require 'rspec' require "protobuf_descriptor" require "fileutils" require "pathname" require "tempfile" # "Parses" a java package returning a mapping of class/enum names to their fully # qualified name. # # Raises if a class name occurs twice. def ghetto_parse_java_package(dir) tokens = [ # Wire enum [:enum, /public\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s+implements\s+ProtoEnum\s+{/], # Protoc Java enum [:enum, /public\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s+implements\s+com\.google\.protobuf\.ProtocolMessageEnum\s+{/], # This is used by the protocol buffer compiler to wrap all the protos # defined in a single file. [:namespace, /public\s+(?:(?:static|final)\s+)*class\s+(\w+)\s+{/], # Wire message type [:message, /public\s+(?:(?:static|final)\s+)*class\s+(\w+)\s+extends\s+Message\s+{/], # Protoc java message [:message, /public\s+(?:(?:static|final)\s+)*class\s+(\w+)\s+extends\s+com\.google\.protobuf\.GeneratedMessage\s+implements\s+(\w+)\s+{/], [:open_brace, /{/], [:close_brace, /}/], [:eof, /\z/]] found = {} Dir.glob("#{dir}/**/*.java").each do |filename| contents = package = contents.match(/package\s+([\w\.]+);/) package = package[1] unless package.nil? # puts "#{filename[dir.length..-1]}: package #{package}" bits = [package] offset = 0 while offset < contents.length token, regex = tokens.min_by { |k, v| match = v.match(contents, offset) # Move offset off end of file so EOF matches first. match.nil? ? contents.length + 1: match.begin(0) } match = regex.match(contents, offset) offset = match.end(0) # Build a stack of named components case token when :enum, :message # If we find a named component, add it to the stack as well as # generating its portion of the output. bits.push(match[1]) raise "Type name #{match[1]} occurs twice!" if found[match[1]] found[match[1]] = bits.compact.join('.') when :namespace bits.push(match[1]) when :open_brace bits.push(nil) when :close_brace bits.pop end # puts "#{token}@#{offset} #{bits.inspect}" end end return found end def with_temp_file(name="tempfile") file = begin yield file ensure file.close file.unlink end end def compile_wire_protobuf(args={}) args = { destination: ".", source: ".", extra_args: [] }.merge(args) jar_path = File.realpath("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../wire-compiler.jar") command = ["java", "-jar", jar_path] command << "--proto_path=#{args[:source]}" command += args[:extra_args] command << "--java_out=#{args[:destination]}" command += Dir.glob("#{args[:source]}**/*.proto").map { |p|[:source])).to_s } with_temp_file do |tmp_log| rv = system(*command, out: [tmp_log.path, "a"], err: [tmp_log.path, "a"]) raise "Wire protobuf generation failed!\n#{}" unless rv end end def generate_protobuf_descriptor(args={}) args = { source: ".", extra_args: [], plugin: nil, plugin_out: "", out: "out.desc" }.merge(args) args[:source] += '/' unless args[:source].end_with?('/') command = [] command << "protoc" command << "-I#{args[:source]}" if args[:plugin] command << "--#{args[:plugin]}_out=#{args[:plugin_out]}" end command += args[:extra_args] command << "--descriptor_set_out=#{args[:out]}" command += Dir.glob("#{args[:source]}**/*.proto") rv = system(*command) raise "ProtobufDescriptor generation failed!" unless rv end def with_descriptor_file(source, args={}) with_temp_file do |f| args = { out: f.path, source: "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/protos/#{source}/" }.merge(args) generate_protobuf_descriptor(args) yield f end end def with_descriptor(source, args={}) with_descriptor_file(source, args) do |f| yield ProtobufDescriptor.decode_from(f) end end