= UKI – simple UiKit for complex Web apps Uki is a JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Sliders to Grids and SplitPanes. uki({ view: 'Button', text: 'Click me', rect: '10 10 100 24' }).attachTo( window ); uki('Button[text^=Click]').click(function() { alert(this.text()); }); == All you have to know in 5 minutes 1. Uki interfaces are created from Views the same way web pages are created from DOM nodes. Views even behave similar to DOM nodes. You can appendView, insertBefore, access parentView etc. panel.appendView(button) Examples of views: Slider, SplitPane or Table 2. View have attributes. You can read them by calling attrname() without params and write with attrname(newValue). label.text('Lorem') // set text to a label label.text() == 'Lorem' // get text splitPane.handlePosition(300) // move the split pane handle to 300px 3. You can create Views with uki() function. Once created view can be attached to any block DOM container with attachTo() uki({ view: 'Label', text: 'Lorem', ... more attributes ... }).attachTo( window ) 4. You can find attached views using css-like selectors. uki('Label') // find all labels on page uki('Box[name=main] > Label') // find all immediate descendant Labels in a box with name = "main" 5. uki() calls return Collection of Views. This is similar to jQuery('expression') result. You can access individual views with [index]. You can manipulate all views at the same time with a number of collection methods (http://ukijs.org/docs/symbols/uki.Collection.html) uki('Label')[3] // get 3-d found label 6. Events are bound to Views (not individual DOM nodes) with the bind() function uki('Label')[0].bind('click', function() { handle the event here }) // bind click to the first label uki('Label').bind('click', function() { handle the event here }) // bind click to all labels uki('Label').unbind('click') // unbind all click handlers from all labels 7. Views are laid out with initial position and resize rules. Initial position is set with the rect property button.rect('50 20 100 22') // set left = 50px, top = 20px, width = 100px, height = 22px Resize rules are set with the anchors property: button.anchors('left top') // stay at the left top when container resizes button.anchors('right bottom') // move with the bottom right corner of the container button.anchors('left top right') // stay at the top, resize width with the container You can pass both rect and anchors to the uki() function: uki({ view: 'Button', rect: '50 20 100 22', anchors: 'left top right' }) 8. You can change visual appearance of the views with themes. Theme is basically a collection of resources like images, styled dom nodes and backgrounds. You can find an example of one at http://github.com/voloko/uki/blob/master/src/uki-theme/airport.js 9. If your adding uki to existing project then it is better to simply add to your pages and it will work. If you start a new one you might try uki-tools (http://github.com/voloko/uki-tools) 10. See the available resources in Links section and have fun == Links * API docs at http://ukijs.org/docs/ * Google group http://groups.google.com/group/ukijs * Code examples at http://ukijs.org/examples/ * Development docs and tutorial at http://wiki.github.com/voloko/uki/ * Google wave in 100 lines of code example: http://ukijs.org/examples/core-examples/wave == Contribute To install development server 1. Install ruby http://ruby-lang.org 2. Open terminal and run gem install rake sinatra cd PATH_TO_UKI 3. On windows run ruby run.rb On *nix rake start 4. – should be a merged version of uki == Image path For older browsers uki loads images from server. By default development version loads them from uki.theme.airport.imagePath. To point it to your development server do uki.theme.airport.imagePath = '' == Simple The Web should be simple. Adding a new library to your app should not require using a specific build process or learning a new language. It should be as simple as adding a