require 'renuo_bin_check/dsl_config' # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # :reek:TooManyMethods class DefaultScripts def initialize @default_scripts = [] end def no_defaults [] end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # :reek:TooManyStatements def rails_defaults todo console_log puts_with_brackets puts_without_brackets pp_and_p p_with_brackets rubocop_autocorrect slim_lint scss_lint tslint brakeman reek rspec @default_scripts end # :reek:TooManyStatements def rails_coffee_script_defaults todo console_log puts_with_brackets puts_without_brackets pp_and_p p_with_brackets rubocop_autocorrect slim_lint scss_lint coffeelint brakeman reek rspec @default_scripts end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def todo @default_scripts <<'todo') do command "grep --exclude-dir='app/assets/typings/**' -i -r 'TODO' app spec config db Rakefile Gemfile" reversed_exit true files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*', 'config/**/*', 'db/**/*', 'Rakefile', '', 'Gemfile'] success_message '+TODOs found. Please fix them and try again, commit aborted' end end def console_log @default_scripts <<'console_log') do command "grep -i -r 'console.log' app spec" reversed_exit true files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*'] success_message '+console.log found. Please fix them and try again, commit aborted' end end def puts_without_brackets @default_scripts <<'puts_without_brackets') do command "grep -i -r ' puts ' app spec" reversed_exit true files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*'] success_message '+puts found. Please fix them and try again, commit aborted' end end def puts_with_brackets @default_scripts <<'puts_with_brackets') do command "grep -i -r ' puts(' app spec" reversed_exit true files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*'] success_message '+puts( found. Please fix them and try again, commit aborted' end end def pp_and_p @default_scripts <<'pp_and_p') do command "grep -i -r '( pp? [^=])|(= pp? )' app spec" reversed_exit true files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*'] success_message '+p or pp found. Please fix them and try again, commit aborted' end end def p_with_brackets @default_scripts <<'p_with_brackets') do command "grep -i -r ' p(' app spec" reversed_exit true files ['app/**/*', 'spec/**/*'] success_message '+p( found. Please fix them and try again, commit aborted' end end def rubocop_autocorrect @default_scripts <<'rubocop_autocorrect') do command File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '') files ['app/**/*.rb', 'spec/**/*.rb', 'config/**/*.rb'] end end def slim_lint @default_scripts <<'slim_lint') do command 'bundle exec slim-lint app/views/ -c .slim-lint.yml' files ['app/views/**/*.slim'] error_message '+slim-lint detected issues, commit aborted' end end def scss_lint @default_scripts <<'scss_lint') do command 'scss-lint app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss' files ['app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss'] error_message '+scss-lint detected issues, commit aborted' end end def tslint @default_scripts <<'tslint') do command 'tslint -c tslint.json app/assets/javascripts/**/*.ts' files ['app/assets/javascripts/**/*.ts'] error_message '+tslint detected issues, commit aborted' end end def coffeelint @default_scripts <<'coffeelint') do command 'coffeelint -f .coffeelint.json app/assets/javascripts/**/*.coffee' files ['app/assets/javascripts/**/*.coffee'] error_message '+coffeelint detected issues, commit aborted' end end def brakeman @default_scripts <<'brakeman') do command 'bundle exec brakeman -q -z --summary > /dev/null' error_message '+Brakeman has detected one or more security vulnerabilities, please review them and re-commit ' \ 'your changes, commit aborted' end end def reek @default_scripts <<'reek') do command 'bundle exec reek' files ['app/**/*.rb'] error_message '+reek detected code smells, commit aborted' end end def rspec @default_scripts <<'rspec') do command 'bundle exec rspec' files ['app/**/*.rb', 'spec/**/*.rb', 'config/**/*', 'db/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rake', 'lib/**/*.rake', 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock', '.rspec'] end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength