// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_BORDER_EnUMERATOR_H_ #define DLIB_BORDER_EnUMERATOR_H_ #include "border_enumerator_abstract.h" #include "rectangle.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class border_enumerator { public: border_enumerator( ) { reset(); } border_enumerator( const rectangle& rect_, unsigned long border_size ) : rect(rect_), inner_rect(shrink_rect(rect_, border_size)) { reset(); } border_enumerator( const rectangle& rect_, const rectangle& non_border_region ) : rect(rect_), inner_rect(non_border_region.intersect(rect)) { reset(); } void reset ( ) { // make the four rectangles that surround inner_rect and intersect them // with rect. bleft = rect.intersect(rectangle(std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::min(), inner_rect.left()-1, std::numeric_limits::max())); bright = rect.intersect(rectangle(inner_rect.right()+1, std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max())); btop = rect.intersect(rectangle(inner_rect.left(), std::numeric_limits::min(), inner_rect.right(), inner_rect.top()-1)); bbottom = rect.intersect(rectangle(inner_rect.left(), inner_rect.bottom()+1, inner_rect.right(), std::numeric_limits::max())); p = bleft.tl_corner(); p.x() -= 1; mode = atleft; } bool at_start ( ) const { point temp = bleft.tl_corner(); temp.x() -=1; return temp == p; } bool current_element_valid( ) const { return rect.contains(p); } bool move_next() { if (mode == atleft) { if (advance_point(bleft, p)) return true; mode = attop; p = btop.tl_corner(); p.x() -= 1; } if (mode == attop) { if (advance_point(btop, p)) return true; mode = atright; p = bright.tl_corner(); p.x() -= 1; } if (mode == atright) { if (advance_point(bright, p)) return true; mode = atbottom; p = bbottom.tl_corner(); p.x() -= 1; } if (advance_point(bbottom, p)) return true; // put p outside rect since there are no more points to enumerate p = rect.br_corner(); p.x() += 1; return false; } unsigned long size ( ) const { return rect.area() - inner_rect.area(); } const point& element ( ) const { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(current_element_valid(), "\t point border_enumerator::element()" << "\n\t This function can't be called unless the element is valid." << "\n\t this: " << this ); return p; } private: bool advance_point ( const rectangle& r, point& p ) const { p.x() += 1; if (p.x() > r.right()) { p.x() = r.left(); p.y() += 1; } return r.contains(p); } point p; rectangle rect; rectangle inner_rect; // the non-border regions of rect enum emode { atleft, atright, atbottom, attop }; emode mode; rectangle btop, bleft, bright, bbottom; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_BORDER_EnUMERATOR_H_