package org.embulk.cli; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.embulk.EmbulkRunner; import org.embulk.EmbulkSetup; import org.embulk.cli.parse.EmbulkCommandLineHelpRequired; import org.embulk.cli.parse.EmbulkCommandLineParseException; import org.embulk.cli.parse.EmbulkCommandLineParser; import org.embulk.cli.parse.OptionBehavior; import org.embulk.cli.parse.OptionDefinition; // TODO: Replace org.joda.time with java.time when Embulk goes to Java 8. import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.jruby.embed.LocalContextScope; import org.jruby.embed.LocalVariableBehavior; import org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer; public class EmbulkRun { public EmbulkRun(final String embulkVersion) { this.embulkVersion = embulkVersion; } public int run(final List argsEmbulk, final List jrubyOptions) { final EmbulkArguments arguments; try { arguments = EmbulkArguments.extract(argsEmbulk); } catch (EmbulkCommandLineException ex) { printGeneralUsage(System.err); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("error: " + ex.getMessage()); return 1; } final EmbulkSubcommand subcommand = arguments.getSubcommand(); if (subcommand == null) { printGeneralUsage(System.err); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("Use ` --help` to see description of the commands."); return 1; } final List subcommandArguments = arguments.getSubcommandArguments(); switch (subcommand) { case VERSION_OUT: // TODO(v2)[#723]: Consider capitalizing this "embulk". // System.out.println("embulk " + this.embulkVersion); return 0; case VERSION_ERR: // TODO(v2)[#723]: Consider capitalizing this "embulk". // System.err.println("embulk " + this.embulkVersion); return 0; } printEmbulkVersionHeader(System.out); switch (subcommand) { case BUNDLE: case EXEC: case GEM: case IRB: return runSubcommand(subcommand, subcommandArguments, null, jrubyOptions); default: final EmbulkCommandLineParser parser = buildCommandLineParser(subcommand); final EmbulkCommandLine commandLine; try { commandLine = parser.parse( subcommandArguments, new PrintWriter(System.out), new PrintWriter(System.err)); } catch (EmbulkCommandLineParseException ex) { parser.printHelp(System.err); System.err.println(""); System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); return 1; } catch (EmbulkCommandLineHelpRequired ex) { parser.printHelp(System.err); return 1; } return runSubcommand(subcommand, subcommandArguments, commandLine, jrubyOptions); } } private EmbulkCommandLineParser buildCommandLineParser(final EmbulkSubcommand subcommand) { final EmbulkCommandLineParser.Builder parserBuilder = EmbulkCommandLineParser.builder(); // TODO: Revisit the width. JLine may help. parserBuilder .setWidth(160) .addHelpMessageLine(" Help:") .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineHelpOption("h", "help", "Print help.")) .addHelpMessageLine(""); switch (subcommand) { case RUN: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk run ") .addHelpMessageLine(" Options:") // op.on('-r', '--resume-state PATH', 'Path to a file to write or read resume state') do |path| // options[:resume_state_path] = path // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "r", "resume-state", "PATH", "Path to a file to write or read resume state", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setResumeState(argument); } })) // op.on('-o', '--output PATH', '(deprecated)') do |path| // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: Run with -o option is deprecated. Please use -c option instead. For example," // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: " // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: $ embulk run config.yml -c diff.yml" // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: " // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: This -c option stores only diff of the next configuration." // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: The diff will be merged to the original config.yml file." // STDERR.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z")}: " // options[:next_config_output_path] = path // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "o", "output", "PATH", "(deprecated)", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"); final String now =; errorWriter().println(now + ": Run with -o option is deprecated. Please use -c option instead. For example,"); errorWriter().println(now + ": "); errorWriter().println(now + ": $ embulk run config.yml -c diff.yml"); errorWriter().println(now + ": "); errorWriter().println(now + ": This -c option stores only diff of the next configuration."); errorWriter().println(now + ": The diff will be merged to the original config.yml file."); errorWriter().println(now + ": "); commandLineBuilder.setOutput(argument); } })) // op.on('-c', '--config-diff PATH', 'Path to a file to read & write the next configuration diff') do |path| // options[:next_config_diff_path] = path // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "c", "config-diff", "PATH", "Path to a file to read & write the next configuration diff", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setConfigDiff(argument); } })) .setArgumentsRange(1, 1); addPluginLoadOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); addOtherOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); break; case CLEANUP: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk cleanup ") .addHelpMessageLine(" Options:") // op.on('-r', '--resume-state PATH', 'Path to a file to cleanup resume state') do |path| // options[:resume_state_path] = path // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "r", "resume-state", "PATH", "Path to a file to cleanup resume state", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setResumeState(argument); } })) .setArgumentsRange(1, 1); addPluginLoadOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); addOtherOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); break; case PREVIEW: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk preview ") .addHelpMessageLine(" Options:") // op.on('-G', '--vertical', "Use vertical output format", TrueClass) do |b| // options[:format] = "vertical" // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithoutArgument( "G", "vertical", "Use vertical output format", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setFormat("vertical"); } })) .setArgumentsRange(1, 1); addPluginLoadOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); addOtherOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); break; case GUESS: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk guess ") .addHelpMessageLine(" Options:") // op.on('-o', '--output PATH', 'Path to a file to write the guessed configuration') do |path| // options[:next_config_output_path] = path // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "o", "output", "PATH", "Path to a file to write the guessed configuration", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setOutput(argument); } })) // op.on('-g', '--guess NAMES', "Comma-separated list of guess plugin names") do |names| // (options[:system_config][:guess_plugins] ||= []).concat names.split(",") # TODO // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "g", "guess", "NAMES", "Comma-separated list of guess plugin names", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { for (final String guess : argument.split(",")) { commandLineBuilder.addSystemConfig("guess_plugins", guess); } } })) .setArgumentsRange(1, 1); addPluginLoadOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); addOtherOptionDefinitions(parserBuilder); break; case MKBUNDLE: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk mkbundle [--path PATH]") .addHelpMessageLine(" Options:") // op.on('--path PATH', 'Relative path from for the location to install gems to (e.g. --path shared/bundle).') do |path| // options[:bundle_path] = path // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOnlyLongOptionWithArgument( "path", "PATH", "Relative path from for the location to install gems to (e.g. --path shared/bundle).", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setBundlePath(argument); } })) .addHelpMessageLine("") .addHelpMessageLine(" \"mkbundle\" creates a new a plugin bundle directory. You can install") .addHelpMessageLine(" plugins (gems) to the directory instead of ~/.embulk.") .addHelpMessageLine("") .addHelpMessageLine(" See generated /Gemfile to install plugins to the directory.") .addHelpMessageLine(" Use -b, --bundle BUNDLE_DIR option to use it:") .addHelpMessageLine("") .addHelpMessageLine(" $ embulk mkbundle ./dir # create bundle directory") .addHelpMessageLine(" $ (cd dir && vi Gemfile && embulk bundle) # update plugin list") .addHelpMessageLine(" $ embulk guess -b ./dir ... # guess using bundled plugins") .addHelpMessageLine(" $ embulk run -b ./dir ... # run using bundled plugins") .setArgumentsRange(1, 1); break; case NEW: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk new ") .addUsage("") .addUsage("categories:") .addUsage("") .addUsage(" ruby-input Ruby record input plugin (like \"mysql\")") .addUsage(" ruby-output Ruby record output plugin (like \"mysql\")") .addUsage(" ruby-filter Ruby record filter plugin (like \"add-hostname\")") .addUsage(" #ruby-file-input Ruby file input plugin (like \"ftp\") # not implemented yet [#21]") .addUsage(" #ruby-file-output Ruby file output plugin (like \"ftp\") # not implemented yet [#22]") .addUsage(" ruby-parser Ruby file parser plugin (like \"csv\")") .addUsage(" ruby-formatter Ruby file formatter plugin (like \"csv\")") .addUsage(" #ruby-decoder Ruby file decoder plugin (like \"gzip\") # not implemented yet [#31]") .addUsage(" #ruby-encoder Ruby file encoder plugin (like \"gzip\") # not implemented yet [#32]") .addUsage(" java-input Java record input plugin (like \"mysql\")") .addUsage(" java-output Java record output plugin (like \"mysql\")") .addUsage(" java-filter Java record filter plugin (like \"add-hostname\")") .addUsage(" java-file-input Java file input plugin (like \"ftp\")") .addUsage(" java-file-output Java file output plugin (like \"ftp\")") .addUsage(" java-parser Java file parser plugin (like \"csv\")") .addUsage(" java-formatter Java file formatter plugin (like \"csv\")") .addUsage(" java-decoder Java file decoder plugin (like \"gzip\")") .addUsage(" java-encoder Java file encoder plugin (like \"gzip\")") .addUsage("") .addUsage("examples:") .addUsage(" new ruby-output hbase") .addUsage(" new ruby-filter int-to-string") .setArgumentsRange(2, 2); break; case MIGRATE: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk migrate ") .setArgumentsRange(1, 1); break; case SELFUPDATE: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk selfupdate") // op.on('-f', "Skip corruption check", TrueClass) do |b| // options[:force] = true // end .addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOnlyShortOptionWithoutArgument( "f", "Skip corruption check", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setForce(true); } })) .setArgumentsRange(0, 1); break; case EXAMPLE: parserBuilder .setMainUsage("embulk example [directory]") .setArgumentsRange(0, 1); break; default: parserBuilder.setMainUsage("[FATAL] Unknown subcommand: " + subcommand); } return; } private int runSubcommand(final EmbulkSubcommand subcommand, final List subcommandArguments, final EmbulkCommandLine commandLine, final List jrubyOptions) { switch (subcommand) { case EXAMPLE: final EmbulkExample embulkExample = new EmbulkExample(); try { embulkExample.createExample(commandLine.getArguments().isEmpty() ? "embulk-example" : commandLine.getArguments().get(0)); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); return 1; } return 0; case NEW: final String categoryWithLanguage = commandLine.getArguments().get(0); final String nameGiven = commandLine.getArguments().get(1); try { final EmbulkNew embulkNew = new EmbulkNew(categoryWithLanguage, nameGiven, this.embulkVersion); embulkNew.newPlugin(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 1; } return 0; case MIGRATE: final String path = commandLine.getArguments().get(0); final EmbulkMigrate embulkMigrate = new EmbulkMigrate(); try { embulkMigrate.migratePlugin(path, this.embulkVersion); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 1; } return 0; case SELFUPDATE: final String specifiedVersionString; if (commandLine.getArguments().isEmpty()) { specifiedVersionString = null; } else { specifiedVersionString = commandLine.getArguments().get(0); } final EmbulkSelfUpdate embulkSelfUpdate = new EmbulkSelfUpdate(); try { embulkSelfUpdate.updateSelf(this.embulkVersion, specifiedVersionString, commandLine.getForce()); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 1; } return 0; case BUNDLE: if (!subcommandArguments.isEmpty() && subcommandArguments.get(0).equals("new")) { if (subcommandArguments.size() != 2) { printGeneralUsage(System.err); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("Use ` --help` to see description of the commands."); return 1; } newBundle(subcommandArguments.get(1), null); System.err.println("'embulk bundle new' is deprecated. This will be removed in future release. Please use 'embulk mkbundle' instead."); } else { runBundler(subcommandArguments, null); } return 0; case GEM: callJRubyGem(subcommandArguments); return 0; case MKBUNDLE: newBundle(commandLine.getArguments().get(0), commandLine.getBundlePath()); break; case EXEC: callJRubyExec(subcommandArguments); return 127; case IRB: callJRubyIRB(); return 0; case RUN: case CLEANUP: case PREVIEW: case GUESS: // NOTE: When it was in Ruby "require 'embulk'" was required on top for Ruby |Embulk::setup|. // Ruby |Embulk::setup| is now replaced with Java |org.embulk.EmbulkSetup.setup|. // TODO: Move this to initial JRuby instantiation. // reset context class loader set by org.jruby.Main.main to nil. embulk manages // multiple classloaders. default classloader should be Plugin.class.getClassloader(). Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(null); // NOTE: When it was in Ruby ""require 'json'" was required. // NOTE: $LOAD_PATH and $CLASSPATH are set in |EmbulkSetup|. // call |EmbulkSetup.setup| after setup_classpaths to allow users to overwrite // embulk classes // NOTE: |EmbulkSetup.setup| returns |EmbulkEmbed| while it stores Ruby |Embulk::EmbulkRunner(EmbulkEmbed)| // into Ruby |Embulk::Runner|. final EmbulkRunner runner = EmbulkSetup.setup( jrubyOptions, commandLine.getSystemConfig(), commandLine.getLoadPath(), commandLine.getLoad(), commandLine.getClasspath(), commandLine.getBundle()); final Path configDiffPath = (commandLine.getConfigDiff() == null ? null : Paths.get(commandLine.getConfigDiff())); final Path outputPath = (commandLine.getOutput() == null ? null : Paths.get(commandLine.getOutput())); final Path resumeStatePath = (commandLine.getResumeState() == null ? null : Paths.get(commandLine.getResumeState())); try { switch (subcommand) { case GUESS: runner.guess(Paths.get(commandLine.getArguments().get(0)), outputPath); break; case PREVIEW: runner.preview(Paths.get(commandLine.getArguments().get(0)), commandLine.getFormat()); break; case RUN:, configDiffPath, outputPath, resumeStatePath); break; } } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage()); return 1; } } return 0; } private int newBundle(final String pathString, final String bundlePath) { final Path path = Paths.get(pathString); if (Files.exists(path)) { System.err.println("'" + pathString + "' already exists."); return 1; } System.out.println("Initializing " + pathString + "..."); try { Files.createDirectories(path); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 1; } boolean success = false; try { // TODO: Rewrite this part in Java. final ScriptingContainer localJRubyContainer = createLocalJRubyScriptingContainer(); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'embulk'"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'fileutils'"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'rubygems/gem_runner'"); // copy embulk/data/bundle/ contents localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'embulk/data/package_data'"); localJRubyContainer.put("__internal_path__", pathString); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("pkg ='bundle', __internal_path__)"); localJRubyContainer.remove("__internal_path__"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("%w[Gemfile .ruby-version .bundle/config embulk/input/example.rb embulk/output/example.rb embulk/filter/example.rb].each { |file| pkg.cp(file, file) }"); // run the first bundle-install runBundler(Arrays.asList("install", "--path", bundlePath != null ? bundlePath : "."), path); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; // success = true; } finally { if (!success) { try { Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attributes) { try { Files.deleteIfExists(file); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore. } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exception) { try { Files.deleteIfExists(dir); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore. } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 1; } } } return 0; } private void runBundler(final List arguments, final Path path) { final ScriptingContainer localJRubyContainer = createLocalJRubyScriptingContainer(); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'bundler'"); // bundler is included in embulk-core.jar // this hack is necessary to make --help working localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("Bundler.define_singleton_method(:which_orig, Bundler.method(:which))"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("Bundler.define_singleton_method(:which) { |executable| (executable == 'man' ? false : which_orig(executable)) }"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'bundler/friendly_errors'"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'bundler/cli'"); localJRubyContainer.put("__internal_argv_java__", arguments); if (path == null) { localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("Bundler.with_friendly_errors { Bundler::CLI.start(, debug: true) }"); } else { localJRubyContainer.put("__internal_working_dir__", path.toString()); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("Dir.chdir(__internal_working_dir__) { Bundler.with_friendly_errors { Bundler::CLI.start(__internal_argv__, debug: true) } }"); localJRubyContainer.remove("__internal_working_dir__"); } localJRubyContainer.remove("__internal_argv_java__"); } private void addPluginLoadOptionDefinitions(final EmbulkCommandLineParser.Builder parserBuilder) { parserBuilder.addHelpMessageLine(""); parserBuilder.addHelpMessageLine(" Plugin load options:"); // op.on('-L', '--load PATH', 'Add a local plugin path') do |plugin_path| // plugin_paths << plugin_path // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "L", "load", "PATH", "Add a local plugin path", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.addLoad(argument); } })); // op.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add ruby script directory path ($LOAD_PATH)') do |load_path| // load_paths << load_path // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "I", "load-path", "PATH", "Add ruby script directory path ($LOAD_PATH)", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.addLoadPath(argument); } })); // op.on('-C', '--classpath PATH', "Add java classpath separated by #{classpath_separator} (CLASSPATH)") do |classpath| // classpaths.concat classpath.split(classpath_separator) // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "C", "classpath", "PATH", "Add java classpath separated by " + + " (CLASSPATH)", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { final String[] classpaths = argument.split("\\" +; for (final String classpath : classpaths) { commandLineBuilder.addClasspath(classpath); } } })); // op.on('-b', '--bundle BUNDLE_DIR', 'Path to a Gemfile directory (create one using "embulk mkbundle" command)') do |path| // # only for help message. implemented at lib/embulk/command/embulk_bundle.rb // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "b", "bundle", "BUNDLE_DIR", "Path to a Gemfile directory (create one using \"embulk mkbundle\" command)", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setBundle(argument); } })); } private void addOtherOptionDefinitions(final EmbulkCommandLineParser.Builder parserBuilder) { parserBuilder.addHelpMessageLine(""); parserBuilder.addHelpMessageLine(" Other options:"); // op.on('-l', '--log PATH', 'Output log messages to a file (default: -)') do |path| // options[:system_config][:log_path] = path // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOnlyLongOptionWithArgument( "log", "PATH", "Output log messages to a file (default: -)", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setSystemConfig("log_path", argument); } })); // op.on('-l', '--log-level LEVEL', 'Log level (error, warn, info, debug or trace)') do |level| // options[:system_config][:log_level] = level // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOptionWithArgument( "l", "log-level", "LEVEL", "Log level (error, warn, info, debug or trace)", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) { commandLineBuilder.setSystemConfig("log_level", argument); } })); // op.on('-X KEY=VALUE', 'Add a performance system config') do |kv| // k, v = kv.split('=', 2) // v ||= "true" // options[:system_config][k] = v // end parserBuilder.addOptionDefinition(OptionDefinition.defineOnlyShortOptionWithArgument( "X", "KEY=VALUE", "Add a performance system config", new OptionBehavior() { public void behave(final EmbulkCommandLine.Builder commandLineBuilder, final String argument) throws EmbulkCommandLineParseException { try { final String[] keyValue = argument.split("=", 2); commandLineBuilder.setSystemConfig(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new EmbulkCommandLineParseException(ex); } } })); } private void printGeneralUsage(final PrintStream out) { final String gemHomeEnv = System.getenv("GEM_HOME"); out.println("Embulk v" + this.embulkVersion); out.println("Usage: embulk [-vm-options] [--options]"); out.println("Commands:"); out.println(" mkbundle # create a new plugin bundle environment."); out.println(" bundle [directory] # update a plugin bundle environment."); out.println(" run # run a bulk load transaction."); out.println(" cleanup # cleanup resume state."); out.println(" preview # dry-run the bulk load without output and show preview."); out.println(" guess -o # guess missing parameters to create a complete configuration file."); out.println(" gem # install a plugin or show installed plugins."); out.println(" # plugin path is " + (gemHomeEnv == null ? "(empty)" : gemHomeEnv)); out.println(" new # generates new plugin template"); out.println(" migrate # modify plugin code to use the latest Embulk plugin API"); out.println(" example [path] # creates an example config file and csv file to try embulk."); out.println(" selfupdate [version] # upgrades embulk to the latest released version or to the specified version."); out.println(""); out.println("VM options:"); out.println(" -J-O Disable JVM optimizations to speed up startup time (enabled by default if command is 'run')"); out.println(" -J+O Enable JVM optimizations to speed up throughput"); out.println(" -J... Set JVM options (use -J-help to see available options)"); out.println(" -R... Set JRuby options (use -R--help to see available options)"); } private void printEmbulkVersionHeader(final PrintStream out) { final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"); final String now =; out.println(now + ": Embulk v" + this.embulkVersion); } // TODO: Check if it is required to process JRuby options. private ScriptingContainer createLocalJRubyScriptingContainer() { // Not |LocalContextScope.SINGLETON| to narrow down considerations. final ScriptingContainer localJRubyContainer = new ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope.SINGLETHREAD, LocalVariableBehavior.PERSISTENT); return localJRubyContainer; } private void callJRubyGem(final List subcommandArguments) { final ScriptingContainer localJRubyContainer = createLocalJRubyScriptingContainer(); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'rubygems/gem_runner'"); localJRubyContainer.put("__internal_argv_java__", subcommandArguments); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet(""); localJRubyContainer.remove("__internal_argv_java__"); } private void callJRubyExec(final List subcommandArguments) { final ScriptingContainer localJRubyContainer = createLocalJRubyScriptingContainer(); localJRubyContainer.put("__internal_argv_java__", subcommandArguments); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("exec(*"); localJRubyContainer.remove("__internal_argv_java__"); } private void callJRubyIRB() { final ScriptingContainer localJRubyContainer = createLocalJRubyScriptingContainer(); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("require 'irb'"); localJRubyContainer.runScriptlet("IRB.start"); } private final String embulkVersion; }