As a content editor type person
In order to manage content
I should be able to interact with various user interface aspects of the editor
Given I am on an editable page
Scenario: A user can expect all this!
# Scenario: A user can view and close the about dialog
When I click on the about the editor link
Then I should see "Mercury Editor" within the lightview title
And I should see "Mercury Editor is an open source HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in Coffeescript using jQuery. The project has been released under the MIT license." within the lightview window
And I should see "Project Home" within the lightview window
And I should see "Project Source" within the lightview window
When I click on the lightview overlay
Then the lightview window should not be visible
And the lightview overlay should not be visible
# Scenario: A user can open and close select dropdowns
When I click on the formatblock editor dropdown
Then the formatblock select should be visible
And I should see "Heading 1
" within the formatblock select
When I click on the style editor dropdown
Then the style select should be visible
And the formatblock select should not be visible
# Scenario: A user can open and close palette dialogs
When I click on the background color editor button
Then the background color palette should be visible
When I click on the foreground color editor button
Then the foreground color palette should be visible
And the background color palette should not be visible
# Scenario: A user can open and close a panel
When I click on the "View History" button
Then the history panel should be visible
And I should see "Page Version History" within the history panel
When I click on the "View History" button
Then the history panel should not be visible
# Scenario: A user can open and close a modal window
When I click on the "Insert Link" button
Then the modal window should be visible
And the modal overlay should be visible
And I should see "Insert Link" within the modal title
And I should see "Standard Links" within the insert link modal
When I click on the modal close button
Then the modal window should not be visible
And the modal overlay should not be visible
When I click on the "Insert Link" button
And click on the modal overlay
Then the modal window should not be visible
And the modal overlay should not be visible