require 'engineyard/action/util' module EY module Action class Deploy extend Util EYSD_VERSION = "~>0.2.7" def, branch, options) env_name ||= EY.config.default_environment app = fetch_app env = fetch_environment(env_name, app) branch = fetch_branch(, branch, options[:force]) running = env.app_master && env.app_master.status == "running" raise EnvironmentError, "No running instances for environment #{}\nStart one at #{EY.config.endpoint}" unless running hostname = env.app_master.public_hostname username = env.username "Connecting to the server..." ensure_eysd_present(hostname, username, options[:install_eysd]) deploy_cmd = "#{eysd_path} deploy --app #{} --branch #{branch}" if env.config escaped_config_option = env.config.to_json.gsub(/"/, "\\\"") deploy_cmd << " --config '#{escaped_config_option}'" end if options['migrate'] deploy_cmd << " --migrate='#{options[:migrate]}'" end "Running deploy on server..." deployed = ssh_to(hostname, deploy_cmd, username) if deployed "Deploy complete" else raise EY::Error, "Deploy failed" end end private def self.fetch_app app = account.app_for_repo(repo) raise unless app app end def self.fetch_environment(env_name, app) # if the name's not specified and there's not exactly one # environment, we can't figure out which environment to deploy raise DeployArgumentError if !env_name && app.environments.size != 1 env = if env_name # environment names are unique per-customer, so # there's no danger of finding two here app.environments.find{|e| == env_name } else app.environments.first end # the environment exists, but doesn't have this app if !env && account.environment_named(env_name) raise EnvironmentError, "Environment '#{env_name}' doesn't run this application\nYou can add it at #{EY.config.endpoint}" end if !env raise end env end def self.fetch_branch(env_name, user_specified_branch, force) default_branch = EY.config.default_branch(env_name) branch = if user_specified_branch if default_branch && (user_specified_branch != default_branch) && !force raise, user_specified_branch) end user_specified_branch else default_branch || repo.current_branch end raise DeployArgumentError unless branch branch end def self.ensure_eysd_present(hostname, username, install_eysd) ssh_to(hostname, "#{eysd_path} check '#{EY::VERSION}' '#{EYSD_VERSION}'", username, false) case $?.exitstatus when 255 raise EnvironmentError, "SSH connection to #{hostname} failed" when 127 EY.ui.warn "Server does not have ey-deploy gem installed" eysd_installed = false when 0 eysd_installed = true else raise EnvironmentError, "ey-deploy version not compatible" end if !eysd_installed || install_eysd "Installing ey-deploy gem..." ssh_to(hostname, "sudo #{gem_path} install ey-deploy -v '#{EYSD_VERSION}'", username) end end def self.eysd_path "/usr/local/ey_resin/ruby/bin/eysd" end def self.gem_path "/usr/local/ey_resin/ruby/bin/gem" end def self.ssh_to(hostname, remote_cmd, user, output = true) cmd = %{ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q #{user}@#{hostname} "#{remote_cmd}"} cmd << %{ &> /dev/null} unless output output ? puts(cmd) : EY.ui.debug(cmd) unless ENV["NO_SSH"] system cmd else true end end end end end