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Sponsored by Evil Martians Requirements: - Ruby ~> 2.3 **NOTE**: although most of the examples in this readme are Rails-specific, this gem could be used without Rails/ActiveSupport. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'abstract_notifier' ``` And then execute: ```sh $ bundle ``` ## Usage Notifer class is very similar to Action Mailer mailer class with `notification` method instead of a `mail` method: ```ruby class EventsNotifier < ApplicationNotifier def canceled(profile, event) notification( # the only required option is `body` body: "Event #{event.title} has been canceled", # all other options are passed to delivery driver identity: profile.notification_service_id ) end end # send notification later EventsNotifier.canceled(profile, event).notify_later # or immediately EventsNotifier.canceled(profile, event).notify_now ``` To perform actual deliveries you **must** configure a _delivery driver_: ```ruby class ApplicationNotifier < AbstractNotifier::Base self.driver = MyFancySender.new end ``` Driver could be any callbable Ruby object (i.e. anything that responds to `#call`). That's a developer responsibility to implement the driver (we do not provide any drivers out-of-the-box; at least yet). You can set different drivers for different notifiers. ### Parameterized notifiers Abstract Notifier support parameterization the same way as [Action Mailer]((https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Parameterized.html)): ```ruby class EventsNotifier < ApplicationNotifier def canceled(event) notification( body: "Event #{event.title} has been canceled", identity: params[:profile].notification_service_id ) end end EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_later ``` ### Background jobs / async notifications To use `notify_later` you **must** configure `async_adapter`. We provide Active Job adapter out-of-the-box and use it if Active Job is present. Custom async adapter must implement `enqueue` method: ```ruby class MyAsyncAdapter # adapters may accept options def initialize(options = {}) end # `enqueue` method accepts notifier class and notification # payload. # We need to know notifier class to use it's driver. def enqueue(notifier_class, payload) # your implementation here end end # Configure globally AbstractNotifier.async_adapter = MyAsyncAdapter.new # or per-notifier class EventsNotifier < AbstractNotifier::Base self.async_adapter = MyAsyncAdapter.new end ``` ### Delivery modes For test/development purposes there are two special _global_ delivery modes: ```ruby # Track all sent notifications without peforming real actions. # Required for using RSpec matchers. # # config/environments/test.rb AbstractNotifier.delivery_mode = :test # If you don't want to trigger notifications in development, # you can make Abstract Notifier no-op. # # config/environments/development.rb ActionNotifier.delivery_mode = :noop # Default delivery mode is "normal" ActionNotifier.delivery_mode = :normal ``` **NOTE:** we set `delivery_mode = :test` if `RAILS_ENV` or `RACK_ENV` env variable is equal to "test". Otherwise add `require "abstract_notifier/testing"` to your `spec_helper.rb` / `rails_helper.rb` manually. **NOTE:** delivery mode affects all drivers. ### Testing Abstract Notifier provides two convinient RSpec matchers: ```ruby # for testing sync notifications (sent with `notify_now`) expect { EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_now }. to have_sent_notification(identify: '123', body: 'Alarma!') # for testing async notifications (sent with `notify_later`) expect { EventsNotifier.with(profile: profile).canceled(event).notify_later}. to have_enqueued_notification(identify: '123', body: 'Alarma!') ``` ## Related projects ### [`active_delivery`](https://github.com/palkan/active_delivery) Active Delivery is the next-level abstraction which allows to combine multiple notification channels in one place. Abstract Notifier provides a _notifier_ line for Active Delivery: ```ruby class ApplicationDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base # Add notifier line to you delivery register_line :notifier, ActiveDelivery::Lines::Notifier, # you may provide a resolver, which infers notifier class # from delivery name (resolver is a callable). rsolver: ->(name) { resolve_somehow(name) } end ``` **NOTE:** we automatically add `:notifier` line with `"*Delivery" -> *Notifier` resolution mechanism if `#safe_constantize` method is defined for String, i.e. you don't have to configure the default notifier line when running Rails. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/palkan/abstract_notifier. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).