module Fugit # A natural language set of parsers for fugit. # Focuses on cron expressions. The rest is better left to Chronic and friends. # module Nat class << self def parse(s, opts={}) return s if s.is_a?(Fugit::Cron) || s.is_a?(Fugit::Duration) return nil unless s.is_a?(String) #p s; Raabro.pp(Parser.parse(s, debug: 3), colours: true) #(p s; Raabro.pp(Parser.parse(s, debug: 1), colours: true)) rescue nil parse_crons(s, Parser.parse(s), opts) end def do_parse(s, opts={}) parse(s, opts) || fail("could not parse a nat #{s.inspect}")) end protected def parse_crons(s, a, opts) #p a return nil unless a h = a .reverse .inject({}) { |r, e| send("parse_#{e[0]}_elt", e, opts, r); r } # # the reverse ensure that in "every day at five", the # "at five" is placed before the "every day" so that # parse_x_elt calls have the right sequence #p h if f = h[:_fail] #fail return nil end hms = h[:hms] hours = (hms || []) .uniq .inject({}) { |r, hm| (r[hm[1]] ||= []) << hm[0]; r } .inject({}) { |r, (m, hs)| (r[hs.sort] ||= []) << m; r } .to_a .sort_by { |hs, ms| -hs.size } if hours.empty? hours << (h[:dom] ? [ [ '0' ], [ '0' ] ] : [ [ '*' ], [ '*' ] ]) end crons = hours .collect { |hm| assemble_cron(h.merge(hms: hm)) } fail "multiple crons in #{s.inspect} " + "(#{crons.collect(&:original).join(' | ')})" ) if opts[:multi] == :fail && crons.size > 1 if opts[:multi] == true || (opts[:multi] && opts[:multi] != :fail) crons else crons.first end end def assemble_cron(h) #puts "ac: " + h.inspect s = [] s << h[:sec] if h[:sec] s << h[:hms][1].join(',') s << h[:hms][0].join(',') s << (h[:dom] || '*') << (h[:mon] || '*') << (h[:dow] || '*') s << h[:tz] if h[:tz] Fugit::Cron.parse(s.join(' ')) end def eone(e); e1 = e[1]; e1 == 1 ? '*' : "*/#{e1}"; end def parse_interval_elt(e, opts, h) e1 = e[1] case e[2] when 's', 'sec', 'second', 'seconds' h[:sec] = eone(e) when 'm', 'min', 'mins', 'minute', 'minutes' h[:hms] ||= [ [ '*', eone(e) ] ] when 'h', 'hour', 'hours' hms = h[:hms] if hms && hms.size == 1 && hms.first.first == '*' hms.first[0] = eone(e) elsif ! hms h[:hms] = [ [ eone(e), 0 ] ] end when 'd', 'day', 'days' h[:dom] = "*/#{e1}" if e1 > 1 h[:hms] ||= [ [ 0, 0 ] ] when 'w', 'week', 'weeks' h[:_fail] = "cannot have crons for \"every #{e1} weeks\"" if e1 > 1 h[:hms] ||= [ [ 0, 0 ] ] h[:dow] ||= 0 when 'M', 'month', 'months' h[:_fail] = "cannot have crons for \"every #{e1} months\"" if e1 > 12 h[:hms] ||= [ [ 0, 0 ] ] h[:dom] = 1 h[:mon] = eone(e) when 'Y', 'y', 'year', 'years' h[:_fail] = "cannot have crons for \"every #{e1} years\"" if e1 > 1 h[:hms] ||= [ [ 0, 0 ] ] h[:dom] = 1 h[:mon] = 1 end end def parse_dow_list_elt(e, opts, h) h[:hms] ||= [ [ 0, 0 ] ] h[:dow] = e[1..-1].collect(&:to_s).sort.join(',') end def parse_dow_range_elt(e, opts, h) h[:hms] ||= [ [ 0, 0 ] ] h[:dow] = e[1] == e[2] ? e[1] : "#{e[1]}-#{e[2]}" end def parse_day_of_month_elt(e, opts, h) h[:dom] = e[1..-1].join(',') end def parse_at_elt(e, opts, h) (h[:hms] ||= []).concat(e[1]) l = h[:hms].last h[:sec] = l.pop if l.size > 2 end def parse_on_elt(e, opts, h) e1 = e[1] h[:dow] = e1[0] h[:hms] = [ e1[1] ] l = h[:hms].last h[:sec] = l.pop if l.size > 2 end def parse_tz_elt(e, opts, h) h[:tz] = e[1] end end module Parser include Raabro NUMS = %w[ zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve ] WEEKDAYS = Fugit::Cron::Parser::WEEKDS + Fugit::Cron::Parser::WEEKDAYS NHOURS = { 'noon' => [ 12, 0 ], 'midnight' => [ 0, 0 ], 'oh' => [ 0, 0 ] } NMINUTES = { "o'clock" => 0, 'five' => 5, 'ten' => 10, 'fifteen' => 15, 'twenty' => 20, 'twenty-five' => 25, 'thirty' => 30, 'thirty-five' => 35, 'fourty' => 40, 'fourty-five' => 45, 'fifty' => 50, 'fifty-five' => 55 } oh = { '1st' => 1, '2nd' => 2, '3rd' => 3, '21st' => 21, '22nd' => 22, '23rd' => 23, '31st' => 31 } %w[ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ] .each { |i| oh["#{i}th"] = i.to_i } %w[ first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth thirty-first ] .each_with_index { |e, i| oh[e] = i + 1 } ORDINALS = oh # piece parsers bottom to top def _from(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*from\s+/i); end def _every(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*(every)\s+/i); end def _at(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*at\s+/i); end def _in(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*(in|on)\s+/i); end def _to(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*to\s+/i); end def _dash(i); rex(nil, i, /-\s*/i); end def _and(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*and\s+/i); end def _on(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*on\s+/i); end def _and_or_comma(i) rex(nil, i, /\s*(,?\s*and\s|,?\s*or\s|,)\s*/i) end def _at_comma(i) rex(nil, i, /\s*(at\s|,|)\s*/i) end def _to_through(i) rex(nil, i, /\s*(to|through)\s+/i) end def integer(i); rex(:int, i, /\d+\s*/); end def tz_name(i) rex(nil, i, /\s*[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+\-]+(\/[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+\-_]+){0,2}(\s+|$)/) end def tz_delta(i) rex(nil, i, /\s*[-+]([01][0-9]|2[0-4]):?(00|15|30|45)(\s+|$)/) end def tzone(i) alt(:tzone, i, :tz_delta, :tz_name) end def and_named_digits(i) rex(:xxx, i, 'TODO') end def dname(i) rex(:dname, i, /(s(ec(onds?)?)?|m(in(utes?)?)?)\s+/i) end def named_digit(i) seq(:named_digit, i, :dname, :integer) end def named_digits(i) seq(nil, i, :named_digit, '+', :and_named_digits, '*') end def am_pm(i) rex(:am_pm, i, /\s*(am|pm|dark)\s*/i) end def nminute(i) rex(:nminute, i, /(#{NMINUTES.keys.join('|')})\s*/i) end def nhour(i) rex(:nhour, i, /(#{NUMS.join('|')})\s*/i) end def numeral_hour(i) seq(:numeral_hour, i, :nhour, :am_pm, '?', :nminute, '?') end def named_hour(i) rex(:named_hour, i, /(#{NHOURS.keys.join('|')})/i) end def shour(i) rex(:shour, i, /(2[0-4]|[01]?[0-9])/) end def simple_hour(i) seq(:simple_hour, i, :shour, :am_pm, '?') end def dig_hour_b(i); rex(nil, i, /(2[0-4]|[01][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5]\d/); end def dig_hour_a(i); rex(nil, i, /(2[0-4]|[01][0-9])[0-5]\d/); end def dig_hour(i); alt(nil, i, :dig_hour_a, :dig_hour_b); end # def digital_hour(i) seq(:digital_hour, i, :dig_hour, :am_pm, '?') end def at_point(i) alt(nil, i, :digital_hour, :simple_hour, :named_hour, :numeral_hour, :named_digits) end def weekday(i) rex(:weekday, i, /(#{WEEKDAYS.reverse.join('|')})\s*/i) end def and_at(i) seq(nil, i, :_and_or_comma, :at_point) end def _intervals(i) rex(:intervals, i, /( y(ears?)?|months?|w(eeks?)?|d(ays?)?| h(ours?)?|m(in(ute)?s?)?|s(ec(ond)?s?)? )(\s+|$)/ix) end def sinterval(i) rex(:sinterval, i, /(year|month|week|day|hour|min(ute)?|sec(ond)?)(\s+|$)/i) end def ninterval(i) seq(:ninterval, i, :integer, :_intervals) end def ordinal(i) rex(:ordinal, i, /\s*(#{ORDINALS.keys.join('|')})\s*/) end def _mod(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*month\s+on\s+days?\s+/i); end def _oftm(i); rex(nil, i, /\s*(day\s)?\s*of\s+the\s+month\s*/i); end def dom(i) rex(:int, i, /([12][0-9]|3[01]|[0-9])/) end def and_or_dom(i) seq(nil, i, :_and_or_comma, :dom) end def dom_list(i) seq(:dom_list, i, :dom, :and_or_dom, '*') end def dom_mod(i) # every month on day seq(:dom, i, :_mod, :dom_list) end def dom_noftm(i) # every nth of month seq(:dom, i, :ordinal, :_oftm) end def day_of_month(i) alt(nil, i, :dom_noftm, :dom_mod) end def dow_class(i) rex(:dow_class, i, /(weekday)(\s+|$)/i) end def dow(i) seq(:dow, i, :weekday) end def and_or_dow(i) seq(nil, i, :_and_or_comma, :dow) end def dow_list(i) seq(:dow_list, i, :dow, :and_or_dow, '*') end def to_dow_range(i) seq(:dow_range, i, :weekday, :_to_through, :weekday) end def dash_dow_range(i) seq(:dow_range, i, :weekday, :_dash, :weekday) end def dow_range(i) alt(nil, i, :to_dow_range, :dash_dow_range) end def day_of_week(i) alt(nil, i, :dow_range, :dow_list, :dow_class) end def interval(i) alt(nil, i, :sinterval, :ninterval) end def every_object(i) alt(nil, i, :day_of_month, :interval, :day_of_week) end def from_object(i) alt(nil, i, :interval, :to_dow_range) end def tz(i) seq(nil, i, :_in, '?', :tzone) end def on(i) seq(:on, i, :_on, :weekday, :at_point, :and_at, '*') end def at(i) seq(:at, i, :_at_comma, :at_point, :and_at, '*') end def from(i) seq(:from, i, :_from, :from_object) end def every(i) seq(:every, i, :_every, :every_object) end def at_from(i) seq(nil, i, :at, :from, :tz, '?') end def at_every(i) seq(nil, i, :at, :every, :tz, '?') end def from_at(i) seq(nil, i, :from, :at, '?', :tz, '?') end def every_(i) seq(nil, i, :every, :tz, '?') end def every_on(i) seq(nil, i, :every, :on, :tz, '?') end def every_at(i) seq(nil, i, :every, :at, :tz, '?') end def nat(i) alt(:nat, i, :every_at, :every_on, :every_, :from_at, :at_every, :at_from) end # rewrite parsed tree #def _rewrite_single(t) # [, rewrite(t.sublookup(nil)) ] #end def _rewrite_children(t) t.subgather(nil).collect { |tt| rewrite(tt) } end def _rewrite_multiple(t) [, _rewrite_children(t) ] end def _rewrite_child(t) rewrite(t.sublookup(nil)) end def rewrite_int(t); t.string.to_i; end def rewrite_tzone(t) [ :tz, t.strim ] end def rewrite_sinterval(t) [ :interval, 1, t.strim ] end def rewrite_ninterval(t) [ :interval, t.sublookup(:int).string.to_i, t.sublookup(:intervals).strim ] end def rewrite_named_digit(t) i = t.sublookup(:int).string.to_i case n = t.sublookup(:dname).strim when /^s/ then [ '*', '*', i ] when /^m/ then [ '*', i ] end end def rewrite_named_hour(t) NHOURS[t.strim.downcase] end def rewrite_numeral_hour(t) vs = t.subgather(nil).collect { |st| st.strim.downcase } v = NUMS.index(vs[0]) v += 12 if vs[1] == 'pm' m = NMINUTES[vs[2]] || 0 [ v, m ] end def rewrite_simple_hour(t) vs = t.subgather(nil).collect { |st| st.strim.downcase } v = vs[0].to_i v += 12 if vs[1] == 'pm' [ v, 0 ] end def rewrite_digital_hour(t) m = t.string.match(/(\d\d?):?(\d\d)(\s+pm)?/i) hou = m[1].to_i; hou += 12 if m[3] && hou < 12 min = m[2].to_i [ hou, min ] end def rewrite_weekday(t) WEEKDAYS.index(t.strim.downcase[0, 3]) end def rewrite_ordinal(t); ORDINALS[t.strim]; end def rewrite_dom(t) #Raabro.pp(t, colours: true) [ :day_of_month, *_rewrite_children(t) { |e| e.is_a?(Integer) } ] end alias rewrite_dow _rewrite_child def rewrite_dom_list(t); [ :dom_list, *_rewrite_children(t) ]; end def rewrite_dow_list(t); [ :dow_list, *_rewrite_children(t) ]; end def rewrite_dow_class(t) [ :dow_range, 1, 5 ] # only "weekday" for now end def rewrite_dow_range(t) tts = t.subgather(nil) [ :dow_range, rewrite(tts[0]), rewrite(tts[1]) ] end alias rewrite_on _rewrite_multiple alias rewrite_at _rewrite_multiple alias rewrite_from _rewrite_child alias rewrite_every _rewrite_child def rewrite_nat(t) t.subgather(nil).collect { |tt| rewrite(tt) } #.tap { |x| pp x } end end end end