class Top10BoxOffice::CLI def call puts "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" puts " #{} ".light_green puts "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" puts start end def start puts "Please enter a command:".light_green puts " - Enter 'L' to view a list of the current top box office movies" puts " - Enter 'Q' to quit the program" print "\n['L'ist / 'Q'uit] $ ".light_red input = gets.chomp.downcase puts if input == "l" || input == "list" print_list movie_information elsif input.downcase == "q" puts "Goodbye!" puts "...and keep the change, ya filthy animal!".light_magenta puts else start end end def movie_information puts "\nEnter movie number for more details:".light_green print "[1 - 10] $ ".light_red input = gets.chomp.to_i input.between?(1, 10) ? print_movie_details(input) : movie_information end def print_list puts " Title Weekend Gross Weeks".light_green puts Top10BoxOffice::Movie.all.each.with_index do |movie, idx| print " " if idx < 9 puts "#{idx + 1}. #{movie.title.ljust(35)} #{movie.weekend_total.ljust(15)} #{movie.gross.ljust(15)} #{movie.weeks}" end end def print_movie_details(input) system("clear") movie_details = Top10BoxOffice::Movie.find_or_get_details(input - 1) puts puts "\nIMDB Rating:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.imdb_rating}" puts "\nStars:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.actors}" puts "\nDirector:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.director}" puts "\nGenre:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.genre}" puts "\nContent Rating:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.content_rating}" puts "\nRuntime:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.runtime}" puts "\nSummary:".light_blue + " #{movie_details.summary}" puts "\n" start end end