class Marty::DataExporter # given an array of hashes, return set of all keys def self.hash_array_keys(hl) hl.each_with_object( { |h, keys| keys.merge(h.keys) } end def self.hash_array_merge(hl, transpose) # given a list of hashes hl, generates a merged hash. The # resulting hash contains a superset of all the hash keys. The # values are corresponding values from each hash in hl. # e.g. the following # # [{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"a"=>11, "c"=>33}, {"a"=>1111, "b"=>222, "c"=>333}] # # maps to ... # # [["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, nil], [11, nil, 33], [1111, 222, 333]] keys = hash_array_keys(hl) return keys.each_with_object({}) { |k, rh| rh[k] = { |h| h[k] } } if transpose [keys.to_a] + {|h| {|k| h[k]}} end def self.encode_json(s) Base64.strict_encode64 Zlib.deflate(s) end def self.decode_json(s) Zlib.inflate Base64.strict_decode64(s) end def self.to_csv(obj, config=nil) obj = [obj] unless obj.respond_to? :map config ||= {} # if all array items are hashes, we merge them obj = hash_array_merge(obj, config["transpose"]) if obj.is_a?(Array) && obj.all? {|x| x.is_a? Hash} # symbolize config keys as expected by CSV.generate conf = config.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v unless k.to_s == "transpose" } # FIXME: very hacky to default row_sep to CRLF conf[:row_sep] ||= "\r\n" # FIXME: the following is ridiculously complex. We have different # data paths for hashes and arrays. Also, arrays can turn into # hashes is all their items are hashes! We map to complex objects # to JSON when inside hashes, but not arrays. Really need to # rethink this. Probably should have separate functions for # to_csv for hash and arrays. return CSV.generate(conf) do |csv| obj.each do |x| csv << x.flatten(1).map { |v| v.nil? ? nil : v.to_s } end end if obj.is_a?(Hash) CSV.generate(conf) do |csv| obj.each do |x| x = [x] unless x.respond_to? :map csv << { |v| case v when Array, Hash encode_json(v.to_json) when nil nil else v.to_s end } end end end def self.get_attrs_in_order(klass, attrs) return attrs unless klass.const_defined?(:EXPORT_ORDER) { |attr| attrs.include?(attr) } end def self.export_attrs(klass, obj, attrs=nil, exclude_attrs=[]) col_types = Marty::DataConversion.col_types(klass) attr_list_raw = (attrs || col_types.keys).map(&:to_s) - exclude_attrs attr_list = get_attrs_in_order(klass, attr_list_raw) do |c| v = obj.send(c.to_sym) type = col_types[c] # return [value] if not assoc or nil next [v] if !type.is_a?(Hash) # no child row, return nils for each field next [nil]*type[:assoc_keys].count if v.nil? assoc_keys = type[:assoc_keys] assoc_class = type[:assoc_class] assoc_obj = assoc_class.find(v) # FIXME: this recursion will fail if a reference which then # makes sub-references is nil. To handle this, we'd need to # create the export structure first. export_attrs(assoc_class, assoc_obj, assoc_keys).flatten(1) end end def self.export_headers(klass, attrs=nil, exclude_attrs=[]) col_types = Marty::DataConversion.col_types(klass) attr_list_raw = (attrs || col_types.keys).map(&:to_s) - exclude_attrs attr_list = get_attrs_in_order(klass, attr_list_raw) do |c| type = col_types[c] next c unless type.is_a?(Hash) # remove _id c = c[0..-4] assoc_keys = type[:assoc_keys] # if association has a single key, just use col name next c if assoc_keys.length == 1 assoc_class = type[:assoc_class] export_headers(assoc_class, assoc_keys).map {|k| "#{c}__#{k}"} end end # Given a Mcfly klass, generate an export array. Can potentially # use up a lot of memory if the result set is large. def self.do_export(ts, klass, sort_field=nil, exclude_attrs=[]) query = klass if Mcfly.has_mcfly?(klass) ts = Mcfly.normalize_infinity(ts) query = query.where("obsoleted_dt >= ? AND created_dt < ?", ts, ts) end do_export_query_result(klass, query.order(sort_field || :id), exclude_attrs) end def self.do_export_query_result(klass, qres, exclude_attrs=[]) # strip _id from assoc fields header = [ export_headers(klass, nil, exclude_attrs).flatten ] header + {|obj| export_attrs(klass, obj, nil, exclude_attrs).flatten(1) } end # Export a single object to hash -- FIXME: inefficient # implementation def self.export_obj(obj) klass = obj.class headers = export_headers(klass) rec = export_attrs(klass, obj).flatten Hash[ ] end end