# Hydejack
[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-theme-hydejack.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-theme-hydejack)

**Hydejack** is a Jekyll theme with JavaScript powers, combining the best of static sites and modern web apps.
It features a suite of JavaScript that makes the page feel like an app, without sacrificing backwards-compatibility,
page-load speed or SEO.

> Your presence on the web — A [blog], a [portfolio] and a [resume].

**Hydejack** aims to be the complete package for professionals on the web.
It features a blog suitable for both prose and technical documentation,
a showcase for your projects, and a resume that fits with the rest of the design.


## Demo
It's best to just [see it in action](https://qwtel.com/hydejack/).

## Features
Both versions include *all* of these features:

* Full in-app page loading, powered by [hy-push-state]
* A customizable sidebar that turns into a drawer menu on mobile, powered by [hy-drawer]
* Advanced FLIP animations, inspired by Material Design
* Good [Google PageSpeed Score][gpss][^1]
* Higher *perceived speed* thanks to content pre-fetching
* [Syntax highlighting][syntax], powered by [Rouge]
* [LaTeX math blocks][latex], powered by [KaTeX]
* Change the wording of built-in strings and possibly translate in other languages
* Support for categories and tags
* Built-in icons for many social networks
* Simple and semantic HTML — can be viewed even with text-based browsers
* Author section below each article and support for multiple authors
* Progressive enhancement — sacrifice features, not content
* Google Analytics and Google Fonts support
* Disqus comments
* Print layout — Used to render Hydejack's [PDF documentation][pdf]
* Blog layout via `jekyll-paginate` (optional)
* SEO meta tags via `jekyll-seo-tag` (optional)
* Github avatars via `jekyll-avatar` (optional)
* Gist support via `jekyll-gist` (optional)

## Documentation
Hydejack is well documented. You can read the docs [on the Jekyll site][docs], or [on GitHub][wiki], or [download the PDF][pdf].

## Download
There are two versions of **Hydejack**: The *free version* includes basic blogging functionality,
as did previous versions of the theme.
The *PRO version* includes additional features for professionals:
A [portfolio], a [resume] layout and a [welcome] page to feature your favorite projects and posts.

This table details what is and isn't included in each respective version.

|                                     | Free               | PRO                |
| Blog                                | ✔           | ✔           |
| [Features][feat]                    | ✔           | ✔           |
| [Portfolio] Layout                  |                    | ✔           |
| [Resume] Layout                     |                    | ✔           |
| [Welcome] Layout                    |                    | ✔           |
| [Newsletter Box][news]              |                    | ✔           |
| [Custom Forms][forms]               |                    | ✔           |
| License                             | [GPL-3.0][license] | [PRO]              |
| Price                               | Free               | $29                |
|| [Download on GitHub][github]<br/> – or – <br/>[Use the RubyGem][gem] | [Buy Now][buy] [^2] |

[^1]: Actual page load speed depends on your hosting provider, resolution of embedded images and usage of 3rd party plugins.  
[^2]: Transactions secured by [Stripe](https://stripe.com). Downloads handled by [Simple Goods](https://simplegoods.co/).  

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[blog]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/blog/
[portfolio]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/projects/
[resume]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/resume/
[download]: https://qwtel.com/download/
[welcome]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/
[forms]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/docs/7.1.0/forms-by-example/

[feat]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/#features
[news]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/#newsletter-subscription-box
[syntax]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/#syntax-highlighting
[latex]: https://qwtel.com/hydejack/#latex-math-blocks

[license]: LICENSE.md
[pro]: licenses/PRO.md
[docs]: docs/7.1.0/index.md

[github]: https://github.com/qwtel/hydejack/releases
[gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-theme-hydejack
[buy]: https://app.simplegoods.co/i/AQTTVBOE

[gpss]: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fqwtel.com%2Fhydejack%2F
[wiki]: https://github.com/qwtel/hydejack/blob/master/docs/7.1.0/index.md
[pdf]: https://github.com/qwtel/hydejack/releases/download/v7.1.0/Documentation._.Hydejack.pdf
[hy-push-state]: https://qwtel.com/hy-push-state/
[hy-drawer]: https://qwtel.com/hy-drawer/
[rouge]: http://rouge.jneen.net
[katex]: https://khan.github.io/KaTeX/
[tinyletter]: https://tinyletter.com/

*[FLIP]: First-Last-Invert-Play. A coding technique to achieve performant page transition animations.