module Groupdate module Adapters class BaseAdapter attr_reader :period, :column, :day_start, :week_start, :n_seconds def initialize(relation, column:, period:, time_zone:, time_range:, week_start:, day_start:, n_seconds:) # very important column = validate_column(column) @relation = relation @column = resolve_column(relation, column) @period = period @time_zone = time_zone @time_range = time_range @week_start = week_start @day_start = day_start @n_seconds = n_seconds if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 7 if ActiveRecord.default_timezone == :local raise Groupdate::Error, "ActiveRecord.default_timezone must be :utc to use Groupdate" end else if relation.default_timezone == :local raise Groupdate::Error, "ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone must be :utc to use Groupdate" end end end def generate*where_clause) end private def where_clause if @time_range.is_a?(Range) if @time_range.end op = @time_range.exclude_end? ? "<" : "<=" if @time_range.begin ["#{column} >= ? AND #{column} #{op} ?", @time_range.begin, @time_range.end] else ["#{column} #{op} ?", @time_range.end] end else ["#{column} >= ?", @time_range.begin] end else ["#{column} IS NOT NULL"] end end # basic version of Active Record disallow_raw_sql! # symbol = column (safe), Arel node = SQL (safe), other = untrusted # matches table.column and column def validate_column(column) unless column.is_a?(Symbol) || column.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral) column = column.to_s unless /\A\w+(\.\w+)?\z/i.match(column) warn "[groupdate] Non-attribute argument: #{column}. Use Arel.sql() for known-safe values. This will raise an error in Groupdate 6" end end column end # resolves eagerly # need to convert both where_clause (easy) # and group_clause (not easy) if want to avoid this def resolve_column(relation, column) node = relation.send(:relation).send(:arel_columns, [column]).first node = if node.is_a?(String) relation.connection.visitor.accept(node, end end end end