module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues PODIO_ITEM_URL = :PODIO_ITEM_URL end class PodioItemAction < Action AUTH_URL = '' BASE_URL = '' def require 'rest_client' require 'json' require 'uri' post_item(params) end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description 'Creates or updates an item within your Podio app' end def self.details "Use this action to create or update an item within your Podio app (see Pass in dictionary with field keys and their values. Field key is located under Modify app -> Advanced -> Developer -> External ID (see" end def self.available_options [ :client_id, env_name: 'PODIO_ITEM_CLIENT_ID', description: 'Client ID for Podio API (see', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "No Client ID for Podio given, pass using `client_id: 'id'`".red unless value && !value.empty? end), :client_secret, env_name: 'PODIO_ITEM_CLIENT_SECRET', description: 'Client secret for Podio API (see', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "No Client Secret for Podio given, pass using `client_secret: 'secret'`".red unless value && !value.empty? end), :app_id, env_name: 'PODIO_ITEM_APP_ID', description: 'App ID of the app you intend to authenticate with (see', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "No App ID for Podio given, pass using `app_id: 'id'`".red unless value && !value.empty? end), :app_token, env_name: 'PODIO_ITEM_APP_TOKEN', description: 'App token of the app you intend to authenticate with (see', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "No App token for Podio given, pass using `app_token: 'token'`".red unless value && !value.empty? end), :identifying_field, env_name: 'PODIO_ITEM_IDENTIFYING_FIELD', description: 'String specifying the field key used for identification of an item', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "No Identifying field given, pass using `identifying_field: 'field name'`".red unless value && !value.empty? end), :identifying_value, description: 'String uniquely specifying an item within the app', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| raise "No Identifying value given, pass using `identifying_value: 'unique value'`".red unless value && !value.empty? end), :other_fields, description: 'Dictionary of your app fields. Podio supports several field types, see', is_string: false, optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['PODIO_ITEM_URL', 'URL to newly created (or updated) Podio item'] ] end def self.authors ['pprochazka72', 'laugejepsen'] end def self.is_supported?(_platform) true end ##################################################### # @!group Logic ##################################################### def self.post_item(options) auth_config = authenticate(options[:client_id], options[:client_secret], options[:app_id], options[:app_token]) item_id, item_url = get_item(auth_config, options[:identifying_field], options[:identifying_value], options[:app_id]) unless options[:other_fields].nil? options[:other_fields].each do |key, value| uri = URI.parse(value) if uri.kind_of?(URI::HTTP) link_embed_id = get_embed_id(auth_config, uri) options[:other_fields].merge!(key => link_embed_id) end end update_item(auth_config, item_id, options[:other_fields]) end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::PODIO_ITEM_URL] = item_url end def self.authenticate(client_id, client_secret, app_id, app_token) auth_response = AUTH_URL, grant_type: 'app', app_id: app_id, app_token: app_token, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret raise 'Failed to authenticate with Podio API' if auth_response.code != 200 auth_response_dictionary = JSON.parse(auth_response.body) access_token = auth_response_dictionary['access_token'] { Authorization: "OAuth2 #{access_token}", content_type: :json, accept: :json } end def self.get_item(auth_config, identifying_field, identifying_value, app_id) item_id, item_url = get_existing_item(auth_config, identifying_value, app_id) unless item_id item_id, item_url = create_item(auth_config, identifying_field, identifying_value, app_id) end [item_id, item_url] end def self.get_existing_item(auth_config, identifying_value, app_id) filter_request_body = { query: identifying_value, limit: 1, ref_type: 'item' }.to_json filter_response = "#{BASE_URL}/search/app/#{app_id}/", filter_request_body, auth_config raise "Failed to search for already existing item #{identifying_value}" if filter_response.code != 200 existing_items = JSON.parse(filter_response.body) existing_item_id = nil existing_item_url = nil if existing_items.length > 0 existing_item = existing_items[0] if existing_item['title'] == identifying_value existing_item_id = existing_item['id'] existing_item_url = existing_item['link'] end end [existing_item_id, existing_item_url] end def self.create_item(auth_config, identifying_field, identifying_value, app_id) item_request_body = { fields: { identifying_field => identifying_value } }.to_json item_response = "#{BASE_URL}/item/app/#{app_id}", item_request_body, auth_config raise "Failed to create item \"#{identifying_value}\"" if item_response.code != 200 item_response_dictionary = JSON.parse(item_response.body) [item_response_dictionary['item_id'], item_response_dictionary['link']] end def self.update_item(auth_config, item_id, fields) if fields.length > 0 item_request_body = { fields: fields }.to_json item_response = RestClient.put "#{BASE_URL}/item/#{item_id}", item_request_body, auth_config raise "Failed to update item values \"#{fields}\"" unless item_response.code != 200 || item_response.code != 204 end end def self.get_embed_id(auth_config, url) embed_request_body = { url: url }.to_json embed_response = "#{BASE_URL}/embed/", embed_request_body, auth_config raise "Failed to create embed for link #{link}" if embed_response.code != 200 embed_response_dictionary = JSON.parse(embed_response.body) embed_response_dictionary['embed_id'] end end end end