module IsoDoc module ClassUtils def date_range(date) from ="./from")) to ="./to")) on ="./on")) return date.text unless from || on || to return on.text if on ret = "#{from.text}–" ret += to.text if to ret end def ns(xpath) Metanorma::Utils::ns(xpath) end def liquid(doc) # unescape HTML escapes in doc doc = doc.split(%r<(\{%|%\})>).each_slice(4).map do |a| a[2] = a[2].gsub("<", "<").gsub(">", ">") if a.size > 2 a.join end.join Liquid::Template.parse(doc) end def case_strict(text, casing, script, firstonly: true) return text unless %w(Latn Cyrl Grek Armn).include?(script) seen = false text.split(/(\s+)/).map do |w| letters = w.chars case_strict1(letters, casing) if !seen || !firstonly seen ||= /\S/.match?(w) letters.join end.join end def case_strict1(letters, casing) return letters if letters.empty? case casing when "capital" then letters.first.upcase! when "lowercase" then letters.first.downcase! when "allcaps" then!) end end def to_xml(node) node&.to_xml(encoding: "UTF-8", indent: 0, save_with: Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML) end def case_with_markup(linkend, casing, script, firstonly: true) seen = false xml = Nokogiri::XML("#{linkend}") xml.traverse do |b| next unless b.text? && !seen b.replace(Common::case_strict(b.text, casing, script, firstonly: firstonly)) seen = true if firstonly end to_xml(xml.root.children) end def nearest_block_parent(node) until %w(p title td th name formula li dt dd sourcecode pre quote note example) .include?( node = node.parent end node end # node is at the start of sentence in a Metanorma XML context def start_of_sentence(node) prec = nearest_block_parent(node).xpath("./descendant-or-self::text()") & node.xpath("./preceding::text()") prec.empty? || /(?!<[^.].)\.\s+$/.match( end end end