the I18n.locale. If the current I18n.config object responds
# to original_config, it means that it has a copy of the original I18n configuration and it's
# acting as proxy, which we need to skip.
def locale=(value); end
def prefixes; end
def prefixes=(_arg0); end
def rendered_format; end
def rendered_format=(_arg0); end
def with_prepended_formats(formats); end
def initialize_details(target, details); end
class << self
def register_detail(name, &block); end
def registered_details; end
def registered_details=(_arg0); end
# Holds accessors for the registered details.
module ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors
def default_formats; end
def default_handlers; end
def default_locale; end
def default_variants; end
def formats; end
def formats=(value); end
def handlers; end
def handlers=(value); end
def locale; end
def locale=(value); end
def variants; end
def variants=(value); end
ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors::DEFAULT_PROCS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Add caching behavior on top of Details.
module ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache
# Returns the value of attribute cache.
def cache; end
# Sets the attribute cache
# @param value the value to set the attribute cache to.
def cache=(_arg0); end
# Calculate the details key. Remove the handlers from calculation to improve performance
# since the user cannot modify it explicitly.
def details_key; end
# Temporary skip passing the details_key forward.
def disable_cache; end
def _set_detail(key, value); end
class ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsKey
def eql?(_arg0); end
class << self
def clear; end
def details_cache_key(details); end
def digest_cache(details); end
def digest_caches; end
def view_context_class(klass); end
# Helpers related to template lookup using the lookup context information.
module ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths
# @return [Boolean]
def any?(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def any_templates?(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
def exists?(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil), keys = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
def find(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil), keys = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def find_all(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil), keys = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def find_template(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil), keys = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute html_fallback_for_js.
def html_fallback_for_js; end
# @return [Boolean]
def template_exists?(name, prefixes = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil), keys = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end
# Returns the value of attribute view_paths.
def view_paths; end
# Whenever setting view paths, makes a copy so that we can manipulate them in
# instance objects as we wish.
def build_view_paths(paths); end
# Compute details hash and key according to user options (e.g. passed from #render).
def detail_args_for(options); end
def detail_args_for_any; end
# Fix when prefix is specified as part of the template name
def normalize_name(name, prefixes); end
class ActionView::MissingTemplate < ::ActionView::ActionViewError
include ::DidYouMean::Correctable
# @return [MissingTemplate] a new instance of MissingTemplate
def initialize(paths, path, prefixes, partial, details, *_arg5); end
# Apps may have thousands of candidate templates so we attempt to
# generate the suggestions as efficiently as possible.
# First we split templates into prefixes and basenames, so that those can
# be matched separately.
def corrections; end
# Returns the value of attribute partial.
def partial; end
# Returns the value of attribute path.
def path; end
# Returns the value of attribute paths.
def paths; end
# Returns the value of attribute prefixes.
def prefixes; end
class ActionView::MissingTemplate::Results
# @return [Results] a new instance of Results
def initialize(size); end
def add(path, score); end
# @return [Boolean]
def should_record?(score); end
def to_a; end
class ActionView::MissingTemplate::Results::Result < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute path
# @return [Object] the current value of path
def path; end
# Sets the attribute path
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute path to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def path=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute score
# @return [Object] the current value of score
def score; end
# Sets the attribute score
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute score to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def score=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
module ActionView::ModelNaming
# Converts the given object to an Active Model compliant one.
def convert_to_model(object); end
def model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class); end
class ActionView::ObjectRenderer < ::ActionView::PartialRenderer
include ::ActionView::AbstractRenderer::ObjectRendering
# @return [ObjectRenderer] a new instance of ObjectRenderer
def initialize(lookup_context, options); end
def render_object_derive_partial(object, context, block); end
def render_object_with_partial(object, partial, context, block); end
def render_partial_template(view, locals, template, layout, block); end
def template_keys(path); end
# Used as a buffer for views
# The main difference between this and ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
# is for the methods `<<` and `safe_expr_append=` the inputs are
# checked for nil before they are assigned and `to_s` is called on
# the input. For example:
# obuf = ActionView::OutputBuffer.new "hello"
# obuf << 5
# puts obuf # => "hello5"
# sbuf = ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer.new "hello"
# sbuf << 5
# puts sbuf # => "hello\u0005"
class ActionView::OutputBuffer < ::ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
# @return [OutputBuffer] a new instance of OutputBuffer
def initialize(*_arg0); end
def <<(value); end
def append=(value); end
def safe_append=(value); end
def safe_expr_append=(val); end
class ActionView::OutputFlow
# @return [OutputFlow] a new instance of OutputFlow
def initialize; end
# Called by content_for
def append(key, value); end
# Called by content_for
def append!(key, value); end
# Returns the value of attribute content.
def content; end
# Called by _layout_for to read stored values.
def get(key); end
# Called by each renderer object to set the layout contents.
def set(key, value); end
class ActionView::PartialIteration
# @return [PartialIteration] a new instance of PartialIteration
def initialize(size); end
# Check if this is the first iteration of the partial.
# @return [Boolean]
def first?; end
# The current iteration of the partial.
def index; end
def iterate!; end
# Check if this is the last iteration of the partial.
# @return [Boolean]
def last?; end
# The number of iterations that will be done by the partial.
def size; end
# = Action View Partials
# There's also a convenience method for rendering sub templates within the current controller that depends on a
# single object (we call this kind of sub templates for partials). It relies on the fact that partials should
# follow the naming convention of being prefixed with an underscore -- as to separate them from regular
# templates that could be rendered on their own.
# In a template for Advertiser#account:
# <%= render partial: "account" %>
# This would render "advertiser/_account.html.erb".
# In another template for Advertiser#buy, we could have:
# <%= render partial: "account", locals: { account: @buyer } %>
# <% @advertisements.each do |ad| %>
# <%= render partial: "ad", locals: { ad: ad } %>
# <% end %>
# This would first render advertiser/_account.html.erb with @buyer passed in as the local variable +account+, then
# render advertiser/_ad.html.erb and pass the local variable +ad+ to the template for display.
# == The +:as+ and +:object+ options
# By default ActionView::PartialRenderer doesn't have any local variables.
# The :object option can be used to pass an object to the partial. For instance:
# <%= render partial: "account", object: @buyer %>
# would provide the @buyer object to the partial, available under the local variable +account+ and is
# equivalent to:
# <%= render partial: "account", locals: { account: @buyer } %>
# With the :as option we can specify a different name for said local variable. For example, if we
# wanted it to be +user+ instead of +account+ we'd do:
# <%= render partial: "account", object: @buyer, as: 'user' %>
# This is equivalent to
# <%= render partial: "account", locals: { user: @buyer } %>
# == \Rendering a collection of partials
# The example of partial use describes a familiar pattern where a template needs to iterate over an array and
# render a sub template for each of the elements. This pattern has been implemented as a single method that
# accepts an array and renders a partial by the same name as the elements contained within. So the three-lined
# example in "Using partials" can be rewritten with a single line:
# <%= render partial: "ad", collection: @advertisements %>
# This will render advertiser/_ad.html.erb and pass the local variable +ad+ to the template for display. An
# iteration object will automatically be made available to the template with a name of the form
# +partial_name_iteration+. The iteration object has knowledge about which index the current object has in
# the collection and the total size of the collection. The iteration object also has two convenience methods,
# +first?+ and +last?+. In the case of the example above, the template would be fed +ad_iteration+.
# For backwards compatibility the +partial_name_counter+ is still present and is mapped to the iteration's
# +index+ method.
# The :as option may be used when rendering partials.
# You can specify a partial to be rendered between elements via the :spacer_template option.
# The following example will render advertiser/_ad_divider.html.erb between each ad partial:
# <%= render partial: "ad", collection: @advertisements, spacer_template: "ad_divider" %>
# If the given :collection is +nil+ or empty, render will return +nil+. This will allow you
# to specify a text which will be displayed instead by using this form:
# <%= render(partial: "ad", collection: @advertisements) || "There's no ad to be displayed" %>
# == \Rendering shared partials
# Two controllers can share a set of partials and render them like this:
# <%= render partial: "advertisement/ad", locals: { ad: @advertisement } %>
# This will render the partial advertisement/_ad.html.erb regardless of which controller this is being called from.
# == \Rendering objects that respond to +to_partial_path+
# Instead of explicitly naming the location of a partial, you can also let PartialRenderer do the work
# and pick the proper path by checking +to_partial_path+ method.
# # @account.to_partial_path returns 'accounts/account', so it can be used to replace:
# # <%= render partial: "accounts/account", locals: { account: @account} %>
# <%= render partial: @account %>
# # @posts is an array of Post instances, so every post record returns 'posts/post' on +to_partial_path+,
# # that's why we can replace:
# # <%= render partial: "posts/post", collection: @posts %>
# <%= render partial: @posts %>
# == \Rendering the default case
# If you're not going to be using any of the options like collections or layouts, you can also use the short-hand
# defaults of render to render partials. Examples:
# # Instead of <%= render partial: "account" %>
# <%= render "account" %>
# # Instead of <%= render partial: "account", locals: { account: @buyer } %>
# <%= render "account", account: @buyer %>
# # @account.to_partial_path returns 'accounts/account', so it can be used to replace:
# # <%= render partial: "accounts/account", locals: { account: @account} %>
# <%= render @account %>
# # @posts is an array of Post instances, so every post record returns 'posts/post' on +to_partial_path+,
# # that's why we can replace:
# # <%= render partial: "posts/post", collection: @posts %>
# <%= render @posts %>
# == \Rendering partials with layouts
# Partials can have their own layouts applied to them. These layouts are different than the ones that are
# specified globally for the entire action, but they work in a similar fashion. Imagine a list with two types
# of users:
# <%# app/views/users/index.html.erb %>
# Here's the administrator:
# <%= render partial: "user", layout: "administrator", locals: { user: administrator } %>
# Here's the editor:
# <%= render partial: "user", layout: "editor", locals: { user: editor } %>
# <%# app/views/users/_user.html.erb %>
# Name: <%= user.name %>
# <%# app/views/users/_administrator.html.erb %>
# Budget: $<%= user.budget %>
# <%= yield %>
# <%# app/views/users/_editor.html.erb %>
# Deadline: <%= user.deadline %>
# <%= yield %>
# ...this will return:
# Here's the administrator:
# If a collection is given, the layout will be rendered once for each item in
# the collection. For example, these two snippets have the same output:
# <%# app/views/users/_user.html.erb %>
# Name: <%= user.name %>
# <%# app/views/users/index.html.erb %>
# <%# This does not use layouts %>
# Given two users whose names are Alice and Bob, these snippets return:
# Name: Alice
# Name: Bob
# The current object being rendered, as well as the object_counter, will be
# available as local variables inside the layout template under the same names
# as available in the partial.
# You can also apply a layout to a block within any template:
# <%# app/views/users/_chief.html.erb %>
# <%= render(layout: "administrator", locals: { user: chief }) do %>
# Title: <%= chief.title %>
# <% end %>
# ...this will return:
# As you can see, the :locals hash is shared between both the partial and its layout.
class ActionView::PartialRenderer < ::ActionView::AbstractRenderer
include ::ActionView::CollectionCaching
# @return [PartialRenderer] a new instance of PartialRenderer
def initialize(lookup_context, options); end
def collection_cache; end
def collection_cache=(val); end
def render(partial, context, block); end
def find_template(path, locals); end
def render_partial_template(view, locals, template, layout, block); end
def template_keys(_); end
class << self
def collection_cache; end
def collection_cache=(val); end
# = Action View PathSet
# This class is used to store and access paths in Action View. A number of
# operations are defined so that you can search among the paths in this
# set and also perform operations on other +PathSet+ objects.
# A +LookupContext+ will use a +PathSet+ to store the paths in its context.
class ActionView::PathSet
include ::Enumerable
# @return [PathSet] a new instance of PathSet
def initialize(paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def +(array); end
def <<(*args); end
def [](*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def compact; end
def concat(*args); end
def each(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
# @return [Boolean]
def exists?(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals); end
def find(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals); end
def find_all(path, prefixes, partial, details, details_key, locals); end
def include?(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def insert(*args); end
# Returns the value of attribute paths.
def paths; end
def pop(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def push(*args); end
def size(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def to_ary; end
def unshift(*args); end
def initialize_copy(other); end
def search_combinations(prefixes); end
def typecast(paths); end
# RecordIdentifier encapsulates methods used by various ActionView helpers
# to associate records with DOM elements.
# Consider for example the following code that form of post:
# <%= form_for(post) do |f| %>
# <%= f.text_field :body %>
# <% end %>
# When +post+ is a new, unsaved ActiveRecord::Base instance, the resulting HTML
# is:
# When +post+ is a persisted ActiveRecord::Base instance, the resulting HTML
# is:
# In both cases, the +id+ and +class+ of the wrapping DOM element are
# automatically generated, following naming conventions encapsulated by the
# RecordIdentifier methods #dom_id and #dom_class:
# dom_id(Post.new) # => "new_post"
# dom_class(Post.new) # => "post"
# dom_id(Post.find 42) # => "post_42"
# dom_class(Post.find 42) # => "post"
# Note that these methods do not strictly require +Post+ to be a subclass of
# ActiveRecord::Base.
# Any +Post+ class will work as long as its instances respond to +to_key+
# and +model_name+, given that +model_name+ responds to +param_key+.
# For instance:
# class Post
# attr_accessor :to_key
# def model_name
# OpenStruct.new param_key: 'post'
# end
# def self.find(id)
# new.tap { |post| post.to_key = [id] }
# end
# end
module ActionView::RecordIdentifier
include ::ActionView::ModelNaming
extend ::ActionView::RecordIdentifier
extend ::ActionView::ModelNaming
# The DOM class convention is to use the singular form of an object or class.
# dom_class(post) # => "post"
# dom_class(Person) # => "person"
# If you need to address multiple instances of the same class in the same view, you can prefix the dom_class:
# dom_class(post, :edit) # => "edit_post"
# dom_class(Person, :edit) # => "edit_person"
def dom_class(record_or_class, prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# The DOM id convention is to use the singular form of an object or class with the id following an underscore.
# If no id is found, prefix with "new_" instead.
# dom_id(Post.find(45)) # => "post_45"
# dom_id(Post.new) # => "new_post"
# If you need to address multiple instances of the same class in the same view, you can prefix the dom_id:
# dom_id(Post.find(45), :edit) # => "edit_post_45"
# dom_id(Post.new, :custom) # => "custom_post"
def dom_id(record, prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns a string representation of the key attribute(s) that is suitable for use in an HTML DOM id.
# This can be overwritten to customize the default generated string representation if desired.
# If you need to read back a key from a dom_id in order to query for the underlying database record,
# you should write a helper like 'person_record_from_dom_id' that will extract the key either based
# on the default implementation (which just joins all key attributes with '_') or on your own
# overwritten version of the method. By default, this implementation passes the key string through a
# method that replaces all characters that are invalid inside DOM ids, with valid ones. You need to
# make sure yourself that your dom ids are valid, in case you override this method.
def record_key_for_dom_id(record); end
ActionView::RecordIdentifier::JOIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
ActionView::RecordIdentifier::NEW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
class ActionView::RenderParser
# @return [RenderParser] a new instance of RenderParser
def initialize(name, code); end
def render_calls; end
def directory; end
def layout_to_virtual_path(layout_path); end
# Convert
# render("foo", ...)
# into either
# render(template: "foo", ...)
# or
# render(partial: "foo", ...)
def normalize_args(string, options_hash); end
def parse_hash(node); end
def parse_hash_to_symbols(node); end
def parse_render(node); end
def parse_render_from_options(options_hash); end
def parse_str(node); end
def parse_sym(node); end
def partial_to_virtual_path(render_type, partial_path); end
# @return [Boolean]
def render_template_with_layout?(render_type, options_hash); end
# @return [Boolean]
def render_template_with_spacer?(options_hash); end
def resolve_path_directory(path); end
ActionView::RenderParser::ALL_KNOWN_KEYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
ActionView::RenderParser::RENDER_TYPE_KEYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
module ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser
extend ::ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser
def parse_render_nodes(code); end
class ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser::Node < ::Array
# @return [Node] a new instance of Node
def initialize(type, arr, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def argument_nodes; end
# @return [Boolean]
def call?; end
def call_method_name; end
def children; end
# @return [Boolean]
def fcall?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def fcall_named?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
def hash?; end
def hash_from_body(body); end
def inspect; end
# @return [Boolean]
def string?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def symbol?; end
def to_hash; end
def to_string; end
def to_symbol; end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
def type; end
def variable_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
def variable_reference?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def vcall?; end
class ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser::NodeParser < ::Ripper
def on_BEGIN(*args); end
def on_CHAR(tok); end
def on_END(*args); end
def on___end__(tok); end
def on_alias(*args); end
def on_alias_error(*args); end
def on_aref(*args); end
def on_aref_field(*args); end
def on_arg_ambiguous(*args); end
def on_arg_paren(*args); end
def on_args_add(list, item); end
def on_args_add_block(list, item); end
def on_args_add_star(list, item); end
def on_args_forward(*args); end
def on_args_new(*args); end
def on_array(*args); end
def on_aryptn(*args); end
def on_assign(*args); end
def on_assign_error(*args); end
def on_assoc_new(*args); end
def on_assoc_splat(*args); end
def on_assoclist_from_args(*args); end
def on_backref(tok); end
def on_backtick(tok); end
def on_bare_assoc_hash(*args); end
def on_begin(*args); end
def on_binary(*args); end
def on_block_var(*args); end
def on_blockarg(*args); end
def on_bodystmt(*args); end
def on_brace_block(*args); end
def on_break(*args); end
def on_call(*args); end
def on_case(*args); end
def on_class(*args); end
def on_class_name_error(*args); end
def on_comma(tok); end
def on_command(*args); end
def on_command_call(*args); end
def on_comment(tok); end
def on_const(tok); end
def on_const_path_field(*args); end
def on_const_path_ref(*args); end
def on_const_ref(*args); end
def on_cvar(tok); end
def on_def(*args); end
def on_defined(*args); end
def on_defs(*args); end
def on_do_block(*args); end
def on_dot2(*args); end
def on_dot3(*args); end
def on_dyna_symbol(*args); end
def on_else(*args); end
def on_elsif(*args); end
def on_embdoc(tok); end
def on_embdoc_beg(tok); end
def on_embdoc_end(tok); end
def on_embexpr_beg(tok); end
def on_embexpr_end(tok); end
def on_embvar(tok); end
def on_ensure(*args); end
def on_excessed_comma(*args); end
def on_fcall(*args); end
def on_field(*args); end
def on_float(tok); end
def on_for(*args); end
def on_gvar(tok); end
def on_hash(*args); end
def on_heredoc_beg(tok); end
def on_heredoc_dedent(*args); end
def on_heredoc_end(tok); end
def on_hshptn(*args); end
def on_ident(tok); end
def on_if(*args); end
def on_if_mod(*args); end
def on_ifop(*args); end
def on_ignored_nl(tok); end
def on_ignored_sp(tok); end
def on_imaginary(tok); end
def on_in(*args); end
def on_int(tok); end
def on_ivar(tok); end
def on_kw(tok); end
def on_kwrest_param(*args); end
def on_label(tok); end
def on_label_end(tok); end
def on_lambda(*args); end
def on_lbrace(tok); end
def on_lbracket(tok); end
def on_lparen(tok); end
def on_magic_comment(*args); end
def on_massign(*args); end
def on_method_add_arg(list, item); end
def on_method_add_block(list, item); end
def on_mlhs_add(list, item); end
def on_mlhs_add_post(list, item); end
def on_mlhs_add_star(list, item); end
def on_mlhs_new(*args); end
def on_mlhs_paren(*args); end
def on_module(*args); end
def on_mrhs_add(list, item); end
def on_mrhs_add_star(list, item); end
def on_mrhs_new(*args); end
def on_mrhs_new_from_args(*args); end
def on_next(*args); end
def on_nl(tok); end
def on_nokw_param(*args); end
def on_op(tok); end
def on_opassign(*args); end
def on_operator_ambiguous(*args); end
def on_param_error(*args); end
def on_params(*args); end
def on_paren(*args); end
def on_parse_error(*args); end
def on_period(tok); end
def on_program(*args); end
def on_qsymbols_add(list, item); end
def on_qsymbols_beg(tok); end
def on_qsymbols_new(*args); end
def on_qwords_add(list, item); end
def on_qwords_beg(tok); end
def on_qwords_new(*args); end
def on_rational(tok); end
def on_rbrace(tok); end
def on_rbracket(tok); end
def on_redo(*args); end
def on_regexp_add(list, item); end
def on_regexp_beg(tok); end
def on_regexp_end(tok); end
def on_regexp_literal(*args); end
def on_regexp_new(*args); end
def on_rescue(*args); end
def on_rescue_mod(*args); end
def on_rest_param(*args); end
def on_retry(*args); end
def on_return(*args); end
def on_return0(*args); end
def on_rparen(tok); end
def on_sclass(*args); end
def on_semicolon(tok); end
def on_sp(tok); end
def on_stmts_add(list, item); end
def on_stmts_new(*args); end
def on_string_add(list, item); end
def on_string_concat(*args); end
def on_string_content(*args); end
def on_string_dvar(*args); end
def on_string_embexpr(*args); end
def on_string_literal(*args); end
def on_super(*args); end
def on_symbeg(tok); end
def on_symbol(*args); end
def on_symbol_literal(*args); end
def on_symbols_add(list, item); end
def on_symbols_beg(tok); end
def on_symbols_new(*args); end
def on_tlambda(tok); end
def on_tlambeg(tok); end
def on_top_const_field(*args); end
def on_top_const_ref(*args); end
def on_tstring_beg(tok); end
def on_tstring_content(tok); end
def on_tstring_end(tok); end
def on_unary(*args); end
def on_undef(*args); end
def on_unless(*args); end
def on_unless_mod(*args); end
def on_until(*args); end
def on_until_mod(*args); end
def on_var_alias(*args); end
def on_var_field(*args); end
def on_var_ref(*args); end
def on_vcall(*args); end
def on_void_stmt(*args); end
def on_when(*args); end
def on_while(*args); end
def on_while_mod(*args); end
def on_word_add(list, item); end
def on_word_new(*args); end
def on_words_add(list, item); end
def on_words_beg(tok); end
def on_words_new(*args); end
def on_words_sep(tok); end
def on_xstring_add(list, item); end
def on_xstring_literal(*args); end
def on_xstring_new(*args); end
def on_yield(*args); end
def on_yield0(*args); end
def on_zsuper(*args); end
class ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser::RenderCallExtractor < ::ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser::NodeParser
# @return [RenderCallExtractor] a new instance of RenderCallExtractor
def initialize(*args); end
# Returns the value of attribute render_calls.
def render_calls; end
def on_arg_paren(content); end
def on_command(name, *args); end
def on_fcall(name, *args); end
def on_paren(content); end
def on_render_call(node); end
ActionView::RenderParser::RipperASTParser::RenderCallExtractor::METHODS_TO_PARSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# This is the main entry point for rendering. It basically delegates
# to other objects like TemplateRenderer and PartialRenderer which
# actually renders the template.
# The Renderer will parse the options from the +render+ or +render_body+
# method and render a partial or a template based on the options. The
# +TemplateRenderer+ and +PartialRenderer+ objects are wrappers which do all
# the setup and logic necessary to render a view and a new object is created
# each time +render+ is called.
class ActionView::Renderer
# @return [Renderer] a new instance of Renderer
def initialize(lookup_context); end
def cache_hits; end
# Returns the value of attribute lookup_context.
def lookup_context; end
# Sets the attribute lookup_context
# @param value the value to set the attribute lookup_context to.
def lookup_context=(_arg0); end
# Main render entry point shared by Action View and Action Controller.
def render(context, options); end
# Render but returns a valid Rack body. If fibers are defined, we return
# a streaming body that renders the template piece by piece.
# Note that partials are not supported to be rendered with streaming,
# so in such cases, we just wrap them in an array.
def render_body(context, options); end
# Direct access to partial rendering.
def render_partial(context, options, &block); end
def render_partial_to_object(context, options, &block); end
# Direct access to template rendering.
def render_template(context, options); end
def render_template_to_object(context, options); end
def render_to_object(context, options); end
def collection_from_object(object); end
def collection_from_options(options); end
module ActionView::Rendering
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
include ::ActionView::ViewPaths
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::Rendering::ClassMethods
def initialize; end
# Override process to set up I18n proxy.
def process(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def render_to_body(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute rendered_format.
def rendered_format; end
# An instance of a view class. The default view class is ActionView::Base.
# The view class must have the following methods:
# * View.new(lookup_context, assigns, controller) — Create a new
# ActionView instance for a controller and we can also pass the arguments.
# * View#render(option) — Returns String with the rendered template.
# Override this method in a module to change the default behavior.
def view_context; end
def view_context_class; end
# Returns an object that is able to render templates.
def view_renderer; end
# Normalize args by converting render "foo" to render :action => "foo" and
# render "foo/bar" to render :template => "foo/bar".
def _normalize_args(action = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Normalize options.
def _normalize_options(options); end
# Assign the rendered format to look up context.
def _process_format(format); end
# Find and render a template based on the options given.
def _render_template(options); end
module ActionView::Rendering::ClassMethods
def _helpers; end
def _routes; end
def build_view_context_class(klass, supports_path, routes, helpers); end
def view_context_class; end
# = Action View Resolver
class ActionView::Resolver
def all_template_paths; end
def caching; end
def caching=(val); end
def caching?(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def clear_cache; end
# Normalizes the arguments and passes it on to find_templates.
def find_all(name, prefix = T.unsafe(nil), partial = T.unsafe(nil), details = T.unsafe(nil), key = T.unsafe(nil), locals = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def _find_all(name, prefix, partial, details, key, locals); end
# This is what child classes implement. No defaults are needed
# because Resolver guarantees that the arguments are present and
# normalized.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, locals = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
def caching; end
def caching=(val); end
def caching?; end
ActionView::Resolver::Path = ActionView::TemplatePath
class ActionView::Resolver::PathParser
def build_path_regex; end
def parse(path); end
class ActionView::Resolver::PathParser::ParsedPath < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute details
# @return [Object] the current value of details
def details; end
# Sets the attribute details
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute details to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def details=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute path
# @return [Object] the current value of path
def path; end
# Sets the attribute path
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute path to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def path=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
class ActionView::StreamingBuffer
# @return [StreamingBuffer] a new instance of StreamingBuffer
def initialize(block); end
def <<(value); end
def append=(value); end
def concat(value); end
def html_safe; end
# @return [Boolean]
def html_safe?; end
def safe_append=(value); end
def safe_concat(value); end
class ActionView::StreamingFlow < ::ActionView::OutputFlow
# @return [StreamingFlow] a new instance of StreamingFlow
def initialize(view, fiber); end
# Appends the contents for the given key. This is called
# by providing and resuming back to the fiber,
# if that's the key it's waiting for.
def append!(key, value); end
# Try to get stored content. If the content
# is not available and we're inside the layout fiber,
# then it will begin waiting for the given key and yield.
def get(key); end
# @return [Boolean]
def inside_fiber?; end
# == TODO
# * Support streaming from child templates, partials and so on.
# * Rack::Cache needs to support streaming bodies
class ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer < ::ActionView::TemplateRenderer
# For streaming, instead of rendering a given a template, we return a Body
# object that responds to each. This object is initialized with a block
# that knows how to render the template.
def render_template(view, template, layout_name = T.unsafe(nil), locals = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def delayed_render(buffer, template, layout, view, locals); end
# A valid Rack::Body (i.e. it responds to each).
# It is initialized with a block that, when called, starts
# rendering the template.
class ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer::Body
# @return [Body] a new instance of Body
def initialize(&start); end
def each(&block); end
# This is the same logging logic as in ShowExceptions middleware.
def log_error(exception); end
class ActionView::SyntaxErrorInTemplate < ::ActionView::Template::Error
# @return [SyntaxErrorInTemplate] a new instance of SyntaxErrorInTemplate
def initialize(template, offending_code_string); end
def annotated_source_code; end
def message; end
# = Action View Renderable Template for objects that respond to #render_in
class ActionView::Template
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
extend ::ActionView::Template::Handlers
# @return [Template] a new instance of Template
def initialize(source, identifier, handler, locals:, format: T.unsafe(nil), variant: T.unsafe(nil), virtual_path: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# This method is responsible for properly setting the encoding of the
# source. Until this point, we assume that the source is BINARY data.
# If no additional information is supplied, we assume the encoding is
# the same as Encoding.default_external.
# The user can also specify the encoding via a comment on the first
# with any template engine, as we process out the encoding comment
# before passing the source on to the template engine, leaving a
# blank line in its stead.
def encode!; end
# Returns the value of attribute format.
def format; end
# Returns the value of attribute handler.
def handler; end
# Returns the value of attribute identifier.
def identifier; end
def inspect; end
# Returns the value of attribute locals.
def locals; end
# Exceptions are marshalled when using the parallel test runner with DRb, so we need
# to ensure that references to the template object can be marshalled as well. This means forgoing
# the marshalling of the compiler mutex and instantiating that again on unmarshalling.
def marshal_dump; end
def marshal_load(array); end
# Render a template. If the template was not compiled yet, it is done
# exactly before rendering.
# This method is instrumented as "!render_template.action_view". Notice that
# we use a bang in this instrumentation because you don't want to
# consume this in production. This is only slow if it's being listened to.
def render(view, locals, buffer = T.unsafe(nil), add_to_stack: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
def short_identifier; end
def source; end
# Returns whether the underlying handler supports streaming. If so,
# a streaming buffer *may* be passed when it starts rendering.
# @return [Boolean]
def supports_streaming?; end
def type; end
# Returns the value of attribute variable.
def variable; end
# Returns the value of attribute variant.
def variant; end
# Returns the value of attribute virtual_path.
def virtual_path; end
# Among other things, this method is responsible for properly setting
# the encoding of the compiled template.
# If the template engine handles encodings, we send the encoded
# String to the engine without further processing. This allows
# the template engine to support additional mechanisms for
# Otherwise, after we figure out the correct encoding, we then
# encode the source into Encoding.default_internal.
# In general, this means that templates will be UTF-8 inside of Rails,
# regardless of the original source encoding.
def compile(mod); end
# Compile a template. This method ensures a template is compiled
# just once and removes the source after it is compiled.
def compile!(view); end
def handle_render_error(view, e); end
def identifier_method_name; end
def instrument(action, &block); end
def instrument_payload; end
def instrument_render_template(&block); end
def locals_code; end
def method_name; end
class << self
def frozen_string_literal; end
def frozen_string_literal=(_arg0); end
# The Template::Error exception is raised when the compilation or rendering of the template
# fails. This exception then gathers a bunch of intimate details and uses it to report a
# precise exception message.
class ActionView::Template::Error < ::ActionView::ActionViewError
# @return [Error] a new instance of Error
def initialize(template); end
def annotated_source_code; end
# Override to prevent #cause resetting during re-raise.
def cause; end
def file_name; end
def line_number; end
def source_extract(indentation = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def sub_template_message; end
def sub_template_of(template_path); end
def formatted_code_for(source_code, line_counter, indent); end
def source_location; end
ActionView::Template::Error::SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
class ActionView::Template::HTML
# @return [HTML] a new instance of HTML
def initialize(string, type); end
def format; end
def identifier; end
def inspect; end
def render(*args); end
def to_str; end
def type; end
module ActionView::Template::Handlers
def handler_for_extension(extension); end
def register_default_template_handler(extension, klass); end
# Register an object that knows how to handle template files with the given
# extensions. This can be used to implement new template types.
# The handler must respond to +:call+, which will be passed the template
# and should return the rendered template as a String.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
def register_template_handler(*extensions, handler); end
def registered_template_handler(extension); end
def template_handler_extensions; end
# Opposite to register_template_handler.
def unregister_template_handler(*extensions); end
class << self
# @private
def extended(base); end
def extensions; end
class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Builder
def call(template, source); end
def default_format; end
def default_format=(_arg0); end
def default_format?; end
def require_engine; end
class << self
def default_format; end
def default_format=(value); end
def default_format?; end
class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB
def call(template, source); end
def erb_implementation; end
def erb_implementation=(_arg0); end
def erb_implementation?; end
def erb_trim_mode; end
def erb_trim_mode=(_arg0); end
def erb_trim_mode?; end
def escape_ignore_list; end
def escape_ignore_list=(_arg0); end
def escape_ignore_list?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def handles_encoding?; end
def strip_trailing_newlines; end
def strip_trailing_newlines=(_arg0); end
def strip_trailing_newlines?; end
# @return [Boolean]
def supports_streaming?; end
# @raise [WrongEncodingError]
def valid_encoding(string, encoding); end
class << self
def call(template, source); end
def erb_implementation; end
def erb_implementation=(value); end
def erb_implementation?; end
def erb_trim_mode; end
def erb_trim_mode=(value); end
def erb_trim_mode?; end
def escape_ignore_list; end
def escape_ignore_list=(value); end
def escape_ignore_list?; end
def strip_trailing_newlines; end
def strip_trailing_newlines=(value); end
def strip_trailing_newlines?; end
ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::ENCODING_TAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi < ::Erubi::Engine
# @return [Erubi] a new instance of Erubi
def initialize(input, properties = T.unsafe(nil)); end
def evaluate(action_view_erb_handler_context); end
def add_code(code); end
def add_expression(indicator, code); end
def add_postamble(_); end
def add_text(text); end
def flush_newline_if_pending(src); end
ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi::BLOCK_EXPR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Html < ::ActionView::Template::Handlers::Raw
def call(template, source); end
class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Raw
def call(template, source); end
class ActionView::Template::Inline < ::ActionView::Template
def compile(mod); end
# This finalizer is needed (and exactly with a proc inside another proc)
# otherwise templates leak in development.
ActionView::Template::Inline::Finalizer = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
class ActionView::Template::RawFile
# @return [RawFile] a new instance of RawFile
def initialize(filename); end
def format; end
def format=(_arg0); end
def identifier; end
def render(*args); end
def type; end
def type=(_arg0); end
class ActionView::Template::Renderable
# @return [Renderable] a new instance of Renderable
def initialize(renderable); end
def format; end
def identifier; end
def render(context, *args); end
module ActionView::Template::Sources
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
class ActionView::Template::Sources::File
# @return [File] a new instance of File
def initialize(filename); end
def to_s; end
class ActionView::Template::Text
# @return [Text] a new instance of Text
def initialize(string); end
def format; end
def identifier; end
def inspect; end
def render(*args); end
def to_str; end
def type; end
def type=(_arg0); end
module ActionView::Template::Types
class << self
def [](type); end
def delegate_to(klass); end
def symbols; end
# Returns the value of attribute type_klass.
def type_klass; end
# Sets the attribute type_klass
# @param value the value to set the attribute type_klass to.
def type_klass=(_arg0); end
class ActionView::Template::Types::Type
# @return [Type] a new instance of Type
def initialize(symbol); end
def ==(type); end
def ref; end
# Returns the value of attribute symbol.
def symbol; end
def to_s; end
def to_str; end
def to_sym; end
class << self
def [](type); end
ActionView::Template::Types::Type::SET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
class ActionView::TemplateDetails
# @return [TemplateDetails] a new instance of TemplateDetails
def initialize(locale, handler, format, variant); end
# Returns the value of attribute format.
def format; end
def format_or_default; end
# Returns the value of attribute handler.
def handler; end
def handler_class; end
# Returns the value of attribute locale.
def locale; end
# @return [Boolean]
def matches?(requested); end
def sort_key_for(requested); end
# Returns the value of attribute variant.
def variant; end
class ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested
# @return [Requested] a new instance of Requested
def initialize(locale:, handlers:, formats:, variants:); end
# Returns the value of attribute formats.
def formats; end
# Returns the value of attribute formats_idx.
def formats_idx; end
# Returns the value of attribute handlers.
def handlers; end
# Returns the value of attribute handlers_idx.
def handlers_idx; end
# Returns the value of attribute locale.
def locale; end
# Returns the value of attribute locale_idx.
def locale_idx; end
# Returns the value of attribute variants.
def variants; end
# Returns the value of attribute variants_idx.
def variants_idx; end
def build_idx_hash(arr); end
ActionView::TemplateDetails::Requested::ANY_HASH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
ActionView::TemplateError = ActionView::Template::Error
# Represents a template path within ActionView's lookup and rendering system,
# like "users/show"
# TemplatePath makes it convenient to convert between separate name, prefix,
# partial arguments and the virtual path.
class ActionView::TemplatePath
# @return [TemplatePath] a new instance of TemplatePath
def initialize(name, prefix, partial, virtual); end
# @return [Boolean]
def ==(other); end
# @return [Boolean]
def eql?(other); end
def hash; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
def name; end
# Returns the value of attribute partial.
def partial; end
# Returns the value of attribute partial.
def partial?; end
# Returns the value of attribute prefix.
def prefix; end
# Returns the value of attribute virtual.
def to_s; end
# Returns the value of attribute virtual.
def to_str; end
# Returns the value of attribute virtual.
def virtual; end
# Returns the value of attribute virtual.
def virtual_path; end
class << self
# Convert name, prefix, and partial into a TemplatePath
def build(name, prefix, partial); end
# Build a TemplatePath form a virtual path
def parse(virtual); end
# Convert name, prefix, and partial into a virtual path string
def virtual(name, prefix, partial); end
class ActionView::TemplateRenderer < ::ActionView::AbstractRenderer
def render(context, options); end
# Determine the template to be rendered using the given options.
def determine_template(options); end
# This is the method which actually finds the layout using details in the lookup
# context object. If no layout is found, it checks if at least a layout with
# the given name exists across all details before raising the error.
def find_layout(layout, keys, formats); end
# Renders the given template. A string representing the layout can be
# supplied as well.
def render_template(view, template, layout_name, locals); end
def render_with_layout(view, template, path, locals); end
def resolve_layout(layout, keys, formats); end
class ActionView::UnboundTemplate
# @return [UnboundTemplate] a new instance of UnboundTemplate
def initialize(source, identifier, details:, virtual_path:); end
def bind_locals(locals); end
# Returns the value of attribute details.
def details; end
def format(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def handler(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def locale(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def variant(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
# Returns the value of attribute virtual_path.
def virtual_path; end
def build_template(locals); end
def normalize_locals(locals); end
module ActionView::VERSION; end
ActionView::VERSION::MAJOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
ActionView::VERSION::MINOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
ActionView::VERSION::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
ActionView::VERSION::TINY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
module ActionView::ViewPaths
extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern
mixes_in_class_methods ::ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods
# The prefixes used in render "foo" shortcuts.
def _prefixes; end
def any_templates?(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
# Append a path to the list of view paths for the current LookupContext.
# ==== Parameters
# * path - If a String is provided, it gets converted into
# the default view path. You may also provide a custom view path
# (see ActionView::PathSet for more information)
def append_view_path(path); end
def details_for_lookup; end
def formats(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def formats=(arg); end
def locale(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def locale=(arg); end
# LookupContext is the object responsible for holding all
# information required for looking up templates, i.e. view paths and
# details. Check ActionView::LookupContext for more information.
def lookup_context; end
# Prepend a path to the list of view paths for the current LookupContext.
# ==== Parameters
# * path - If a String is provided, it gets converted into
# the default view path. You may also provide a custom view path
# (see ActionView::PathSet for more information)
def prepend_view_path(path); end
def template_exists?(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
def view_paths(*_arg0, &_arg1); end
class << self
def all_view_paths; end
def get_view_paths(klass); end
def set_view_paths(klass, paths); end
module ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods
def _prefixes; end
def _view_paths; end
def _view_paths=(paths); end
# Append a path to the list of view paths for this controller.
# ==== Parameters
# * path - If a String is provided, it gets converted into
# the default view path. You may also provide a custom view path
# (see ActionView::PathSet for more information)
def append_view_path(path); end
# Prepend a path to the list of view paths for this controller.
# ==== Parameters
# * path - If a String is provided, it gets converted into
# the default view path. You may also provide a custom view path
# (see ActionView::PathSet for more information)
def prepend_view_path(path); end
# A list of all of the default view paths for this controller.
def view_paths; end
# Set the view paths.
# ==== Parameters
# * paths - If a PathSet is provided, use that;
# otherwise, process the parameter into a PathSet.
def view_paths=(paths); end
# Override this method in your controller if you want to change paths prefixes for finding views.
# Prefixes defined here will still be added to parents' ._prefixes.
def local_prefixes; end
class ActionView::WrongEncodingError < ::ActionView::EncodingError
# @return [WrongEncodingError] a new instance of WrongEncodingError
def initialize(string, encoding); end
def message; end