# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # livedoor_weather.rb # # insert weather information using livedoor weather web service. # # Copyright (C) 2007 SHIBATA Hiroshi # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2. # require 'open-uri' require 'timeout' require 'time' @lwws_rest_url = 'http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/webservice/json/v1' def lwws_init @conf['lwws.city_id'] ||= 130010 @conf['lwws.icon.disp'] ||= "" @conf['lwws.max_temp.disp'] ||= "" @conf['lwws.min_temp.disp'] ||= "" @conf['lwws.cache'] ||= "" @conf['lwws.cache_time'] ||= 6 end def lwws_request( city_id ) url = @lwws_rest_url.dup url << "?city=#{city_id}" proxy = @conf['proxy'] proxy = 'http://' + proxy if proxy timeout( 10 ) do open( url, :proxy => proxy ) {|f| f.read } end end def lwws_get lwws_init city_id = @conf['lwws.city_id'] cache_time = @conf['lwws.cache_time'] * 60 * 60 file_name = "#{@cache_path}/lwws/#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.json" begin Dir.mkdir("#{@cache_path}/lwws") unless File.directory?("#{@cache_path}/lwws") cached_time = if File.exist?( file_name ) File.mtime( file_name ) else nil end update = true if @conf['lwws.cache'] == "t" && cached_time && Time.now > cached_time + cache_time if cached_time.nil? || update json = lwws_request(city_id) File.open(file_name, 'wb') {|f| f.write(json)} end rescue => e @logger.error( e ) end end def lwws_to_html(date) lwws_init file_name = "#{@cache_path}/lwws/#{date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.xml" begin # http://weather.livedoor.com/help/restapi_close if Time.parse('20130331') < date file_name.sub!(/xml/, 'json') require 'json' doc = JSON.parse(File.read(file_name)) telop = @conf.to_native( doc["forecasts"][0]["telop"], 'utf-8' ) # 「今日」のデータに気温は含まれない場合がある max_temp = doc["forecasts"][0]["temperature"]["max"]["celsius"] rescue nil min_temp = doc["forecasts"][0]["temperature"]["min"]["celsius"] rescue nil detail_url = doc["link"] title = @conf.to_native( doc["forecasts"][0]["image"]["title"], 'utf-8' ) url = doc["forecasts"][0]["image"]["url"] width = doc["forecasts"][0]["image"]["width"] height = doc["forecasts"][0]["image"]["height"] else require 'rexml/document' doc = REXML::Document.new(File.read(file_name)).root telop = @conf.to_native( doc.elements["telop"].text, 'utf-8' ) max_temp = doc.elements["temperature/max/celsius"].text min_temp = doc.elements["temperature/min/celsius"].text detail_url = doc.elements["link"].text title = @conf.to_native( doc.elements["image/title"].text, 'utf-8' ) url = doc.elements["image/url"].text width = doc.elements["image/width"].text height = doc.elements["image/height"].text end result = "" result << %Q|
| if @conf['lwws.icon.disp'] != "t" or @conf.mobile_agent? then result << %Q|#{telop}| else result << %Q|#{title}| end if @conf['lwws.max_temp.disp'] == "t" and not max_temp.nil? then result << %Q| #{@lwws_max_temp_label}:#{h(max_temp)}#{@celsius_label}| end if @conf['lwws.min_temp.disp'] == "t" and not min_temp.nil? then result << %Q| #{@lwws_min_temp_label}:#{h(min_temp)}#{@celsius_label}| end result << %Q|
| result rescue StandardError, Errno::ENOENT => e @logger.error( e ) '' end end def lwws_conf_proc lwws_init if @mode == 'saveconf' then @conf['lwws.city_id'] = @cgi.params['lwws.city_id'][0].to_i @conf['lwws.icon.disp'] = @cgi.params['lwws.icon.disp'][0] @conf['lwws.max_temp.disp'] = @cgi.params['lwws.max_temp.disp'][0] @conf['lwws.min_temp.disp'] = @cgi.params['lwws.min_temp.disp'][0] @conf['lwws.cache'] = @cgi.params['lwws.cache'][0] @conf['lwws.cache_time'] = @cgi.params['lwws.cache_time'][0].to_i end result = '' result << <<-HTML



HTML result << %Q|


| checked = "t" == @conf['lwws.icon.disp'] ? ' checked' : '' result << %Q|

| result << %Q|


| result << %Q|


| result << %Q|| result << %Q|


| checked = "t" == @conf['lwws.cache'] ? ' checked' : '' result << %Q|

| result << %Q|


| result << %Q|

| result end add_body_enter_proc do |date| unless @conf.mobile_agent? or @conf.iphone? or feed? or bot? lwws_to_html(date) end end add_update_proc do lwws_get end add_conf_proc( 'lwws', @lwws_plugin_name ) do lwws_conf_proc end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: # vim: ts=3