# -*- ruby -*- # encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'sequel' unless defined?( Sequel ) require 'newrelic_rpm' unless defined?( NewRelic ) require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/sequel_helper' require 'new_relic/agent/datastores/metric_helper' module Sequel module Plugins # Sequel::Model instrumentation for the New Relic agent. module NewrelicInstrumentation # Meta-programming for creating method tracers for the Sequel::Model plugin. module MethodWrapping # Install a method named +method_name+ that will trace execution # with a metric name derived from +operation_name+ (or +method_name+ if +operation_name+ # isn't specified). def wrap_sequel_method(method_name, operation_name=method_name) define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| klass = self.is_a?(Class) ? self : self.class product = NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::SequelHelper.product_name_from_adapter(db.adapter_scheme) segment = NewRelic::Agent::Transaction.start_datastore_segment(product, operation_name, klass.name) begin NewRelic::Agent.disable_all_tracing { super(*args, &block) } ensure segment.finish end end end end # module MethodTracer # Methods to be added to Sequel::Model instances. module InstanceMethods extend Sequel::Plugins::NewrelicInstrumentation::MethodWrapping wrap_sequel_method :delete wrap_sequel_method :destroy wrap_sequel_method :update wrap_sequel_method :update_all wrap_sequel_method :update_except wrap_sequel_method :update_fields wrap_sequel_method :update_only wrap_sequel_method :save end # module InstanceMethods # Methods to be added to Sequel::Model classes. module ClassMethods extend Sequel::Plugins::NewrelicInstrumentation::MethodWrapping wrap_sequel_method :[], "get" wrap_sequel_method :all wrap_sequel_method :first wrap_sequel_method :create end # module ClassMethods end # module NewRelicInstrumentation end # module Plugins end # module Sequel