Feature: Action Item Creating and Configuring action items Background: Given I am logged in And a post with the title "Hello World" exists Scenario: Create an member action Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do action_item :embiggen do link_to "Embiggen", '/' end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a member link to "Embiggen" When I follow "View" Then I should see an action item link to "Embiggen" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should see an action item link to "Embiggen" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should see an action item link to "Embiggen" Scenario: Create an member action with if clause that returns true Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do action_item :embiggen, if: proc{ !current_active_admin_user.nil? } do link_to "Embiggen", '/' end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a member link to "Embiggen" When I follow "View" Then I should see an action item link to "Embiggen" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should see an action item link to "Embiggen" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should see an action item link to "Embiggen" Scenario: Create an member action with if clause that returns false Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do action_item :embiggen, if: proc{ current_active_admin_user.nil? } do link_to "Embiggen", '/' end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a member link to "Embiggen" When I follow "View" Then I should not see an action item link to "Embiggen" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should not see an action item link to "Embiggen" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should not see an action item link to "Embiggen"