# Site settings title: UFO ECS Deploy Tool email: tongueroo@gmail.com url: http://ufoships.com description: "AWS ECS Deploy Tool" keywords: "AWS EC2 Container Service, AWS ECS, UFO, Deploy to ECS, ufo ship" skills: "" meta_author: Tung Nguyen # Google webmaster tools google_verify: google_analytics: UA-98684555-4 # https://ssl.bing.com/webmaster/configure/verify/ownership Option 2 content= goes here bing_verify: # Contact form: # - static : pass through formspree.io to validate email sending # - disqus : replace contact form by disqus thread # - comment the line below if you want to stick with the default PHP contact form contact: static # If you use disqus you need disqus shortname # https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208 disqus_shortname: # Color settings (hex-codes without the leading hash-tag) color: primary: FFF primary-rgb: "24,288,156" #"128,179,255" secondary: 2c3e50 #FD6E8A secondary-dark: 233140 #A2122F links: 0275d8 # Footer settings footer: copyright: BoltOps, LLC location: San Francisco, CA social: BoltOps credits: contact: contact@boltops.com phone: # Social networks usernames (many more available: google-plus, flickr, dribbble, pinterest, instagram, tumblr, linkedin, etc.) social: - title: twitter url: http://twitter.com/boltopslabs - title: github url: http://github.com/boltopslabs # Credits content credits: 'BoltOps, LLC' # Build settings markdown: kramdown permalink: pretty gh_url: "https://github.com/tongueroo/ufo" collections: docs: name: "Documentation" output: true reference: name: "Reference" output: true defaults: - values: layout: default plugins_dir: - jekyll-coffeescript