module RelatonBipm class DataFetcher # # Initialize fetcher # # @param [String] output output directory to save files # @param [String] format format of output files (xml, yaml, bibxml) # def initialize(output, format) @output = output @format = format @ext = format.sub(/^bib/, "") @files = [] @index_path = "index.yaml" @index = File.exist?(@index_path) ? YAML.load_file(@index_path) : {} end # # Initialize fetcher and run fetching # # @param [String] source Source name # @param [Strin] output directory to save files, default: "data" # @param [Strin] format format of output files (xml, yaml, bibxml), default: yaml # def self.fetch(source, output: "data", format: "yaml") t1 = puts "Started at: #{t1}" FileUtils.mkdir_p output new(output, format).fetch(source) t2 = puts "Stopped at: #{t2}" puts "Done in: #{(t2 - t1).round} sec." end # # Fetch bipm-data-outcomes or si-brochure # # @param [String] source Source name # def fetch(source) case source when "bipm-data-outcomes" then parse_bipm_data_outcomes when "bipm-si-brochure" then parse_si_brochure end File.write @index_path, @index.to_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8" end # # Parse BIPM meeting and write them to YAML files # def parse_bipm_data_outcomes source_path = File.join "bipm-data-outcomes", "{cctf,cgpm,cipm}" Dir[source_path].each { |body_dir| fetch_body(body_dir) } end # # Parse SI brochure and write them to YAML files # def parse_si_brochure # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # puts "Parsing SI brochure..." # puts "Ls #{Dir['*']}" # puts "Ls #{Dir['bipm-si-brochure/*']}" # puts "Ls #{Dir['bipm-si-brochure/site/*']}" # puts "Ls #{Dir['bipm-si-brochure/site/documents/*']}" Dir["bipm-si-brochure/site/documents/*.rxl"].each do |f| puts "Parsing #{f}" docstd = Nokogiri::XML f doc = "/bibdata" hash1 = RelatonBipm::XMLParser.from_xml(doc.to_xml).to_hash fix_si_brochure_id hash1 hash1["fetched"] = outfile = File.join @output, File.basename(f).sub(/(?:-(?:en|fr))?\.rxl$/, ".yaml") @index[[hash1["docnumber"] || File.basename(outfile, ".yaml")]] = outfile hash = if File.exist? outfile warn_duplicate = false hash2 = YAML.load_file outfile fix_si_brochure_id hash2 deep_merge hash1, hash2 else warn_duplicate = true hash1 end item = RelatonBipm::BipmBibliographicItem.from_hash(**hash) write_file outfile, item, warn_duplicate: warn_duplicate puts "Saved to #{outfile}" end end # # Update ID of SI brochure # # @param [Hash] hash hash of bibitem # # @return [void] # def fix_si_brochure_id(hash) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength did = hash["docid"].detect { |id| id["type"] == "BIPM" } did["primary"] = true return unless did["id"] == "BIPM Brochure" isbn = hash["docid"].detect { |id| id["type"] == "ISBN" } num = if isbn && isbn["id"] == "978-92-822-2272-0" "SI Brochure" else "SI Brochure, Appendix 4" end hash["id"] = hash["id"].sub(/(?<=^BIPM)Brochure$/i, num.gsub(/[,\s]/, "")) hash["docnumber"] = hash["docnumber"].sub(/^Brochure$/i, num) did["id"] = did["id"].sub(/(?<=^BIPM\s)Brochure$/i, num) end # # Deep merge two hashes # # @param [Hash] hash1 # @param [Hash] hash2 # # @return [Hash] Merged hash # def deep_merge(hash1, hash2) # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity hash1.merge(hash2) do |_, oldval, newval| if oldval.is_a?(Hash) && newval.is_a?(Hash) deep_merge(oldval, newval) elsif oldval.is_a?(Array) && newval.is_a?(Array) oldval | newval else newval || oldval end end end # # Search for English meetings in the body directory # # @param [String] dir body directory # def fetch_body(dir) body = dir.split("/").last.upcase Dir[File.join(dir, "*-en")].each { |type_dir| fetch_type type_dir, body } end # # Search for meetings # # @param [String] dir meeting directory # @param [String] body name of body # def fetch_type(dir, body) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize type = dir.split("/").last.split("-").first.sub(/s$/, "") body_dir = File.join @output, body.downcase FileUtils.mkdir_p body_dir outdir = File.join body_dir, type.downcase FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir Dir[File.join(dir, "*.{yml,yaml}")].each { |en_file| fetch_meeting en_file, body, type, outdir } end # # Create and write BIPM meeting/resolution # # @param [String] en_file Path to English file # @param [String] body Body name # @param [String] type Type of Recommendation/Decision/Resolution # @param [String] dir output directory # def fetch_meeting(en_file, body, type, dir) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength en = RelatonBib.parse_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8"), [Date] en_md = en["metadata"] fr_file = en_file.sub "en", "fr" fr = RelatonBib.parse_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8"), [Date] fr_md = fr["metadata"] gh_src = "" src_en = gh_src + en_file.split("/")[-3..].unshift("main").join("/") src_fr = gh_src + fr_file.split("/")[-3..].unshift("main").join("/") src = [{ type: "src", content: src_en }, { type: "src", content: src_fr }] /^(?\d+)(?:-_(?\d+))?-\d{4}$/ =~ en_md["url"].split("/").last id = "#{body} #{type.capitalize} #{num}" file = "#{num}.yaml" path = File.join dir, file link = "{path}" hash = bibitem type: type, en: en_md, fr: fr_md, id: id, num: num, src: src, pdf: en["pdf"] if @files.include?(path) && part add_part hash, part item =**hash) yaml = RelatonBib.parse_yaml(, encoding: "UTF-8"), [Date]) has_part_item = RelatonBipm::BipmBibliographicItem.from_hash(yaml) has_part_item.relation << "partOf", bibitem: item) write_file path, has_part_item, warn_duplicate: false path = File.join dir, "#{num}-#{part}.yaml" elsif part hash[:title].each { |t| t[:content] = t[:content].sub(/\s\(.+\)$/, "") } hash[:link] = [{ type: "src", content: link }] h = bibitem type: type, en: en_md, fr: fr_md, id: id, num: num, src: src, pdf: en["pdf"] add_part h, part part_item =**h) part_item_path = File.join dir, "#{num}-#{part}.yaml" write_file part_item_path, part_item @index[[h[:docnumber]]] = part_item_path hash[:relation] = [ "partOf", bibitem: part_item)] item =**hash) else item =**hash) end write_file path, item @index[[hash[:docnumber]]] = path fetch_resolution body: body, en: en, fr: fr, dir: dir, src: src, num: num end # # Parse BIPM resolutions and write them to YAML files # # @param [String] body body name # @param [Hash] eng English metadata # @param [Hash] frn French metadata # @param [String] dir output directory # @param [Array] src links to bipm-data-outcomes # @param [String] num number of meeting # def fetch_resolution(**args) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity args[:en]["resolutions"].each.with_index do |r, i| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength hash = { type: "proceedings", fetched:, title: [], doctype: r["type"] } hash[:title] << title(r["title"], "en") if r["title"] fr_resolution = args[:fr]["resolutions"].fetch(i, nil) if fr_resolution fr_title = fr_resolution["title"] hash[:title] << title(fr_title, "fr") if fr_title end date = r["dates"].first.to_s hash[:date] = [{ type: "published", on: date }] num = r["identifier"].to_s.split("-").last year = date.split("-").first num = "0" if num == year num_justed = num.rjust 2, "0" type = r["type"].capitalize id = "#{args[:body]} #{type}" hash[:id] = "#{args[:body]}-#{type}-#{year}" if num.to_i.positive? id += " #{num}" hash[:id] += "-#{num_justed}" end id += " (#{year})" hash[:docid] = [ make_docid(id: id, type: "BIPM", primary: true), make_docid(id: id, type: "BIPM", primary: true, language: "en", script: "Latn"), id_fr(id), ] hash[:docnumber] = id hash[:link] = [{ type: "src", content: r["url"] }] + args[:src] hash[:link] << { type: "pdf", content: r["reference"] } if r["reference"] hash[:language] = %w[en fr] hash[:script] = ["Latn"] hash[:contributor] = [{ entity: { url: "", name: "Bureau International des Poids et Mesures", abbreviation: "BIPM" }, role: [{ type: "publisher" }], }] hash[:structuredidentifier] = docnumber: num item =**hash) file = year file += "-#{num_justed}" if num.size < 4 file += ".yaml" out_dir = File.join args[:dir], r["type"].downcase FileUtils.mkdir_p out_dir path = File.join out_dir, file write_file path, item @index[["#{args[:body]} #{type} #{year}-#{num_justed}", "#{args[:body]} #{type} #{args[:num]}-#{num_justed}"]] = path end end def title(content, language) { content: content, language: language, script: "Latn" } end # # Add part to ID and structured identifier # # @param [Hash] hash Hash of BIPM meeting # @param [String] session number of meeting # def add_part(hash, part) hash[:id] += "-#{part}" hash[:docnumber] += "-#{part}" id = hash[:docid][0].instance_variable_get(:@id) id += "-#{part}" hash[:docid][0].instance_variable_set(:@id, id) hash[:structuredidentifier].instance_variable_set :@part, part end # # Create hash from BIPM meeting/resolution # # @param [Hash] **args Hash of arguments # @option args [String] :type Type of meeting/resolution # @option args [Hash] :en Hash of English metadata # @option args [Hash] :fr Hash of French metadata # @option args [String] :id ID of meeting/resolution # @option args [String] :num Number of meeting/resolution # @option args [Array] :src Array of links to bipm-data-outcomes # @option args [String] :pdf link to PDF # # @return [Hash] Hash of BIPM meeting/resolution # def bibitem(**args) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity hash = { title: [], type: "proceedings", doctype: args[:type], fetched: } hash[:title] << title(args[:en]["title"], "en") if args[:en]["title"] hash[:title] << title(args[:fr]["title"], "fr") if args[:fr]["title"] hash[:date] = [{ type: "published", on: args[:en]["date"] }] hash[:docid] = [ make_docid(id: args[:id], type: "BIPM", primary: true), make_docid(id: args[:id], type: "BIPM", primary: true, language: "en", script: "Latn"), id_fr(args[:id]), ] hash[:id] = args[:id].gsub " ", "-" hash[:docnumber] = args[:id] hash[:link] = [{ type: "src", content: args[:en]["url"] }] RelatonBib.array(args[:pdf]).each { |pdf| hash[:link] << { type: "pdf", content: pdf } } hash[:link] += args[:src] if args[:src]&.any? hash[:language] = %w[en fr] hash[:script] = ["Latn"] hash[:contributor] = [{ entity: { url: "", name: "Bureau International des Poids et Mesures", abbreviation: "BIPM" }, role: [{ type: "publisher" }], }] hash[:structuredidentifier] = docnumber: args[:num] hash end def id_fr(en_id) tr = BipmBibliography::TRANSLATIONS.detect { |_, v| en_id.include? v } id = en_id.sub tr[1], tr[0] make_docid(id: id, type: "BIPM", primary: true, language: "fr", script: "Latn") end # # Create doucment ID # # @param [String] id ID of document # @param [String] type Type of document # @param [Boolean] primary Primary document # @param [String] language Language of document # @param [String] script Script of document # # @return [RelatonBib::DocumentIdentifier] Document ID # def make_docid(**args)**args) end # # Save document to file # # @param [String] path Path to file # @param [RelatonBipm::BipmBibliographicItem] item document to save # @param [Boolean, nil] warn_duplicate Warn if document already exists # # @return [] # def write_file(path, item, warn_duplicate: true) if @files.include?(path) warn "File #{path} already exists" if warn_duplicate else @files << path end File.write path, item.to_hash.to_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8" end end end