require "bigdecimal" module Prawn module Graph module Charts module Legacy class Base attr_accessor :grid, :headings, :values, :highest_value, :document, :colour def initialize(data, document, options = {}) opts = { :theme => Prawn::Graph::Theme::Default, :width => 500, :height => 200, :spacing => 20, :at => [0,0] }.merge(options) (@headings, @values, @highest_value) = process_the data (grid_x_start, grid_y_start, grid_width, grid_height) = parse_sizing_from opts @colour = false @document = document @theme = Prawn::Graph::Theme::Default @grid =, grid_y_start, grid_width, grid_height, opts[:spacing], document, Prawn::Graph::Theme::Default) end # Draws the graph on the document which we have a reference to. # def draw draw_bounding_box @grid.draw label_axes if @title draw_title end plot_values if @x_label draw_x_axis_label end if @y_label draw_y_axis_label end reset end private def draw_bounding_box @document.fill_color @theme.background @document.fill_and_stroke_rectangle [(@point.first - 10), (@point.last + ( @total_height + 40 ))], @document.bounds.width, (@total_height + 40) @document.fill_color '000000' end def label_axes @document.fill_color @theme.title base_x = @grid.start_x + 1 base_y = @grid.start_y + 1 # Put the values up the Y Axis # @document.draw_text @highest_value, :at => [base_x - 15, base_y + @grid.height], :size => 5 @document.draw_text '0', :at => [base_x - 15, base_y ], :size => 5 # Put the column headings along the X Axis # point_spacing = calculate_plot_spacing last_position = base_x + (point_spacing / 2) @headings.each do |heading| @document.draw_text heading, :at => [last_position, base_y - 15 ], :size => 5 last_position += point_spacing end @document.fill_color @theme.background end def draw_title @document.fill_color @theme.title x_coord = calculate_x_axis_center_point(@title, 10) y_coord = @grid.start_y + @grid.height + 10 @document.draw_text @title, :at => [x_coord, y_coord] ,:size => 10 @document.fill_color @theme.background end def draw_x_axis_label @document.fill_color @theme.axes x_coord = calculate_x_axis_center_point(@x_label, 8) y_coord = @grid.start_y - 30 @document.draw_text @x_label, :at => [x_coord, y_coord] ,:size => 8 @document.fill_color @theme.background end def draw_y_axis_label @document.fill_color @theme.axes y_coord = calculate_y_axis_center_point(@y_label, 8) x_coord = @grid.start_x - 30 @document.draw_text @y_label, :at => [x_coord, y_coord] ,:size => 8, :rotate => 90 @document.fill_color @theme.background end # All subclasses of Prawn::Chart::Base must implement thier own plot_values # method, which does the actual real heavy lifting of drawing the graph. # def plot_values raise'subclasses of Prawn::Chart::Base must implement their own plot_values method') end def reset @document.line_width 1 @document.stroke_color '000000' @document.fill_color '000000' @document.move_to @grid.point end # Utility methods for dealing with working out where things should be # the calculations and such done here are all very rough, but are # sufficient for now to plot just what we need. # def parse_sizing_from(o) x_offset = 15 y_offset = 0 move_y_up = 0 grid_width = o[:width] grid_height = o[:height] @total_width = o[:width] @total_height = o[:height] @point = o[:at].dup # Make room for the title if we're choosing to Render it. # if o[:title] @title = o[:title] y_offset += 10 end # Make room for X Axis labels if we're using them. # if o[:label_x] y_offset += 30 move_y_up += 30 @x_label = o[:label_x] end # Make room for Y Axis labels if we're using them. # if o[:label_y] @y_label = o[:label_y] x_offset += 15 end # Return the values calculated here. # [ (o[:at][0] + x_offset), (o[:at][1] + move_y_up + 20), (grid_width - (x_offset - 20)), (grid_height - y_offset) ] end def process_the(data_array) col = [] val = [] data_array.each { |i| val << i[1]; col << i[0] } [ col, val ,val.sort.last ] end def calculate_x_axis_center_point(text, text_size, graph_start_x = @grid.start_x, graph_width = @grid.width) ((graph_start_x + (graph_width / 2)) - ((text.length * text_size) / 4)) end alias calculate_x_axis_centre_point calculate_x_axis_center_point def calculate_y_axis_center_point(text, text_size, graph_start_y = @grid.start_y, graph_height = @grid.height) ((graph_start_y + (graph_height / 2)) - ((text.length * text_size) / 4)) end alias calculate_y_axis_centre_point calculate_y_axis_center_point def calculate_plot_spacing (@grid.width / @values.count) end def calculate_bar_width calculate_plot_spacing / 2 end def calculate_point_height_from(column_value) cv = BigDecimal("#{column_value}") hv = BigDecimal("#{@highest_value}") gh = BigDecimal("#{@grid.height}") percentage = (cv / (hv / 100)) ((gh / 100) * percentage).to_i end end end end end end