module Lipsiadmin module View module Helpers module BackendHelper # This method work like builtin Rails error_message_for but use an Ext.Message. def simple_error_messages_for(*params) options = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop.symbolize_keys : {} objects = params.collect {|object_name| instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") }.compact count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count } unless error_messages = {|object| {|msg| "
  • #{msg}
  • " } } return content_tag(:script, "{ title:Backend.locale.messages.alert.title, msg: '', buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, minWidth: 400 });", :type => Mime::JS) else '' end end # This method add tab for in your view def tab(name, padding=true, options={}, &block) options[:style] = "padding:10px;#{options[:style]}" if padding options[:id] ||= name.to_s.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/, '_').gsub(/-+$/, '').gsub(/^-+$/, '') concat content_tag(:div, capture(&block), { :id => options[:id], :class => "x-hide-display", :style => options[:style], :tabbed => true, :title => name }) end # Set the title of the page def title(title) content_tag(:script, "{title.to_json})", :type => Mime::JS) end # Store the location to come back from for example an extjs grid def back_to(location) content_tag(:script, "{url_for(location)})", :type => Mime::JS) end # Generate the menu from the Lispiadmin::AccessControl def backend_menu config = current_account.maps.collect(&:project_modules)[0].collect(&:config) config << { :text => "".to_l, :handler => "function() { }".to_l } return config.to_json end # Open a new windows that can contain a form that you can reuse # # Example: # # # in app/views/dossiers/_form.html.haml # %tr # %td{:style=>"width:100px"} # %b Customer: # %td # %span{:id => :account_name}=@dossier.account ? @dossier.account.full_name : "None" # =hidden_field :dossier, :account_id # =open_window "/backend/accounts.js", :id, :name, :dossier_account_id, :account_name # def open_window(url, value, display, render_value_to, render_display_to) link_to_function(image_tag("backend/new.gif", :style=>"vertical-align:bottom"), "{url:'#{url}', display:'#{display}', value:'#{value}', displayField:'#{render_display_to}', valueField:'#{render_value_to}'})") end # This method call a remote_function and in the same time do a # # # # and when the function is complete # # # def link_to_remote_with_wait(name, options={}, html_options={}) options[:complete] = ";" options[:before] = "'#{I18n.t('backend.javascripts.messages.wait.message')}')"; link_to_function(name, remote_function(options), html_options || options.delete(:html)) end # This method generates a new ExtJs BoxComponent. # # Examples: # # =box "My Title", "My Subtitle", :submit => true, :collapsible => true, :style => "padding:none", :start => :close do # my content # # Defaults: # # * :submit => false # * :collapsible => false # * :start => :close # def box(title=nil, subtitle=nil, options={}, &block) options[:style] ||= "width:99%;" options[:start] ||= :open return <<-HTML


    " unless title.blank?} #{"
    " unless subtitle.blank?} #{"
    " if !title.blank? || !subtitle.blank?} #{"
    " if !title.blank? || !subtitle.blank?}
    " if !title.blank? || !subtitle.blank?} #{capture(&block)} #{"
    #{submit_tag(I18n.t(""), :onclick=>"")}
    " if options[:submit]}
    HTML end end end end end