Object Threads ============== **Object Threads** emulates Python threading API paradigm. Creating threads by giving some block to constructor is sometime slightly unpractical way of running threads. This library allows encapsulating threads to classes, so class can define itself as thread which can be run by plain method call. For example: require "thread/object" class Foo include Thread::Object def run sleep 10 puts "Something in thread." end end Foo::new.start! sleep 5 puts "Something in main." Will print out `"Something in main."` and then `"Something in thread."`. Thread object module directly supports `#alive?` and `#shutdown!` methods only for thread manipulation. For other operations with the thread, call directly object's `#native_thread` property which contains appropriate native [Ruby Thread][1] object. This setup is for avoiding potential method name conflicts between module and user class. Contributing ------------ 1. Fork it. 2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b 20101220-my-change`). 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am "Added something"`). 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin 20101220-my-change`). 5. Create an [Issue][2] with a link to your branch. 6. Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait. Copyright --------- Copyright © 2010-2011 [Martin Kozák][3]. See `LICENSE.txt` for further details. [1]: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Thread.html [2]: http://github.com/martinkozak/qrpc/issues [3]: http://www.martinkozak.net/