"use strict"; const path = require("path"); // libsass uses this precedence when importing files without extension const extPrecedence = [".scss", ".sass", ".css"]; /** * When libsass tries to resolve an import, it uses a special algorithm. * Since the sass-loader uses webpack to resolve the modules, we need to simulate that algorithm. This function * returns an array of import paths to try. * * @param {string} request * @returns {Array} */ function importsToResolve(request) { // libsass' import algorithm works like this: // In case there is no file extension... // - Prefer modules starting with '_'. // - File extension precedence: .scss, .sass, .css. // In case there is a file extension... // - If the file is a CSS-file, do not include it all, but just link it via @import url(). // - The exact file name must match (no auto-resolving of '_'-modules). // Keep in mind: ext can also be something like '.datepicker' when the true extension is omitted and the filename contains a dot. // @see https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader/issues/167 const ext = path.extname(request); const basename = path.basename(request); const dirname = path.dirname(request); const startsWithUnderscore = basename.charAt(0) === "_"; const hasCssExt = ext === ".css"; const hasSassExt = ext === ".scss" || ext === ".sass"; // a module import is an identifier like 'bootstrap-sass' // We also need to check for dirname since it might also be a deep import like 'bootstrap-sass/something' let isModuleImport = request.charAt(0) !== "." && dirname === "."; if (dirname.charAt(0) === "@") { // Check whether it is a deep import from scoped npm package // (i.e. @pkg/foo/file), if so, process import as file import; // otherwise, if we import from root npm scoped package (i.e. @pkg/foo) // process import as a module import. isModuleImport = !(dirname.indexOf("/") > -1); } return (isModuleImport && [request]) || // Do not modify module imports (hasCssExt && []) || // Do not import css files (hasSassExt && [request]) || // Do not modify imports with explicit extensions (startsWithUnderscore ? [] : extPrecedence) // Do not add underscore imports if there is already an underscore .map(ext => "_" + basename + ext) .concat( extPrecedence.map(ext => basename + ext) ).map( file => dirname + "/" + file // No path.sep required here, because imports inside SASS are usually with / ); } module.exports = importsToResolve;