require 'optparse' require "poolparty" require "poolpartycl" require 'rdoc/usage' require 'ostruct' require 'date' module PoolParty class Optioner include Configurable include MethodMissingSugar def initialize(args=[], opts={}, &block) boolean_args << opts[:boolean_args] if opts.has_key?(:boolean_args) @arguments = parse_args(args) @extra_help = opts.has_key?(:extra_help) ? opts[:extra_help] : "" @abstract = opts.has_key?(:abstract) ? opts[:abstract] : false @load_pools = opts.has_key?(:load_pools) ? opts[:load_pools] : !@abstract @parse_options = opts.has_key?(:parse_options) ? opts[:parse_options] : true @command = opts.has_key?(:command) ? opts[:command] : false parse_options(&block) if @parse_options set_default_options self end def daemonizeable @opts.on('-d', '--daemonize', 'Daemonize starting the cloud') { self.daemon true } end def cloudnames @opts.on('-n cloudname', '--name name', 'Start cloud by this name') { |c| self.cloudname c } end def unflagged_args @unflagged_args ||= [] end def flagged_args @flagged_args ||= [] end def boolean_args @boolean_args ||= ['-V', '-h', '-t', '-v', '--debug'] end # Break ARGV into 2 arrays, one for flagged options one for unflagged # For example the "command -v -i 1 five six -x" # becomes ['-v', '-i', 1, '-x'] and ['five', 'six'] # Boolean options, such as -v, must be specified in the optioner definition def parse_args(args=[]) i=0 while i < args.length if boolean_args.include?(args[i]) flagged_args << args[i] else if args[i][0].chr == "-" flagged_args << args[i] flagged_args << args[i+1] if (args[i+1] and !args[i+1].nil?) i+=1 else unflagged_args << args[i] end end i+=1 end args end def parent self end def set_default_options self.verbose false self.quiet false end def parse_options(&blk) progname = $0.include?("-") ? "#{::File.basename($0[/(\w+)-/, 1])} #{::File.basename($0[/-(.*)/, 1])}" : ::File.basename($0) @opts = @opts.banner = "Usage: #{progname} #{@abstract ? "[command] " : ""}[options]" @opts.separator "" unless @abstract @opts.separator "Options:" @opts.on('-v', '--verbose', 'Be verbose') { self.verbose true } @opts.on('', "--debug", "Debug setting") {self.debug true} @opts.on('-s [file]', '--spec-file [file]', 'Set the spec file') { |file| self.spec file.chomp } @opts.on('-t', '--test', 'Testing mode') { self.testing true }, self) if blk end @opts.on('-V', '--version', 'Display the version') { output_version ; exit 0 } @opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts @opts puts @extra_help exit end @opts.parse(@arguments.dup) process_options output_options if verbose if @load_pools self.loaded_pool load_pool(self.spec || Binary.get_existing_spec_location) self.loaded_clouds extract_cloud_from_options(self) self.loaded_pools extract_pool_from_options(self) reject_junk_options! raise"Please specify your cloud with -s, move it to ./clouds.pool or in your POOL_SPEC environment variable") unless loaded_clouds && !loaded_clouds.empty? loaded_pools.each do |pl| pl.configure(self.options) end loaded_clouds.each do |cl| cl.configure(self.options) end end end def reject_junk_options! %w(loaded_pool cloudname extract_pool_from_options).each do |opt| @options.delete(opt.to_sym) end end def process_options end def output_version puts ::PoolParty::Version end end def extract_cloud_from_options(o) o.cloudname ? [cloud(o.cloudname.downcase.to_sym)] : clouds.collect {|n,cl| cl} end def extract_pool_from_options(o) o.poolname ? [pool(o.poolname.downcase.to_sym)] : pools.collect {|n,pl| pl} end end