# TheComments 1.0.0 TheComments - just comment system for my Ruby on Rails 4 projects P.S: and for me it's best prototype of comment system for Rails 4 ## Keywords Comments for Rails 4, Comments with threading, Nested Comments, Polymorphic comments, Acts as commentable, Comment functionality, Comments, Threading, Rails 4, Comments with moderation, I hate captcha for comments! ## Screenshots **click to zoom**
Guest view Admin view Edit Cache counters & User Cabinet Recent comments & Denormalization
the_comments the_comments the_comments the_comments the_comments
### Main features * Threaded comments * Tree rendering via [TheSortableTree](https://github.com/the-teacher/the_sortable_tree) * [Denormalization](#denormalization) for Recent comments * Usefull cache counters * Basic AntiSpam system * Online Support via skype: **ilya.killich** ### Intro (understanding) * [My hopes about comments system](#my-hopes-about-comments-system) * [What's wrong with other gems?](#whats-wrong-with-other-gems) * [Comments, Posted comments & ComComs](#comments-posted-comments-comcoms) * [Denormalization and Recent comments](#denormalization) * [Recent comments building](#recent-comments-building) * [AntiSpam system](#antispam-system) * [Customization](#customization) * [User methods](#user-methods) * [Commentable methods](#commentable-methods) * [Online Support](#online-support) * [About author](#about-author) ## Installation This gem has many steps to install. Be careful when installing and keep calm. Just follow an installation instruction step by step and everything will be fine! **Installation process consist of 4 main steps:** * [Gem Installation](#gem-installation) * [Code Installation](#code-installation) * [Tuning](#tuning) * [Using](#using) ## Gem Installation **1)** change your Gemfile ```ruby # I use *awesome_nested_set* gem to provide threading for comments # But you can use other nested set gem, for example: # gem 'nested_set' (github.com/skyeagle/nested_set) gem 'awesome_nested_set' # I use haml for default views # You can remove this dependancy, # but you will should rewrite default views with your template engine gem 'haml' # finally, this gem gem 'the_comments' ``` **2)** bundle **3)** Copy migration file into application, OPEN FILE AND FOLLOW AN INSTRUCTION. ```ruby bundle exec rake the_comments_engine:install:migrations ``` **4)** run migration ```ruby bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` ## Code Installation **1)** Assets *app/assets/javascripts/application.js* ```js //= require the_comments //= require the_comments_manage ``` *app/assets/stylesheets/application.css* ```css *= require the_comments ``` **2)** Change your ApplicationController ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include TheCommentsController::ViewToken end ``` **3)** Run generator, OPEN EACH OF CREATED FILES AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. ```ruby bundle exec rails g the_comments install ``` *List of created files:* ```ruby config/initializers/the_comments.rb app/controllers/comments_controller.rb app/controllers/ip_black_lists_controller.rb app/controllers/user_agent_black_lists_controller.rb ``` **4)** Copy view files into your application ```ruby bundle exec rails g the_comments:views views ``` *List of created directories with view files:* ```ruby app/views/the_comments/*.haml app/views/ip_black_lists/*.haml app/views/user_agent_black_lists/*.haml ``` ## Tuning ### User Model ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base include TheCommentsUser # Your implementation of role policy def admin? self == User.first end # Comments moderator checking (simple example) # Usually comment's holder should be moderator def comment_moderator? comment admin? || id == comment.holder_id end end ``` ### Any Commentable Model (Page, Blog, Article, User(!) ...) ```ruby class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base include TheCommentsCommentable def commentable_title # by default: try(:title) || 'Undefined title' # for example: "My first blog post" blog_post_name end def commentable_url # by default: ['', self.class.to_s.tableize, self.to_param].join('/') # for example: "blogs/1-my-first-blog-post" [self.class.to_s.tableize, slug_id].join('/') end def commentable_state # by default: try(:state) # for example: "draft" self.ban_flag == true ? :banned : :published end end ``` ### Comment Model ```ruby class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base include TheCommentsBase # Define comment's avatar url # Usually we use Comment#user (owner of comment) to define avatar # @blog.comments.includes(:user) <= use includes(:user) to decrease queries count # comment#user.avatar_url # Simple way to define avatar url def avatar_url hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest self.id.to_s "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/#{hash}?s=30&d=identicon" end # Define your filters for content # Expample for: gem 'RedCloth', gem 'sanitize' # your personal SmilesProcessor def prepare_content text = self.raw_content text = RedCloth.new(text).to_html text = SmilesProcessor.new(text) text = Sanitize.clean(text, Sanitize::Config::RELAXED) self.content = text end end ``` ## Using ### Commentable controller ```ruby class BlogsController < ApplicationController def show @blog = Blog.where(id: params[:id]).with_states(:published).first @comments = @blog.comments.with_state([:draft, :published]).nested_set end end ``` ### View ```ruby %h1= @blog.title %p= @blog.content = render partial: 'the_comments/tree', locals: { commentable: @blog, comments_tree: @comments } ``` ## Understanding ### My hopes about comments system * Open comments for everybody (by default). *I hate user registration* * Polymorphic comments for any AR Model * Threading for comments (can be plain comments list) * Cache counters for commentable objects and User * Moderation for comments and simple Admin UI * Spam traps instead Captcha. *I hate Captcha* * Blacklists for IP and UserAgent * Denormalization for fast and Request-free Recent comments building * Ready for external content filters (sanitize, RedCloth, Markdown) * Highlighting and Jumping to comment via anchor * Ready for Rails4 (and Rails::Engine) * Ready for JQuery 1.9+ * Delete without destroy ### What's wrong with other gems? Just look at [Ruby-Toolbox](https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/rails_comments). What we can see? * [Acts as commentable with threading](https://github.com/elight/acts_as_commentable_with_threading) - so, guys, where is the render helper for the tree? There is no helper! Should I make render helper for tree by myself? Nooooo!!! I'm so sorry, but I can't use this gem. * [acts_as_commentable](https://github.com/jackdempsey/acts_as_commentable) - so, I can see code for models. But I can't see code for controllers and views. Unfortunately, there is no threading. It's not enough for me. * [opinio](https://github.com/Draiken/opinio) - looks better, but there is no threading. I want to have more! * [has_threaded_comments](https://github.com/aarongough/has_threaded_comments) - Nice work! Nice gem! Models, controllers, views, view helper for tree rendering! **But**, last activity 2 years ago, I need few features, I think - I can make it better. ![TheComments](https://raw.github.com/open-cook/the_comments/master/docs/the_comments.jpg) ## Comments, Posted comments, ComComs ### Posted comments **@user.posted_comments** (has_many) Set of comments, where current user is owner (creator). ```ruby @my_comments = @user.posted_comments # => [comment, comment, ...] @comment = @my_comments.first @user.id == @comment.user_id # => true ``` ### Comments **@commentable.comments** (has_many) Set of comments for this commentable object ```ruby @comments = @blog.comments # => [comment, comment, ...] @comment = @comments.first @comment.commentable_id == @blog.id # => true @comment.commentable_type == 'Blog' # => true ``` (!) Attention: User Model can be commentable object too! ```ruby @comments = @user.comments # => [comment, comment, ...] @comment = @comments.first @comment.commentable_id == @user.id # => true @comment.commentable_type == 'User' # => true ``` ### ComComs (COMments of COMmentable objects) **@user.comcoms** (has_many) Set of All COMments of All COMmentable objects of this User ```ruby @comcoms = @user.comcoms # => [comment, comment, ...] @comcom = @comcoms.first @user.id == @comcom.holder_id # => true ``` **Comment#holder_id** should not be empty. Because we should to know, who is moderator of this comment. ```ruby @user.id == @comment.holder_id # => true # => This user should be MODERATOR for this comment ``` ## Denormalization For building of Recent comments list (for polymorphic relationship) we need to have many additional requests to database. It's classic problem of polymorphic comments. I use denormalization of commentable objects for solve of this problem. My practice shows - We need 3 denormalized fields into comment for (request-free) building of recent comments list: the_comments * **Comment#commentable_title** - for example: "My first post about Ruby On Rails" * **Comment#commentable_url** - for example: "/posts/1-my-first-post-about-ruby-on-rails" * **Comment#commentable_state** - for example: "draft" That is why any **Commentable Model should have few methods** to provide denormalization for Comments. ## Recent comments building Denormalization makes, building of Recent comments (for polymorphic relationship) is very easy! Controller: ```ruby @comments = Comment.with_state(:published) .where(commentable_state: [:published]) .order('created_at DESC') .page(params[:page]) ``` View: ```ruby - @comments.each do |comment| %div %p= comment.commentable_title %p= link_to comment.commentable_title, comment.commentable_url %p= comment.content ``` ### AntiSpam system **1) Moderation** **2) User agent must have:** * Cookies support * JavaScript and Ajax support _Usually spambots not support Cookies and JavaScript_ **3) Comment form mast have:** * fake (hidden via css) fields _Usually spambots puts data in fake inputs_ **4) Trap via time:** * User should be few seconds on page, before comment sending (by default 5 sec) _Usually spambots works faster, than human. We can try to use this feature of behavior_ **5) IP and User Agent blacklists** ### Strong dependencies of gem ```ruby gem 'the_sortable_tree' gem 'state_machine' ``` * **the_sortable_tree** - render helper for nested set * **state_machine** - states for moderation and callbacks for recalculating of counters when state of comment was changed ## Customization You can use **generators** for copy files into your Application. After that you can customize almost everything Generators list: ```ruby bundle exec rails g the_comments --help ``` Copy View files for customization: ```ruby bundle exec rails g the_comments:views assets bundle exec rails g the_comments:views views ``` Copy Helper file for tree customization: For more info read [TheSortableTree doc](https://github.com/the-teacher/the_sortable_tree) ```ruby bundle exec rails g the_comments:views helper ``` ### User methods * @user.posted_comments (all states) * @user.my_comments (draft, published) * @user.my_comments_count Cache counters methods * @user.recalculate_my_comments_counter! * @user.recalculate_comcoms_counters! Comments methods * @user.comments * @user.comments_sum * @user.draft_comments_count * @user.published_comments_count * @user.deleted_comments_count Comcoms methods * @user.comcoms * @user.comcoms_sum * @user.draft_comcoms_count * @user.published_comcoms_count * @user.deleted_comcoms_count ### Commentable methods * @post.comments * @post.draft_comments_count * @post.published_comments_count * @post.deleted_comments_count * @post.comments_sum (draft + published) * @post.recalculate_comments_counters! Denornalization methods * @post.commentable_title * @post.commentable_url * @post.commentable_state ## Online Support I need your opinion, ideas, user experience - that is why you can ask me about this gem via skype: **ilya.killich** ## About author Yes, It's true - I was a school teacher in the past. That's why my login is the-teacher. Now I'm ruby & frontend developer. I learn, I teach, I make a code. And sorry for my English. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Clone it into local folder 3. Add to Gemfile via **gem 'the_comments', path: '/path/to/gem/the_comments'** 4. Change code 5. git push origin master 6. Create pull request via github ### MIT License Copyright (c) 2013 Ilya N. Zykin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.